Working Your Way Around the Desktop
As you can see in Figure 3.1, the Windows XP desktop includes a number of elements. Get to know the desktop; you're going to be seeing a lot of it from now on.
3.1 The Windows XP desktopclick the Start button to get going.
The major parts of the Windows desktop include
Start buttonOpens the Start menu, which is what you can use to open all your programs and documents.
TaskbarDisplays buttons for your open applications and windows, as well as different toolbars for different tasks.
System TrayThe part of the taskbar that holds the clock, volume control, and icons for other utilities that run in the background of your system.
Shortcut iconsThese are links to software programs you can place on your desktop; a "clean" desktop includes just one icon, for the Windows Recycle Bin.
Recycle BinThis is where you dump any files you want to delete.