Home > Topics > Software Development & Management > Management: Lifecycle, Project, Team
Published Dec 16, 2024 by Pearson Business
Published Sep 27, 2023 by Addison-Wesley Professional
Published Feb 22, 2023 by Addison-Wesley Professional
Published Aug 17, 2022 by Addison-Wesley Professional
An oft-overlooked tool in a manager's arsenal is the 'rule of thumb'—a short, pithy statement embodying a powerful message that makes a lasting impression on the listener. Mickey W. Mantle and Ron Lichty, co-authors of Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams, identify eight major management challenges and 21 rules of thumb to help managers address those challenges.
Most major tasks seem overwhelming when viewed as a whole. Pat Brans advises taking a step back from the distracting enormity of the goal. By breaking it into achievable segments that fit together to complete the task, you can stay focused and accomplish your mission one segment at a time.
Ron Lichty and Mickey Mantle talk about how the orchestrators of Healthcare.gov clearly ignored the many of the rules of thumb for software development that are important for those of us tasked with such responsibility.
This chapter identifies accepted standards and methodologies that are in use within the field of project management and provides some examples of how they are used with Project.