LinkedIn Profile Power: Add Sections to Generate Better LinkedIn Profile Results
Sections enable you to expand your LinkedIn profile with optional content that highlights your professional accomplishments and showcases your skills. Introduced in early 2011, sections provide an additional opportunity to differentiate your profile from the millions of others on LinkedIn and generate better profile results.
For example, you can use sections to showcase certifications, professional skills, publications, patents, volunteer achievements, test scores, courses, foreign languages, honors, and more. Depending on where you’re at in your career, some sections could be more relevant than others. Although adding sections is a best practice for LinkedIn power users, you shouldn’t go overboard. Focus on adding the sections that highlight your most important achievements rather than everything you’ve ever done. Think about what you want to achieve on LinkedIn as you scroll through the potential sections and add only those that could help you achieve your goals. LinkedIn adds new sections on a regular basis, so you should review this area from time to time to see if there’s anything new to enhance your profile.
In this video, I’ll show you how to add sections and offer tips for making the most of this powerful LinkedIn feature.
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