- Topological Vulnerability Analysis (TVA)
- Attack Modeling and Simulation
- Optimal Network Protection
- Intrusion Detection and Response
- Summary
- Acknowledgments
Optimal Network Protection
Attack graphs provide a powerful framework for proactive network defenses. Various analytical techniques are available for attack graphs, which provide context for informed risk assessment. Attack graphs pinpoint critical vulnerabilities and form the basis for optimal network hardening. Through sophisticated visualization techniques, purely graph-based and geospatial, you can interactively explore attack graphs. This section's visualizations effectively manage graph complexity without getting overwhelmed with the details. These attack graphs also support numerous key metrics that concisely quantify the overall state of network security.
Vulnerability Mitigation
Attack graphs reveal the true scope of threats by mapping sequences of attacker exploits that can penetrate a network. You can then use these attack graphs to recommend ways to address the threat. This kind of automated support is critical; manually finding such solutions is tedious and error prone, especially for larger networks.
One kind of recommendation is to harden the network at the attack source (the first layer of defense). This option, shown in Figure 5-16, prevents all further attack penetration beyond the source. Here, you use the same attack scenario (starting and ending points), as Figure 5-14 showed. However, the network configuration model is changed slightly, with a resulting change in the attack graph. In particular, the numbers of exploits between protection domains have changed.

Figure 5-16 First-layer network hardening provides recommendations for hardening the network immediately after the attack starting point
For first-layer defense for this network configuration, the recommendation is to block the 20 exploits from the Internet to DMZ. The idea is not to simply rely on preventing these 20 exploits for complete network protection. Instead, it is necessary to point out these critical first steps that give an attacker a foothold in the network. Understanding all known attack paths, not just the first layer, provides defense-in-depth. But, the first layer, which is critical, certainly must be highlighted.
Figure 5-17 shows a different kind of recommendation for network hardening, which is hardening the network at the attack goal at the last layer of defense. This option protects the attack goal (critical network resource) from all sources of attack, regardless of their origins. Here, as always, the assumption is that the compromise of the victim (DMZ) does not imply granting legitimate access to a subsequent victim (database server). If that is the case, such access is included as a potential attacker exploit.

Figure 5-17 Last-layer network hardening provides recommendations for hardening the network immediately before the attack ending point
The attack graph shown in Figure 5-17 is the same as Figure 5-16 (first-layer defense). For last-layer defense, the recommendation is to block the three exploits from DMZ to Databases plus the 28 exploits from Servers_1 to Databases, for a total of 31 exploits. As with first-layer defense, you do simply rely on preventing these last-layer exploits for complete defense-in-depth. Instead, the idea is to highlight these direct attacks against critical assets, which are reachable from anywhere an attacker might be.
Another kind of recommendation is to find the minimum number of blocked exploits that break the paths from attack start to attack goal. In other words, break the graph into two components that separate start from goal, which minimizes the total number of blocked exploits.11
Figure 5-18 shows this concept. For the minimum-cost defense, the recommendation is to block the three exploits from DMZ to Databases plus the seven exploits from DMZ to Servers_1, for a total of ten exploits. This is a savings of ten blocked exploits compared to first-layer hardening and a savings of 21 blocked exploits compared to last-layer hardening. As for first-layer and last-layer defenses, the idea is to highlight critical vulnerabilities that break the attacker's reach to the critical asset. After these are addressed, the residual attack graph can be analyzed for further defense-in-depth.

Figure 5-18 Minimum-cost network hardening provides recommendation for hardening the network involving the fewest number of vulnerabilities blocked.
Attack Graph Visualization
One of the challenges in this attack graph approach is managing attack graph complexity. In early forms, attack graph complexity is exponential12,13,14,15 because paths are explicitly enumerated, which leads to combinatorial explosion. Under reasonable assumptions, attack graph analysis can be formulated as monotonic logic, which makes it unnecessary to explicitly enumerate states leading to polynomial (rather than exponential) complexity.16,17,18 The protection domain abstraction further reduces complexity, to linear within each domain,19 and complexity can be further reduced based on host configuration regularities.20
Thus, although it is computationally feasible to generate attack graphs for reasonably large networks, complex graphs can overwhelm an analyst. Instead of presenting attack graph data in its raw form, you present views that aid in the rapid understanding of overall attack patterns. Employing a clustered graph framework,21 a clustered portion of the attack graph provides a summarized view while showing interactions with other clusters. Arbitrarily large and complex attack graphs can be handled in this way, through multiple levels of clustering.
Through sophisticated visualization,22 graphs can be rolled up or drilled down as the graph is explored. Figure 5-19 shows a visualization interface for attack graph exploration and analysis. The main view of the graph shows all the possible paths through the network based on the user-defined attack scenario. In this view, the analyst can expand or collapse graph clusters (protection domains) as desired, rearrange graph elements, and select elements for further details. In Figure 5-19, two domains are expanded to show their specific hosts and the exploits between them.

Figure 5-19 Attack graph visualization interface
When an edge (set of exploits) is selected in the main view, details for the corresponding exploits are provided. Each exploit record contains numerous relevant fields that describe the underlying vulnerability. A hierarchical (tree) directory of all attack graph elements is provided, linked to other views. A view of the entire graph is constantly maintained, providing the overall context as the main view is rescaled or panned. Automated recommendations for network hardening are provided, and the specific hardening actions taken are logged.
The visualization interface in Figure 5-19 provides an abstract, purely cyber-centric view of network attacks. But, in some situations, understanding the physical location of possible attacks might be important, such as assessing mission impact. Given the locality of network elements, you can embed the attack graph into a geospatial visualization. Figure 5-20 illustrates this. Here, elements of the attack graph are clustered around major network centers, and the graph edges show exploits between centers. Interactive visualization capabilities can support drilldown for further details at a desired level of resolution.

Figure 5-20 Geospatial attack graph user interface
Security Metrics
You face sophisticated attackers who might combine multiple vulnerabilities to penetrate networks with a devastating impact. Assessment of attack risk must go well beyond simply counting the number of vulnerabilities or vulnerable hosts. Metrics, like percentage of patched systems, ignore interactions among network vulnerabilities; such metrics are limited, because vulnerabilities in isolation lack context.
Attack graphs show how network vulnerabilities can be combined to stage an attack, providing a framework for more precise and meaningful security metrics. Attack graph metrics can help quantify the risk associated with potential security breaches, guide decisions about responding to attacks, and accurately measure overall network security. Informed risk assessment requires such a quantitative approach. Desirable properties of metrics include being consistently measurable, inexpensive to collect, unambiguous, and having specific context.23 Metrics based on attack graphs have all these properties.
Some early nonquantitative standardization efforts resulted in the System Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM).24 The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) publications outline processes for implementing security metrics25 and establishing a security baseline.26 The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)27 provides a way to score vulnerabilities based on standard measures. But, in all these cases, vulnerabilities are treated in isolation without considering their interdependencies on a target network.
In contrast, attack graph metrics are holistic measures that take into account patterns of vulnerability paths across the network. These can also be tailored for specific attack scenarios, including assumed threat origins and/or critical resources to protect. They provide consistent measures over time, so that an organization can continually monitor security posture through the course of network operation. They can also evaluate the relative security of planned network changes so that risks can be assessed and alternatives compared in advance of actual deployment.
One basic metric might be the overall size (vertices and edges) of the attack graph. For example, for a given attack scenario, the attack paths might constitute only a small subset of the total network vulnerabilities. This could be for a given attack starting point with the attack goal unconstrained, thus measuring the total forward reach of the attacker. Or it could be for a given attack goal with the attack start unconstrained, measuring the backward susceptibility of a critical asset. Alternatively, it could be computed for constrained start and constrained goal, measuring joint attack reachability/susceptibility.
Although the attack graph size provides a basic indicator, it does not fully quantify levels of effort for defending against attacks. For example, the number of exploits in the first-layer hardening recommendation quantifies the effort for blocking initial network penetration. Similarly, the number of exploits in the last-layer recommendation quantifies the effort for blocking final-step critical asset compromise. The minimum-effort recommendation quantifies the overall least effort required to block an attacker from a critical asset.
Another idea is to normalize metrics by the size of the network, which yields a measure that can be compared across networks of different sizes. You could also extend your attack graph models to deal with uncertainties. For example, given that each exploit has individual measures of likelihood, difficulty, and so on, you can propagate these through the attack graph, according to the logical implications of exploit interdependencies. This approach can derive an overall measure for the network, such as the likelihood of a catastrophic compromise. Such a measure might then be included in more general assessments of overall business risk. You can then rank risk-mitigation options in terms of maximizing security and minimizing business cost.
The kind of precise measurement provided by attack graphs can also help clarify security requirements and guard against potentially misleading "rule of thumb" assumptions.28 For example, suppose a network has many vulnerable services, but those services are not exposed through firewalls. Then, another network has fewer vulnerable services, but they are all exposed through firewalls. Comparing attack graphs, from outside the firewalls, the first network is more secure.
Making network host configurations more diverse, presumably to make the attacker's job more difficult, might not necessarily improve security. For example, this might provide more paths leading to critical assets. By taking into account the diversity of configurations in the model, the attack graph metrics give precise measures for analyzing these situations.