Importing Photos into the Organizer in Adobe Photoshop Elements
- Introduction
- Specifying Watched Folders
- Importing Tags Attached to Photos
- Getting Photos from Files and Folders
- Getting Photos by Searching
- Getting Photos from a CD or DVD
- Getting Photos from a Camera or Card Reader
- Getting Photos from a Scanner
- Getting Photos from a Mobile Phone
- Getting Photos from a Video in the Editor
- Adding Photos to the Organizer from the Editor
- Creating and Opening a Catalog
- Managing Catalogs
- Moving Files in a Catalog
- Deleting Files from a Catalog
- Backing Up a Catalog
- Restoring a Catalog Backup
Before you can start using Photoshop Elements to edit photos and create projects, you need to import your photos and other media files into one or more catalogs. A catalog is a way to reference files on your computer or other storage device without moving them. Think of a catalog as a database of links to your photos and media files. The catalog links keep track of the photo’s location, file format, attached tags, and date. A catalog can reference all the media you have on your computer or a subset of folders. Typically, users create a single catalog for all the media files on their computer. However, you can create more than one for different purposes, such as one catalog for work-related photos and media files, and another one for personal use.
You create a catalog by starting Photoshop Elements for the first time, and then clicking Yes in the Setup Organizer dialog box, or by using commands—such as From Camera or Card Reader, From Scanner, or From Files and Folders—on the Get Photos and Videos submenu on the File menu. After you have Photoshop Elements create a catalog, you can start to use the Organizer to manage, search, and fix photos and other media files.