Messaging Fundamentals
Whether you have used email for years, are just beginning, or are curious to learn the easiest and most efficient ways to communicate electronically, this chapter will apply to you. Our goal is to provide a logical and productive set of tools for accessing, sending, reading, forwarding, replying to, and deleting messages.
This chapter teaches you the fundamentals of GroupWise 6.5 messaging. GroupWise 6.5 is more than just an email program; it is an Internet-enabled personal time manager, a group scheduler, a document-management system (that is, it can be used for managing word processing documents and other application data), a collaboration program (meaning it provides sharing of information between working groups), and an email program all rolled into one.
As you saw in Chapter 1, "Introduction to GroupWise 6.5," several types of GroupWise messages exist. Typically, these include mail messages, phone messages, appointments, tasks, and reminder notes; however, other types of messages are available in enhanced GroupWise systems. You can send all of these message types to other users. You can also use GroupWise messages to keep track of your own schedule. Keep in mind that proper use and management of all message types are essential to using GroupWise effectively.
GroupWise 6.5 uses icons to represent different message types and to reflect changes in the status of messages. By glancing at any icon in your mailbox, you can identify which type of message it represents. You can also tell whether the message has file attachments, what its priority level is, and whether you have already opened the message.
Figure 3.1 shows how different message icons appear in the GroupWise Mailbox folder when the corresponding messages are either opened or unopened. You should familiarize yourself with the different message icons so you can easily manage the different message types. Note the subject of each message in Figure 3.1.
3.1 Different message types as they appear in the Mailbox folder.
Other visual clues give different kinds of information about messages. A paper clip next to a message indicates that the message includes an attachment (such as one or more files or a forwarded message that you can read once you open the email message). Two arrows indicate that a reply is requested. A red message icon indicates a high-priority message, and a gray message icon indicates a low-priority message. (We explain how to set message priorities in Chapter 8, "Advanced Features.") If the folder contains a reference to a document, spreadsheet, or other data stored in a GroupWise library, the icon reflects the application it is associated with. For example, a reference to a file with a .doc extension has a Microsoft Word icon, if your computer associates DOC files with that word processing application. (GroupWise document management is explained in Chapter 9, "Document Management.")
About GroupWise Accounts
One of the strongest features of GroupWise is the ability to centralize your different email accounts into one concise program. You can use GroupWise not only to access your company messages (also known as your GroupWise mailbox) but also to access personal or other email accounts, such as an AOL email account, using GroupWise 6.5. We will explain how to set up access to other email accounts in Chapter 8.
GroupWise Mailbox
Your company-established email account is known as the GroupWise mailbox. Each user in GroupWise has his or her own GroupWise mailbox. These mailboxes are usually created and managed by your company's IT department and stored on servers on your company's network. The GroupWise 6.5 client program is how you access this information. When you run GroupWise, you are typically accessing your GroupWise mailbox. Your company may have established email policies regarding the use of GroupWise.