Facebook Marketing: Targeting Your Profile
- Welcome to Facebook Marketing
- Welcome to Facebook
- Getting Started with Facebook
- The Profile Tab
- The Friends Tab
- The Inbox Tab
- Getting Help
In This Chapter:
- Welcome to Facebook Marketing
- Signing Up for Facebook
- Understanding Your Profile
- An Overview of Facebook
- "[In] the last hundred years...the way to advertise was to get into the mass media and push out your content...In the next hundred years information won't be just pushed out to people, it will be shared among the millions of connections people have. Advertising will change. You will need to get into these connections."
- Mark Zuckerberg
- CEO Facebook
Welcome to Facebook Marketing
Welcome to Facebook—a premiere social networking site, meeting place for about 80 million users, and marketer's dream—if you know how to market there. We want to say from the outset that the old marketing standby, interruption marketing, in which the viewer has to sit through an ad, won't cut it on Facebook. We're into a whole new realm of marketing now, with new terms such as content marketing and viral marketing.
It's a new world for marketers, who are just coming to grips with that new world. The potential is enormous, and the payoff is huge—if you play by the Facebook community's rules. It's not as though marketing is imposed on Facebook users who don't want to see it. Most Facebook users are interested in what you have to offer, if you present it effectively—and correctly.
That's what this book is all about—the marketing revolution that is social networking. Contrary to what you may have heard, marketing is not an anathema in social networking—far from it. But marketers have a steep learning curve.
This book penetrates the world of social networking from a marketer's perspective. Again, let me emphasize that marketing is not at all unwelcome on Facebook, but it can't look like standard, old-world marketing.
This book shows you what works and what to avoid. The main difference between old-world and new-world marketing is that now your potential customers are much more in control of their environment, and you're the one who has to fit in. Unlike the passive consumers targeted by television advertising, Facebook users can talk to each other, form groups, and polarize for or against what you have to offer.
It's no longer the corporation with the biggest budget that wins. Stunning marketing upsets are occurring in the social networks every day. Your creativity—and your ability to engage users—determine your success.
That's a fundamental change: your potential customers are now in charge of the marketing environment, and you must be the one who fits in, not the reverse. Yet the rewards are immense, so it's worth your while to understand the new rules. It's a matter of watching and learning, so we'll look at what works and what doesn't, at case studies, at interviews with marketers, and more.
Dozens of tools are available to marketers on Facebook, but you have to be careful. If you screw up, or try to bludgeon your potential customers with your message, you will be dead in the water. Either you'll be ostracized, or Facebook will remove your account for spamming.
This chapter introduces the basics of Facebook—topics and resources we'll take for granted in the coming chapters, such as Facebook profiles, the Wall, friends, and more. In other words, this chapter lays the foundation for the rest of the book.
If you're already an accomplished Facebook user, you might want to skip to Chapter 2, "Facebook Groups." Otherwise, let's begin with an overview of Facebook.