- Setting General Preferences
- Setting Desktop View Preferences
- Sorting Lists
- Displaying Lists on Forms
- Adding Accounts
- Using Account Numbers
- Adding Customers
- Displaying Detailed Customer Information
- Adding Vendors
- Adding Items
- Adding Information "On-the-Fly"
- Moving Items on a List
- Creating Subitems
- Editing Information on a List
- Hiding Entries on Lists
- Deleting Entries on a List
- Merging Entries on a List
- Printing Lists
- Searching for Transactions
- Generating a QuickReport
- Setting Accounting Preferences
This chapter is from the book
Displaying Lists on Forms
When you’re filling out a form, remember that all the information you enter on the form comes from your lists. Customers, vendors, product names, types of service, account names, shipping options, and payment terms all reside on lists. You don’t have to guess how a vendor’s name is spelled or the specific name of a product. You can display the appropriate list, select the item you need, and then close the list and complete your form.
Open a form. For this example, an invoice has been opened.
Place your cursor in a field (for example, the vendor field, customer field, or item field) on your form.
Method #1: Click the drop-down arrow that appears in the field.
Click an item on the list. The list closes and the item appears in the appropriate field.
Method #2: With your cursor in the field you want to fill, press Alt+down arrow on your keyboard.
Arrow up or down on your keyboard to the item you want.
Press Enter to select the item. The list closes and the item appears in the appropriate field.
Method #3: With your cursor in the field you want to fill, press Ctrl+L. A separate list window appears.
Arrow down to the item you want.
Press Ctrl+U. The item is selected and placed in the appropriate field.