Blending Images in Java
- A First Technique for Blending Images
- A Better Technique for Blending Images
- Blending Slides
- Conclusion
Many slideshow programs provide visual transitions between consecutively displayed images. The same is true of movies, which often provide visual transitions between consecutive scenes (sequences of images). One of these transitions is the blending transition, which gradually combines the next image or scene with the current image/scene, until the next image or scene completely replaces the current image/scene.
This article introduces you to the blending transition. First we'll look at an algorithm for blending two images by directly manipulating their pixels, followed by a Java application that demonstrates this algorithm. Then we'll focus on a superior technique for blending images: alpha compositing. Finally, I'll reveal a Java slideshow application that performs slide transitions via blending as a practical demonstration.
A First Technique for Blending Images
You can blend two images of the same size into a resulting image by linearly combining their pixel values. The idea is to take a weighted average of equivalent pixel values, such as 50% of the first image's pixel values and 50% of the second image's pixel values (which yields a resulting image that equally reveals both images). The algorithm described in Listing 1 demonstrates this blending technique.
Listing 1 Blending algorithm.
Assume images X and Y with the same widths and the same heights. Assume X and Y store their pixels in the RGB format. Assume image Z holds the blended image with the same width, height, and RGB format. SET weight TO 0.3 // Percentage fraction (between 0 and 1) of image X to retain // (retain 30%). The percentage fraction of image Y to retain is // set to 1-weight so that each color component remains in range // 0-255. FOR row = 1 TO height FOR col = 1 TO width SET Z [row][col].red TO X [row][col].red*weight+Y [row][col].red*(1-weight) SET Z [row][col].green TO X [row][col].green*weight+Y [row][col].green*(1-weight) SET Z [row][col].blue TO X [row][col].blue*weight+Y [row][col].blue*(1-weight) END FOR END FOR
The Blender1 application in Listing 2 demonstrates this algorithm. Blender1 creates a GUI with an image panel and a slider, loads two JPEG images from files image1.jpg and image2.jpg, and displays the first image. The application responds to slider movements by blending these images and displaying the blended result.
Listing 2
// import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; /** * This class describes and contains the entry point to an application that * demonstrates the blending transition. */ public class Blender1 extends JFrame { /** * Construct Blender1 GUI. */ public Blender1 () { super ("Blender #1"); setDefaultCloseOperation (EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Load first image from JAR file and draw image into a buffered image. ImageIcon ii1 = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("/image1.jpg")); final BufferedImage bi1; bi1 = new BufferedImage (ii1.getIconWidth (), ii1.getIconHeight (), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g2d = bi1.createGraphics (); g2d.drawImage (ii1.getImage (), 0, 0, null); g2d.dispose (); // Load second image from JAR file and draw image into a buffered image. ImageIcon ii2 = new ImageIcon (getClass ().getResource ("/image2.jpg")); final BufferedImage bi2; bi2 = new BufferedImage (ii2.getIconWidth (), ii2.getIconHeight (), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g2d = bi2.createGraphics (); g2d.drawImage (ii2.getImage (), 0, 0, null); g2d.dispose (); // Create an image panel capable of displaying entire image. The widths // of both images and the heights of both images must be identical. final ImagePanel ip = new ImagePanel (); ip.setPreferredSize (new Dimension (ii1.getIconWidth (), ii1.getIconHeight ())); getContentPane ().add (ip, BorderLayout.NORTH); // Create a slider for selecting the blending percentage: 100% means // show all of first image; 0% means show all of second image. final JSlider slider = new JSlider (JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 100, 100); slider.setMinorTickSpacing (5); slider.setMajorTickSpacing (10); slider.setPaintTicks (true); slider.setPaintLabels (true); slider.setLabelTable (slider.createStandardLabels (10)); slider.setInverted (true); ChangeListener cl; cl = new ChangeListener () { public void stateChanged (ChangeEvent e) { // Each time the user adjusts the slider, obtain the new // blend percentage value and use it to blend the images. int value = slider.getValue (); ip.setImage (blend (bi1, bi2, value/100.0)); } }; slider.addChangeListener (cl); getContentPane ().add (slider, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // Display the first image, which corresponds to a 100% blend percentage. ip.setImage (bi1); pack (); setVisible (true); } /** * Blend the contents of two BufferedImages according to a specified * weight. * * @param bi1 first BufferedImage * @param bi2 second BufferedImage * @param weight the fractional percentage of the first image to keep * * @return new BufferedImage containing blended contents of BufferedImage * arguments */ public BufferedImage blend (BufferedImage bi1, BufferedImage bi2, double weight) { if (bi1 == null) throw new NullPointerException ("bi1 is null"); if (bi2 == null) throw new NullPointerException ("bi2 is null"); int width = bi1.getWidth (); if (width != bi2.getWidth ()) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("widths not equal"); int height = bi1.getHeight (); if (height != bi2.getHeight ()) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("heights not equal"); BufferedImage bi3 = new BufferedImage (width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); int [] rgbim1 = new int [width]; int [] rgbim2 = new int [width]; int [] rgbim3 = new int [width]; for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) { bi1.getRGB (0, row, width, 1, rgbim1, 0, width); bi2.getRGB (0, row, width, 1, rgbim2, 0, width); for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int rgb1 = rgbim1 [col]; int r1 = (rgb1 >> 16) & 255; int g1 = (rgb1 >> 8) & 255; int b1 = rgb1 & 255; int rgb2 = rgbim2 [col]; int r2 = (rgb2 >> 16) & 255; int g2 = (rgb2 >> 8) & 255; int b2 = rgb2 & 255; int r3 = (int) (r1*weight+r2*(1.0-weight)); int g3 = (int) (g1*weight+g2*(1.0-weight)); int b3 = (int) (b1*weight+b2*(1.0-weight)); rgbim3 [col] = (r3 << 16) | (g3 << 8) | b3; } bi3.setRGB (0, row, width, 1, rgbim3, 0, width); } return bi3; } /** * Application entry point. * * @param args array of command-line arguments */ public static void main (String [] args) { Runnable r = new Runnable () { public void run () { // Create Blender1's GUI on the event-dispatching // thread. new Blender1 (); } }; EventQueue.invokeLater (r); } } /** * This class describes a panel that displays a BufferedImage's contents. */ class ImagePanel extends JPanel { private BufferedImage bi; /** * Specify and paint a new BufferedImage. * * @param bi BufferedImage whose contents are to be painted */ void setImage (BufferedImage bi) { = bi; repaint (); } /** * Paint the image panel. * * @param g graphics context used to paint the contents of the current * BufferedImage */ public void paintComponent (Graphics g) { if (bi != null) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; g2d.drawImage (bi, null, 0, 0); } } }
Blender1 uses the javax.swing.ImageIcon class with Class's public URL getResource(String name) method (in case the images are stored in a JAR file) to load both images. Because ImageIcon returns a java.awt.Image, and because blending needs pixel access, the image is copied to a java.awt.image.BufferedImage, which makes pixel access possible.
After performing sanity checks to ensure that its BufferedImage arguments are non-null, and that they have the same widths and heights, the public BufferedImage blend(BufferedImage bi1, BufferedImage bi2, double weight) method executes the blending algorithm. The weight value specifies the fractional percentage of the first image's pixel values to keep—from 1.0 (everything) to 0.0 (nothing).
To play with Blender1, first compile its source code (via javac and run the application (via java Blender1). As you move the GUI's slider, the resulting change events convert the slider's percentage value to a fractional percentage weight, perform the blending, and update the image panel with the resulting image. Figure 1 shows the Blender1 GUI on a Windows XP platform.

Figure 1 Equal amounts of the first and second images are visible when the slider is set to 50.