- First Things First: Java Development Environment
- Installing the Command-Line Interface
- Activating HTTP(S) Proxy Support
- Test Your IBM WebSphere sMash Installation
- Getting Started with the Command-Line Interface (CLI)
- Conclusion
Test Your IBM WebSphere sMash Installation
The quickest way to verify that your IBM WebSphere sMash installation is installed correctly is to run a version check. To do this, open a command line and change directories to the zero installation directory. In this directory, there is a script for Linux named zero and a batch file for Windows named zero.bat. On the command line, type zero version. If your installation has been done properly, you should see output similar to Listing 1.8.
Listing 1.8. Output from the "Zero Version" Command on Windows
C:\temp\zero>zero version CWPZT0901I: The following module(s) are not currently in the local repository: zero:zero.cli.tasks:[,) CWPZT0902I: Trying to locate the module(s) using one of the config- ured remote repositories CWPZT0545I: Retrieving zero.cli.tasks- from host http://www.projectzero.org/sMash/1.1.x/repo/base CWPZT0545I: Retrieving zero.kernel- from host http://www.projectzero.org/sMash/1.1.x/repo/base CWPZT0600I: Command resolve was successful Command-line Version: 20090908 2152 Command-line Information: Name: zero.cli Version: Location: C:\temp\zero Modulegroup: stable Dependencies: zero:zero.cli.tasks: (userhome) zero:zero.kernel: (userhome) The java command path is C:\bin\ibm-java-sdk-60-win-i386\jre\bin\java.exe java version "1.6.0" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pwi3260sr2-20080818_01(SR2)) IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, J2RE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 Windows XP x86-32 jvmwi3260-20080816_22093 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled) J9VM - 20080816_022093_lHdSMr JIT - r9_20080721_1330ifx2 GC - 20080724_AA) JCL - 20080808_02
This listing came from a Windows-based machine, so the output will look slightly different than what you might see on a Linux machine. Also, the versions and paths will be appropriate for the version of IBM WebSphere sMash you downloaded, the version of Java you're using, and the paths you have selected for installation.
You should notice at the top of the output that IBM WebSphere sMash automatically retrieves certain modules from the remote repository. Namely, it retrieves the CLI tasks and the zero kernel modules. These modules are necessary for IBM WebSphere sMash to run and, if successfully downloaded, indicate that you have connectivity to the remote repository.
If you receive errors during the download of these modules, you need to fix those errors before moving on. An easy test to see if you have connectivity to the repository is to take the URL listed in the output in Listing 1.8 and plug it into your web browser. In Listing 1.8, the URL we'd use is the following:
This URL will be different depending on the version of IBM WebSphere sMash you are using. If you have access to the URL from your web browser, but see errors using the zero version check, you probably need to go back to the proxy section and set up a proxy server for IBM WebSphere sMash to use.
When the zero version check works, you can get started using the command-line interface.