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Want to look like a celebrity? Check out Coolspotters, where users link up celebrities with the fashions and products they’re spotted with. Here you’ll find profiles of celebrities, products, and movies, as well as “Spots,” or links between two profiles. Register to add Spots, create and edit profiles, leave comments, and interact with other users.
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E! Online
The official website of E! dishes up celebrity news and inside information about life on the red carpet. You’ll also find music and movie reviews, live-event coverage, and discussion boards, as well as blogs and podcasts. If you like to be in on the latest celebrity gossip, join the 2.5 million people who visit E! Online each month.
Web: www.eonline.com
Facebook: E! online (Page)
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People Magazine 
Readers of People magazine will want to check out its website for up-to-the-minute celebrity news and photos. Peruse sections on style, TV news, celebrity gossip, and video reports. Get celebrity quotes and fun facts and make sure you don’t miss the most-read stories. You can also subscribe to People or sign up for free updates and newsletters.
Facebook: Peoplemag (Page)
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LinkedIn: People Magazine (Company)
TMZ.com is a frequently updated news and gossip site that takes an irreverent peek into the lives of celebrities. Read the latest news, check the schedule for TMZ TV, and find out how to access TMZ on your cellphone. There’s lots of juicy stuff here.
Web: www.tmz.com
Facebook: TMZ (Page)
Twitter: TMZ, TMZcelebs, TMZAol
LinkedIn: TMZ (Company)