- Why Design Patterns Still Matter
- Oct 28, 2014
- Matt Heusser explores where design patterns came from, shows why they matter, and argues that they're more relevant today than ever.
- Using Models to Help Plan Tests in Agile Projects
- Oct 16, 2014
- This chapter from More Agile Testing: Learning Journeys for the Whole Team looks at some foundations of agile test planning and how they are evolving.
- Information Governance & EIM Overview Governance
- Oct 8, 2014
- This chapter from Performing Information Governance: A Step-by-step Guide to Making Information Governance Work focuses on each of the functions within EIM in terms of their purpose, unique artifacts that are used to design and maintain the applications, and how they are built. It explains how these different functions interconnect to provide an entire information environment for an organization.
- System Center 2012 Service Management Basics
- Oct 8, 2014
- This chapter from System Center 2012 Service Manager Unleashed introduces System Center Service Manager. Service Manager provides user-centric support, enables data center management efficiency, and enables you to align to your organization’s business goals and adapt to ever-changing business requirements.
- Preface to Improving Software Development Productivity: Effective Leadership and Quantitative Methods in Software Management
- Sep 2, 2014
- In this preface to Improving Software Development Productivity: Effective Leadership and Quantitative Methods in Software Management, Randall Jensen introduces his book, which will help you measure your organization's capacity and productivity, and then use that information to improve multiple facets of developer and team performance, and to build more accurate estimates and schedules.
- Why Performance Engineering? Why Performance Engineers?
- Sep 1, 2014
- This chapter from Foundations of Software and System Performance Engineering: Process, Performance Modeling, Requirements, Testing, Scalability, and Practice describes the importance of performance engineering in a software project and explains the role of a performance engineer in ensuring that the system has good performance upon delivery. Overviews of different aspects of performance engineering are given.
- Why Do We Still Have Software Development Problems?
- Aug 29, 2014
- Why do software problems raised at a 1968 NATO Conference on Software Engineering still persist in much of the software development industry today, some 40 years later? In this chapter from Improving Software Development Productivity: Effective Leadership and Quantitative Methods in Software Management, Randy Jensen takes a look at at the main issues that continue to plague software projects.
- 12 More Essential Skills for Software Architects: Technology Innovation
- Aug 25, 2014
- This chapter from 12 More Essential Skills for Software Architects unveils one of the essential skills needed by a software architect: the ability to identify, assess, and infuse new and potentially disruptive technologies in a business-centric fashion.
- The Rise and Fall of Pointer Arithmetic in the Evolution of Memory Management
- Aug 25, 2014
- Matt Weisfeld, author of The Object-Oriented Thought Process, Fourth Edition, discusses the advantages and hazards of using pointers to access and manipulate memory addresses directly. The risks are significant enough that some languages allow this feature, while others expressly prohibit it. What's so dangerous - and tantalizingly powerful - about pointer arithmetic?
- How to Work with Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions in the C Programming Language
- Aug 21, 2014
- C has a rich variety of math operators that you can use to manipulate your data. In this chapter from Programming in C, 4th Edition, Stephen G. Kochan covers the int, float, double, char, and _Bool data types, modifying data types with short, long, and long long, the rules for naming variables, basic math operators and arithmetic expressions, and type casting.
- Managing Trust in Distributed Teams
- Aug 19, 2014
- With worldwide access available and relatively inexpensive via the Internet and modern technologies, many organizations are puzzling their way through learning how best to work with individuals and groups in multiple locations and time zones. Any kind of diversity in a team adds to the manager's complications, but building trust between individuals is the biggest problem of all. Pat Brans examines the unique trust issues involved in managing a distributed team.
- Preface to Foundations of Software and System Performance Engineering: Process, Performance Modeling, Requirements, Testing, Scalability, and Practice
- Aug 7, 2014
- In this preface to Foundations of Software and System Performance Engineering: Process, Performance Modeling, Requirements, Testing, Scalability, and Practice, André B. Bondi talks about the scope and purpose of his book, which discusses the practice of the performance engineering of software systems and software-controlled systems.
- Preface to 12 More Essential Skills for Software Architects
- Jul 30, 2014
- Dave Hendricksen introduces his book, 12 More Essential Skills for Software Architects; learn the three sets of skills that will have the greatest impact on your ability to succeed and ascend.
- Organizational Culture Considerations with Agile
- Jul 24, 2014
- The organizational culture impacts to an Agile transformation are profound. Successful implementations need support from the team members, management, and executives to embrace new ways of completing work and collaborating. Every role in the organization will be affected in some way, and by understanding what is different and what drives success in each role, we are better positioned for the increase in productivity, responsiveness, and customer satisfaction that can be delivered by becoming Agile.
- Improving the Design and Implementation of Object-Oriented Code: The Ongoing Quest for Data Integrity
- Jul 23, 2014
- Matt Weisfeld, author of The Object-Oriented Thought Process, Fourth Edition, travels through time to show the evolution of accessor methods to improve data security and integrity in both structured programming and object-oriented programming. Along the way, we learn about the mechanisms in place today to help produce robust and secure code.
- Preface to Introduction to Agile Methods
- Jul 16, 2014
- Sondra Ashmore and Kristin Runyan introduce their book, Introduction to Agile Methods, the place to start for students and professionals who want to understand Agile and become conversant with Agile values, principles, framework, and processes.
- Help Me Hire Your Students! Why Companies Need Universities to Teach Agile Development
- Jul 14, 2014
- Sondra Ashmore, co-author with Kristin Runyan of Introduction to Agile Methods, discusses how she came to discover the need for a university course curriculum on Agile software development. As Agile becomes more widely adopted in business, new employees will be expected to know Agile basics. Educational institutions have to start training those future hires in the Agile skills they'll need in the work force after graduation.
- The Third Principle of the Incremental Commitment Spiral Model: Concurrent Multidiscipline Engineering
- Jul 9, 2014
- This chapter from The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model: Principles and Practices for Successful Systems and Software discusses the third principle of the model: concurrent multidiscipline engineering.
- Preface to The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model: Principles and Practices for Successful Systems and Software
- Jun 18, 2014
- Do your projects overrun their budgets and schedule or have a lot of late rework or technical debt? Are your delivered systems hard to maintain? Do your systems need to succeed in situations involving rapid change, emergent requirements, high levels of assurance, or some combination of those? If so, then this might be the right book for you.
- Why Encapsulation Is Fundamental to Object-Oriented Programming
- Jun 2, 2014
- Encapsulation is so fundamental to OO that it is one of OO design’s cardinal rules. Inheritance is also considered one of the three primary OO concepts. However, in one way, inheritance actually breaks encapsulation! How can this be? Is it possible that two of the three primary concepts of OO are incompatible with each other? Matt Weisfeld explores this possibility.