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Web Development

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The 5 Most Important Skills a Web Developer Needs
Mar 27, 2014
Tim Wright, author of Learning JavaScript: A Hands-On Guide to the Fundamentals of Modern JavaScript, tells you about the real skills a web developer needs. You might be surprised that the majority of them have nothing to do with writing code and more to do with dealing with people and knowing yourself.
iOS Development: A Fistful of Directive Tricks
Mar 26, 2014
Although many compiler directives exist in the Xcode wild, many developers rarely move past #define (to create macros) or #pragma mark (to add bookmarks). There’s so much more you can do. Compiler directives are language add-ons that specify how Xcode processes its input. Xcode’s Clang compiler offers a rich suite of possibilities. This quick write-up offers a few of these directives, and you learn how they can enable you to harness warnings and errors for the greatest information impact.
Java SE 8: Why Should I Care?
Mar 25, 2014
Java retains its object-oriented roots, but has added many functional programming constructs to help it better manage parallel processing. Java expert Steven Haines reviews the must-know features added to Java SE 8.
Java SE 8’s New Language Features, Part 1: Interface Default/Static Methods and Lambda Expressions
Mar 25, 2014
In Part 1 of a two-part series on Java 8 language features, Jeff Friesen introduces you to default/static methods and lambda expressions/functional interfaces.
Apache Hadoop YARN: A Brief History and Rationale
Mar 24, 2014
This chapter provides a historical account of why and how Apache Hadoop YARN came about.
Applying AJAX to a PHP App to Make It Highly Responsive
Mar 20, 2014
AJAX is rapidly becoming an integral part of websites. It not only provides better interactivity but also reloads the dynamic content of web pages quicker than traditional web pages. Learn to apply AJAX in PHP applications to enhance interaction between the user and application.
Building Windows Store Apps with with HTML5 and JavaScript
Feb 20, 2014
This chapter teaches the basics of building Windows Store apps, showing how to take advantage of the features of Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 to build, run, and debug a Windows Store app.
Protect C++ Legacy Programs by Using Python
Feb 11, 2014
Stephen B. Morris illustrates a simple way to execute C++ programs by using Python. This approach is lightweight and yet robust, taking advantage of Python's powerful exception-management facilities. Learn how to achieve deeper integration between C++ and Python, while addressing important design issues.
Jumping into jQuery and JavaScript Syntax
Jan 29, 2014
This chapter covers ways to add jQuery and JavaScript to your web pages, creating and manipulating arrays of objects, adding code logic to JavaScript, and implementing JavaScript functions for cleaner code.
An Introduction to Python Web Development Using the Pyramid Framework, Part 7
Jan 13, 2014
In Part 7 of his seven-part series on learning Python Pyramid, Jesse Smith concludes the series by talking about the HTTP and Session objects.
WordPress 3.6 More of the Same, Only Better
Jan 13, 2014
Most of the updates in WordPress 3.6 are “under the hood” and just make WordPress faster and more stable, but there are a few great new touches for users of all levels.
Use the WordPress App to Become a Mobile Blogger
Jan 9, 2014
Discover the flexibility that comes from using the WordPress app. You can easily manage a WordPress website or blog from an iPad, allowing you to create text, photo, video and/or audio content while on the go, and then publish it directly from the tablet to the web.
Top 10 Changes for Building Windows Store Apps with Windows 8.1
Jan 8, 2014
If you are about to build a new Windows Store app, or you need to migrate an existing Windows 8 app to Windows 8.1, you need to be aware of changes Microsoft made that affect Windows Store app development. Stephen Walther outlines the top 10 in this article.
An Introduction to Python Web Development Using the Pyramid Framework, Part 6
Jan 6, 2014
In Part 6 of his seven-part series on learning Python Pyramid, Jesse Smith covers how to use Pyramid templates.
My Life in Tech: Moving Sideways Into Technology
Jan 6, 2014
Jennifer Kyrnin shares her story of her indirect route to the world of web design and development, and how a desperate need for English reading material in Uzbekistan led her to her career in tech.
Python and Your Phone: Let’s Talk About Kivy
Jan 6, 2014
Thanks to a new library, Python programmers can program apps using Kivy. This article introduces the key Kivy features and then shows how to handle layout in Kivy and explore some existing examples.
Understanding Cascading Style Sheets
Dec 31, 2013
Learn how to fine-tune the display of your web content using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), including how to create a basic stylesheet, use style classes, use style IDs, and construct internal stylesheets and inline styles.
An Introduction to Python Web Development Using the Pyramid Framework, Part 5
Dec 30, 2013
In Part 5 of his seven-part series on learning Python Pyramid, Jesse Smith looks at how to create and manage views.
Using JavaScript to Interact with the Browser
Dec 30, 2013
Learn how to use the screen, window, location, and history objects that provide JavaScript with an interface to access information beyond the web page, and how to use those objects to implement cookies, popup windows, and timers.
An Introduction to Python Web Development Using the Pyramid Framework, Part 4
Dec 23, 2013
In Part 4 of his seven-part series on learning Python Pyramid, Jesse Smith examines the startup and request processes.

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