- Actors and Actresses
- Celebrities
- Comedians and Humor
- DVDs
- Film Festivals
- Gaming
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- Independent Films
- Movie Reviews
- Movie Theaters
- Music
- Music Genres: Alternative
- Music Genres: Bluegrass
- Music Genres: Christian and Gospel
- Music Genres: Classical and Opera
- Music Genres: Country
- Music Genres: Hip-Hop and Rap
- Music Genres: Jazz
- Music Genres: Rock and Pop
- Music Genres: World Music
- Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Television
- Theater and Musicals
Music Genres: Classical and Opera
Gramophone is one of the world’s premier classical music magazines, and its companion website is bursting with information: news, features, awards, competition notices, a forum, a podcast, a free newsletter, and much more. Don’t miss the Editor’s Choice section, which spotlights 10 great new recordings each month. An incredible resource for classical music lovers.
Web: www.gramophone.co.uk
Facebook: Gramophone (Page)
Twitter: GramophoneMag
LinkedIn: (None)
The Metropolitan Opera
The internationally acclaimed Metropolitan Opera in New York has put together an attractive and informative website. Learn about upcoming productions and the Met’s pioneering program of simulcasting select performances in high-definition into movie theaters around the world. There are sections on the history of the Met (including an archive of performance details), features and interviews, and advice for neophyte operagoers. You can buy subscriptions and tickets online.
Web: www.metoperafamily.org/metopera/
Facebook: The Metropolitan Opera (Page), The Metropolitan Opera Guild (Page), The Metropolitan Opera House (Group)
Twitter: MetOpera
LinkedIn: Metropolitan Opera (Company)
Offering music videos for the classical set, MonteVerdi covers opera, symphonic music, ballet, and more. You can also download audio clips; buy CDs, DVDs, and sheet music from the store; check out links to other classical sites; participate in discussions with other music lovers; and test your knowledge with the music quiz.
Web: http://monteverdi.tv
Facebook: MonteVerdi Media (Page)
Twitter: MonteVerdiMedia
LinkedIn: (None)
New York Philharmonic
The New York Philharmonic is the oldest symphony orchestra in the United States. On its website you’ll find information about tickets, schedules, upcoming broadcasts, and recordings. Its Education section is excellent for anyone who wants to learn about classical music, from kids to adults. Visit the store to buy recordings and other merchandise.
Web: http://nyphil.org/
Facebook: New York Philharmonic (Page), New York Philharmonic (Groups)
Twitter: nyphil
LinkedIn: New York Philharmonic (Company)
OPERA America
OPERA America is “the national service organization for opera,” promoting opera and supporting opera professionals. Its website has sections for Artists, Companies, and Audiences, as well as a Quick Links section to opera resources, such as a nationwide list of opera companies and a directory of new works.
Web: www.operaamerica.org
Facebook: OPERA America (Page)
Twitter: operaamerica
LinkedIn: OPERA America (Company)
Opera Chic
Opera and classical music gossip, news, and reviews (with some fashion commentary thrown in) from an anonymous American blogger living in Milan. The posts are witty, insightful, and often hilarious.
Web: http://operachic.typepad.com/
Facebook: (None)
Twitter: operachic
LinkedIn: (None)
WGBH Classical to Go!
A weekly podcast of classical music from WGBH in Boston.
Facebook: WGBH (Page), TeamClassical Boston (Page), Media Access Group @ WGBH (Page), WGBH Volunteers (Group)
Twitter: wgbhradio
LinkedIn: WGBH (Company)