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- Independent Films
- Movie Reviews
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- Music
- Music Genres: Alternative
- Music Genres: Bluegrass
- Music Genres: Christian and Gospel
- Music Genres: Classical and Opera
- Music Genres: Country
- Music Genres: Hip-Hop and Rap
- Music Genres: Jazz
- Music Genres: Rock and Pop
- Music Genres: World Music
- Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Television
- Theater and Musicals
Music Genres: Alternative
Alternative Addiction 
For the latest news in alternative music, point your web browser to Alternative Addiction. The site features music news and reviews, information about up-and-coming unsigned bands, and a forum for fans, as well as lots of downloads and videos. First Listen features new music, and AA Radio broadcasts the best in alternative music, 24 hours a day. Enter contests or buy stuff in the Alternative Addiction Shop.
Web: www.alternativeaddiction.com
Facebook: Alternative Addiction... (Page)
Twitter: AddictedMusic
LinkedIn: (None)
Web: http://alternativemusic.com/
Facebook: Lakeshore Record Exchange (Page), Lakeshore Record Exchange (Group)
Twitter: _lakeshore_
LinkedIn: (None)
Whether you’re looking for a hot new release or a hard-to-find curio, AlternativeMusic.com is your best bet for buying it. You can search for a particular title or browse the Main and Rarities catalogs. Preview new music or sign up for a free newsletter. Has a blog and a podcast too.
Indie Rock Café
A blog about the alternative music scene. Posts are helpfully organized into categories: Artists & Bands, MP3s & Videos, Concerts & Festivals, Releases & Reviews.
Facebook: Indie Rock Cafe (Page)
Twitter: indierockcafe
LinkedIn: (None)
Insound is an online store that promotes and distributes alternative and independent music. You can buy CDs, downloads, and vinyl here, as well as cool T-shirts, posters, and other gifts. Find out about upcoming releases, listen to Insound radio, and check out special offers.
Web: www.insound.com
Facebook: Insound (Page)
Twitter: Insound
LinkedIn: (None)