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HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself: Covering HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery, 7th Edition

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HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself: Covering HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery, 7th Edition

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  • The classic foundational primer on web development: uniquely thorough, and reworked from the ground up to teach HTML5/CSS3 from the start
  • More in-depth HTML5/CSS3 coverage: create interactive, dynamic web sites with the latest JavaScript libraries, blogging services, and social web technologies
  • Known worldwide for its approachable, step-by-step instructions, interesting examples, and detailed coverage: perfect for serious learners
  • Introduces advanced CSS3 techniques and shows how to make the most of modern tools and web servers
  • 500,000+ copies sold to date!


  • Copyright 2016
  • Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/8"
  • Pages: 768
  • Edition: 7th
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-672-33623-5
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-672-33623-2

Thoroughly revised and updated with examples rewritten to conform to HTML5, CSS3, and contemporary web development practices, this easy-to-understand, step-by-step tutorial helps you quickly master the basics of HTML and CSS before moving on to more advanced topics such as graphics, video, and interactivity with JavaScript and jQuery. 
In just one hour a day, you’ll learn the skills you need to design, create, and maintain a professional-looking website. 

  • No previous experience required. By following each short, one-hour lesson in this book, anyone can learn the basics of web development.
  • Learn at your own pace. You can work through each lesson sequentially to make sure you thoroughly understand all the concepts and methodologies, or you can focus on specific lessons to learn the techniques that interest you most.
  • Test your knowledge. Each lesson ends with a Workshop section filled with questions, answers, and exercises for further study.
Learn how to...
  • Fully implement the HTML5 and CSS3 standards
  • Work with text and create links
  • Add images and graphics to your page
  • Use CSS to style a site and position elements on a page
  • Structure a page with HTML5 
  • Use responsive web design to make your pages look good on different-sized screens
  • Use JavaScript to add dynamic elements and interactivity on your pages
  • Leverage jQuery to add JavaScript features to your pages
  • Design for the mobile web
  • Get your site online and let people know it’s there
  • Optimize your site for search engines
Contents at a Glance
PART I: Getting Started1 What Is Web Publishing2 Getting Your Tools in Order3 Introducing HTML and CSS
PART II: Creating Web Pages4 Learning the Basics of HTML 5 Organizing Information with Lists6 Working with Links
PART III: Doing More with HTML and CSS7 Formatting Text with HTML and CSS8 Using CSS to Style a Site9 Using Images on Your Web Pages10 Building Tables11 Using CSS to Position Elements on a Page12 Designing Forms13 Structuring a Page with HTML514 Integrating Multimedia: Video and Sound15 Advanced CSS: Page Layout in CSS16 Using Responsive Web Design
PART IV: Using JavaScript and jQuery17 Introducing JavaScript18 Using jQuery19 Using JavaScript in Your Pages20 Working with Frames and Linked Windows
PART V: Designing for Everyone21 Designing for the Mobile Web22 Designing for User Experience
PART VI: Going Live on the Web23 How to Publish Your Site24 Taking Advantage of the Server25 Search Engines and SEO



A note in this book indicating the availability of downloadable source code was an inadvertent holdover from a previous edition of this title. No source code download file is available. Please accept our apology for the inconvenience.

Sample Content

Online Sample Chapter

Learning the Basics of HTML

Sample Pages

Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 4 and Index)

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

PART I: Getting Started

Lesson 1: What Is Web Publishing?

Thinking Like a Web Publisher

    The Web Is a Hypertext Information System

    The Web Is Cross-Platform

    The Web Is Distributed

    The Web Is Dynamic

    The Web Is Interactive

Web Browsers

    What the Browser Does

    An Overview of Some Popular Browsers

Web Servers

Uniform Resource Locators

Defining Web Publishing Broadly





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Lesson 2: Getting Your Tools in Order

Anatomy of a Website

Setting Up Your Computer for Web Publishing

    Text Editors

    A Web Browser

Using the Google Chrome Developer Tools

What Do You Want to Do on the Web?

Wireframing Your Website

    What’s Wireframing, and Why Do I Need It?

    Hints for Wireframing

Web Hosting

    Using a Content-Management Application

    Setting Up Your Own Web Hosting





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Lesson 3: Introducing HTML and CSS

What HTML Is (And What It Isn’t)

    HTML Describes the Structure of a Page

    HTML Does Not Describe Page Layout

    Why It Works This Way

    How Markup Works

What HTML Files Look Like

    Text Formatting and HTML

HTML Attributes

Using the style Attribute

    Including Styles in Tags

A Short History of HTML Standards


The Current and Evolving Standard: HTML5





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PART II: Creating Web Pages

Lesson 4: Learning the Basics of HTML

Structuring Your HTML

    The <html> Tag

    The <head> Tag

    The <body> Tag

The Title








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Lesson 5: Organizing Information with Lists

Lists: An Overview

Numbered Lists

    Customizing Ordered Lists

Unordered Lists

    Customizing Unordered Lists

Definition Lists

Nesting Lists

Other Uses for Lists





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Lesson 6: Working with Links

Creating Links

    The Link Tag: <a>

Linking Local Pages Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames

    Absolute Pathnames

    Should You Use Relative or Absolute Pathnames?

Links to Other Documents on the Web

Linking to Specific Places Within Documents

    Creating Links and Anchors

    The name Attribute of the <a> Tag

    Linking to Elements in the Same Document

Anatomy of a URL

    Parts of URLs

    Special Characters in URLs

    The rel Attribute

Kinds of URLs


    Anonymous FTP

    Non-Anonymous FTP







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PART III: Doing More with HTML and CSS

Lesson 7: Formatting Text with HTML and CSS

Character-Level Elements

    Semantic HTML Tags

    Changes to Physical Style Tags in HTML5

Character Formatting Using CSS

    The Text Decoration Property

    Font Properties

Preformatted Text

Horizontal Rules (or Thematic Breaks)

    Attributes of the <hr> Tag

Line Break



Special Characters

    Character Encoding

    Character Entities for Special Characters

    Character Entities for Reserved Characters

Fonts and Font Sizes





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Lesson 8: Using CSS to Style a Site

Including Style Sheets in a Page

    Creating Page-Level Styles

    Creating Sitewide Style Sheets


    Contextual Selectors

    Classes and IDs

    What Cascading Means

Units of Measure

    Specifying Colors

Editing Styles with Developer Tools

Using Color


The Box Model


    Margins and Padding

    Controlling Size and Element Display


More Selectors


    Attribute Selectors

The <body> Tag





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Lesson 9: Using Images on Your Web Pages

Images on the Web

Image Formats





Inline Images in HTML: The <img> Tag

    Adding Alternative Text to Images

Images and Text

    Text and Image Alignment

    Wrapping Text Next to Images

    Adjusting the Space Around Images

Images and Links

Other Neat Tricks with Images

    Image Dimensions and Scaling

Image Backgrounds

Using Images as Bullets

What Is an Imagemap?

    Getting an Image

    Determining Your Coordinates

    The <map> and <area> Tags

    The usemap Attribute

Image Etiquette





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Lesson 10: Building Tables

Creating Tables

Table Parts

    The <table> Element

    Summarizing the Table

    Rows and Cells

    Empty Cells


Sizing Tables, Borders, and Cells

    Setting Table Widths

    Changing Table Borders

    Cell Padding

    Cell Spacing

    Column Widths

Table and Cell Color

Aligning Your Table Content

    Table Alignment

    Cell and Caption Alignment

Spanning Multiple Rows or Columns

More Advanced Table Enhancements

    Grouping and Aligning Columns

    Grouping and Aligning Rows

How Tables Are Used





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Lesson 11: Using CSS to Position Elements on the Page

Positioning Schemes

    Relative Positioning

Absolute Positioning

    Positioning Properties

    Positioning Properties and Height and Width

    Nesting Absolutely Positioned Elements

    Dynamic Overlays

Fixed Positioning

Controlling Stacking

Creating Drop-Down Menus





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Lesson 12: Designing Forms

Understanding Form and Function

Using the <form> Tag

Using the <label> Tag

Creating Form Controls with the <input> Tag

    Creating Text Controls

    Adding Options to Text Fields with datalist

    Using the New HTML5 Controls

    Creating Password Controls

    Creating Submit Buttons

    Creating Reset Buttons

    Creating Check Box Controls

    Creating Radio Buttons

    Using Images as Submit Buttons

    Creating Generic Buttons

    Hidden Form Fields

    The File Upload Control

Using Other Form Controls

    Using the button Element

    Creating Large Text-Entry Fields with textarea

    Creating Menus with select and option

Grouping Controls with fieldset and legend

    Changing the Default Form Navigation

    Using Access Keys

    Creating disabled and readonly Controls

Displaying Updates with progress and meter

Applying Cascading Style Sheet Properties to Form Elements

Planning Your Forms





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Lesson 13: Structuring a Page with HTML5

A Short History of HTML Page Layout

Laying Out a Page in HTML5

HTML5 Structural Tags







The Page Outline

    Elements with Their Own Outlines

Using HTML5 Structural Elements

    Polyfill Scripts





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Lesson 14: Integrating Multimedia: Video and Sound

Embedding Video the Simple Way

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Hosting Videos on External Sites

    Uploading Videos to YouTube

    Customizing the Video Player

    Other Services

Hosting Your Own Video

    Video and Container Formats

    Converting Video to H.264

Embedding Video Using <video>

    The <video> Tag

    Using the <source> Element

Embedding Flash Using the <object> Tag

    Alternative Content for the <object> Tag

The <embed> Tag

Embedding Flash Movies Using SWFObject

Flash Video Players

    JW Player

    Using Flowplayer

    Using the <object> Tag with the <video> Tag

Embedding Audio in Your Pages

    The <audio> Tag

    Flash Audio Players





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Lesson 15: Advanced CSS: Page Layout in CSS

Laying Out the Page

    The Problems with Layout Tables

    Writing HTML with Structure

    Writing a Layout Style Sheet

    The Floated Columns Layout Technique

The Role of CSS in Web Design

    Style Sheet Organization

    Site-Wide Style Sheets





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Lesson 16: Using Responsive Web Design

What Is Responsive Web Design?

    History of Responsive Web Design

    Why RWD Is Important

    RWD Is More Than Just Changing the Number of Columns

Mobile Devices Should Come First

    Mobile First

    Affecting the Viewport

Planning a Responsive Website

    Check Your Analytics

    Try the Site with Your Own Phone

    Decide What Content Is Critical

Writing Media Queries

    Media Types

    Media Features


    Building a Style Sheet with Media Queries

Understanding the Mechanics of RWD

    Adjusting the Layout

    Making Images and Videos Responsive

    Building Responsive Tables

Responsive Web Design Best Practices

    Give Everyone the Best Experience

    Use the Best Breakpoints for Your Website, Not for Devices

    Be Flexible But Think Small





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PART IV: Using JavaScript and jQuery

Lesson 17: Introducing JavaScript

Why Would You Want to Use JavaScript?

    Ease of Use

    Improving Performance

    Integration with the Browser

The <script> Tag

    The Structure of a JavaScript Script

    The src Attribute

JavaScript and the Chrome Development Tools

The JavaScript Language

    Operators and Expressions


    Control Structures


    Data Types



The JavaScript Environment






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Lesson 18: Using jQuery

What Are JavaScript Libraries?

Getting Started with jQuery

Your First jQuery Script

Selecting Elements from the Document

Binding Events

Modifying Styles on the Page

    Hiding and Showing Elements

    Retrieving and Changing Style Sheet Properties

Modifying Content on the Page

    Manipulating Classes

    Manipulating Form Values

    Manipulating Attributes Directly

    Adding and Removing Content

Special Effects

AJAX and jQuery

    Using AJAX to Load External Data





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Lesson 19: Using JavaScript in Your Pages

Validating Forms with JavaScript

Hiding and Showing Content

    The Same Code with jQuery

Adding New Content to a Page





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Lesson 20: Working with Frames and Linked Windows

What Are Frames?

    Why Were Frames Removed from HTML5?

    What About Iframes?

Working with Linked Windows

    Browsing Context Keywords

    The <base> Tag

Inline Frames

Opening Linked Windows with JavaScript





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PART V: Designing for Everyone

Lesson 21: Designing for the Mobile Web

People Browse Differently on Mobile Phones

Standards Compliance and the Mobile Web

    Progressive Enhancement

    Validating Your Pages

Writing for the Mobile Web

    Write Clearly and Be Brief

    Organize Your Pages for Quick Scanning

    Make Each Page Stand on Its Own

    Be Careful with Emphasis

    Don’t Use Browser-Specific Terminology

    Spell Check and Proofread Your Pages

Design and Page Layout

    Use Headings as Headings

    Group Related Information Visually

    Use a Consistent Layout

Using Links

    Mobile Users Tap; They Don’t Click

    Use Link Menus with Descriptive Text

    Use Links in Text

    Avoid the “Here” Syndrome

    To Link or Not to Link

Using Images and Multimedia

    Don’t Overuse Images

    Keep Images Small

    Watch Out for Assumptions About Your Visitors’ Hardware

    Don’t Make Your Videos Annoying

    Avoid Flash

Making the Most of CSS and JavaScript

    Put Your CSS and JavaScript in External Files

    Location Matters

    Shrink Your CSS and JavaScript

Take Advantage of Mobile Features


    Make Phone Calls


Other Good Habits and Hints for Mobile Web Design

    Link Back to Home

    Don’t Split Topics Across Pages

    Sign Your Pages

    One Final Secret to Mobile Web Design





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Lesson 22: Designing for User Experience

Considering User Experience Level

    Add a Search Engine

    Use Concise, Sensible URLs

    Navigation Provides Context

    Are Your Users Tourists or Regulars?

Determining User Preferences

What Is Accessibility?

    Common Myths Regarding Accessibility

    Section 508

Alternative Browsers

Writing Accessible HTML



    Images and Multimedia

Designing for Accessibility

    Using Color


    Take Advantage of All HTML Tags



Validating Your Sites for Accessibility





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PART VI: Going Live on the Web

Lesson 23: How to Publish Your Site

What Does a Web Server Do?

    Other Things Web Servers Do

How to Find Web Hosting

    Using a Web Server Provided by Your School or Work

    Using a Commercial Web Host

    Commercial Web Builders

    Setting Up Your Own Server

    Free Hosting

Organizing Your HTML Files for Publishing

    Questions to Ask Your Webmaster

    Keeping Your Files Organized with Directories

    Having a Default Index File and Correct Filenames

Publishing Your Files

    Moving Files Between Systems


    I Can’t Access the Server

    I Can’t Access Files

    I Can’t Access Images

    My Links Don’t Work

    My Files Are Being Displayed Incorrectly

Promoting Your Web Pages

    Getting Links from Other Sites

    Content Marketing Through Guest Posting

    Promoting Your Site Through Social Media

    Creating a Facebook Page for Your Site

    Site Indexes and Search Engines

    Business Cards, Letterhead, Brochures, and Advertisements

Finding Out Who’s Viewing Your Web Pages

    Log Files

    Google Analytics





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Lesson 24: Taking Advantage of the Server

How PHP Works

Getting PHP to Run on Your Computer

The PHP Language





    Conditional Statements

    PHP Conditional Operators


    foreach Loops

    for Loops

    while and do...while Loops

    Controlling Loop Execution

Built-In Functions

User-Defined Functions

    Returning Values

Processing Forms

    Handling Parameters with Multiple Values

    Presenting the Form

Using PHP Includes

    Choosing Which Include Function to Use

Expanding Your Knowledge of PHP

    Database Connectivity

    Regular Expressions

    Sending Mail

    Object-Oriented PHP

    Cookies and Sessions

    File Uploads

Other Application Platforms

    Microsoft ASP.NET

    Java EE

    Ruby on Rails





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Lesson 25: Search Engines and SEO

What Is SEO?

    Why You Need SEO

    What About Social Media?

    You Can Do Your Own SEO

    Why Don’t Search Engines Find Sites Without SEO?

How Search Engines Work


    Microsoft Bing


    Don’t Forget International Searches

SEO Techniques

    Is Your Site “Friendly?”

    Using Keywords and Keyword Research

    Creating Content for Customers Is the Best SEO

    Myths and Facts About SEO

Tools for Tracking and Managing SEO

    Using Sitemaps

    The robots.txt File

    Understanding Canonical Links

    Redirecting Duplicate Content

    Checking How Your Site Looks to Search Engines

    Tracking Your SEO Efforts

Paying for Links





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9780672336232    TOC    12/1/2015



A note in this book indicating the availability of downloadable source code was an inadvertent holdover from a previous edition of this title. No source code download file is available. Please accept our apology for the inconvenience.

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