- Surviving the Top Ten Challenges of Software Testing: Challenge #5: Making Time for Testing
- Oct 17, 2013
- Somewhere between the agony of rushed deadlines and the luxury of all the time in the world has got to be a reasonable approach to testing. This chapter is about making the most of the time you have available.
- Introduction to The Lean Mindset: Ask the Right Questions
- Oct 16, 2013
- Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck, authors of The Lean Mindset, show how lean companies really work and how a lean mindset is the key to creating stunning products and delivering amazing services.
- The Intelligence Behind Successful Software Management: “I Want Predictability”
- Oct 16, 2013
- If software projects were bridges, about one third would fall down during construction; about one half wouldn’t get all the way across the river; and only one sixth would carry traffic. The authors of Five Core Metrics explain how an understanding of the role the five core metrics— time, effort, quality, productivity, and function—is the first step in getting out of this trouble.
- Introduction to Process for System Architecture and Requirements Engineering
- Oct 14, 2013
- The authors of Process for System Architecture and Requirements Engineering introduce their book, which presents a broad approach to the effective development of systems.
- How My Role Models Led Me to a Career in IT and Helped Me Create Work-Life Balance
- Oct 11, 2013
- Susan Bligh shares how the roles models in her life—male and female, good and bad—helped her make the decisions that have enabled her to flourish in both her professional career and her personal life.
- Introduction to Data Model Patterns: Conventions of Thought
- Oct 11, 2013
- David Hay introduces his book, Data Model Patterns, which takes the position that the underlying structures of many businesses and government agencies are very similar, and that it should therefore be possible to model these similar structures in similar ways. Using common shapes for common situations makes the models easier to read, and it guides the modeler closer to identifying truly fundamental things.
- What Language I Use for… Creating Reusable Libraries: Objective-C
- Oct 11, 2013
- David Chisnall tells you why his language of choice for creating reusable libraries is Objective-C.
- What Language I Use for… Building Scalable Servers: Erlang
- Oct 10, 2013
- David Chisnall tells you why his language of choice for building scalable servers is Erlang.
- What Language I Use for... Hardware Design: BlueSpec
- Oct 8, 2013
- David Chisnall tells you why his language of choice for hardware design is Bluespec SystemVerilog (BSV).
- Introduction to Agile Software Development in the Large: Diving Into the Deep
- Oct 7, 2013
- Are agile processes able to support large projects? What kind of problems occur when an enterprise decides to use an agile process for a large, perhaps even mission-critical, project? In this introduction to her book, Agile Software Development in the Large: Diving Into the Deep, Jutta Eckstein tries to answer these and many questions relating to agile software development.
- The Benefits of Learning Multiple Programming Languages
- Oct 7, 2013
- David Chisnall discusses the importance of learning more than one programming language.
- Achieving Agile Software Development with Large Teams
- Oct 3, 2013
- When changing to agile development with a large team, you have to deal with several issues involving people, teams, interactions, and communication structures, as Jutta Eckstein explains in this chapter from Agile Software Development in the Large: Diving Into the Deep.
- Strategies for Real-Time System Specification: Creating the System Architecture Model
- Oct 2, 2013
- The authors of Strategies for Real-Time System Specification explain how to use the architecture model to map the enhanced requirements model allocations to architecture modules.
- Creating a Software Engineering Culture
- Sep 30, 2013
- In this chapter from Creating a Software Engineering Culture, Karl Wiegers discusses the three essential components of a healthy software engineering culture, and how and why you need to achieve them.
- Introduction to Software Endgames: Eliminating Defects, Controlling Change, and the Countdown To On-Time Delivery
- Sep 25, 2013
- Robert Galen introduces his book, Software Endgames, where he presents the core strategies for delivering working software to your customers, focusing solely on the endgame—that final stage of software development between release for testing and release to customers.
- Preface to Best Practices for the Formal Software Testing Process: A Menu of Testing Tasks
- Sep 25, 2013
- Roger Drabick introduces his book, Best Practices for the Formal Software Testing Process: A Menu of Testing Tasks, which provides a soup-to-nuts list of tasks and processes for a program of formal software or system testing.
- Complete Systems Analysis: Your Project Starts Here
- Sep 5, 2013
- The authors of Complete Systems Analysis introduce you to their project to help you learn systems analysis and/or to improve your analysis skills—The Picadilly Project. Once you finish the Piccadilly Project and the practice exercises along the way, you will have enough hands-on experience to be able to apply these analysis techniques to your own projects.
- My Life in Tech: Q&A for Software Tester and Agile Coach Janet Gregory
- Sep 2, 2013
- Software tester and agile coach Janet Gregory answers our questions about transitioning traditional test teams into the agile world, misconceptions about agile testing, and why some agile projects fail.
- Storyboarding with the Scrivener Corkboard
- Aug 28, 2013
- Jennifer Ackerman Kettell explains how Scrivener's Corkboard related to index cards and can be invaluable when storyboarding your project.
- My Transition from Opera Singer to Software Developer
- Aug 26, 2013
- Brenda Jin is a developer in San Francisco. Three years ago, she was pursuing a career in opera. This article details her personal journey from music to the non-profit industry, and finally to technology.