Learning iPad Programming: A Hands-on Guide to Building iPad Apps with iOS 5 (Podcast Transcript)
Hi. My name is Kirby Turner, and I'm an independent software developer with White Peak Software. I'm also the author of the book Learning iPad Programming: A Hands-on Guide to Building iPad Apps with iOS 5.
Tell us about your new release. Who is it for and what is it about?
My book Learning iPad Programming is written for the individual with some programming experience, but not necessarily a lotthe hobbyist to a junior-level programmer. The book is actually broken down into three separate parts:
- In Part 1, you'll learn the tools that you need to write an iPad application.
- In Part 2, you'll go through writing a real-world application called PhotoWheel that's available in the App Store.
- Part 3 goes over debugging tips, unit testing tips, and how to distribute your appnot only to your customers through the App Store, but as beta testers.
What makes your book unique?
What makes this book unique is that you don't learn iOS programming by writing a bunch of small sample apps. Instead, with this book you're gonna learn how to write one app that is available in the App Store today. You're gonna take that app from prototyping stage all the way through to App Store submission. This will give you a good sense of what it's like to develop an iPad application in the real world.
What are the three most important things you want people to know about your book?
There are three key aspects that I want you to get out of this book. The first one is that writing an app for the iPad is different from writing an app for the iPhone. The iPad itself is not an oversized iPhone or iPod touch, and in this book I go into detail about what makes the iPad different and how the apps themselves are different, and the types of apps that make sense for the iPad.
The second aspect is that you will learn iOS programming with a focus on iPad programming. While a lot of the techniques could be used for writing an iPhone application, the focus of this book is to learn how to write apps that really shine on the iPad.
The third takeaway is how to polish your app. Many books teach you the technical how-tos of writing an iOS application, but this book goes one step further, and shows you how to polish that app by using great visual effects with animation.
Kirby Turner shares a tip about creating code to work with iPad gestures in "Learning iPad Programming: Using Gesture Recognizers."
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