- Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: Basic Concepts
- Mar 8, 2012
- The authors introduce the two basic premises of the first and second "laws" of thermodynamics: overall energy is conserved (you can't get something for nothing) and overall entropy changes are greater than or equal to zero (generation of disorder results in lost work).
- Sustainable Engineering: An Introduction to Sustainability
- Jan 26, 2012
- Engineers in the 21st century will need to design for energy efficiency, mass efficiency, and low environmental emissions. Both near and long-term steps are needed reduce fossil resource consumption and approach zero waste generation from engineered processes and products.
- Introduction to High-Speed Signaling
- Nov 9, 2011
- This chapter explains the means by which the book High-Speed Signaling: Jitter Modeling, Analysis, and Budgeting offers a comprehensive discussion of high-speed signal integrity engineering.
- Introduction to Separation Process Engineering
- Aug 29, 2011
- Since separations are ubiquitous in chemical plants and petroleum refineries, chemical engineers must be familiar with a variety of separation methods. This chapter introduces the importance of separations, the concept of equilibrium, mass transfer, and problem-solving methods.
- Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity: Analysis of Stress
- Jul 20, 2011
- This chapter reviews of some important fundamentals of statics and mechanics of solids, the concept of stress, modes of load transmission, general sign convention for stress and force resultants, and analysis and design principles; as well as a discussion of treatment for changing the components of the state of stress given in one set of coordinate axes to any other set of rotated axes, as well as variation of stress within and on the boundaries of a load-carrying member.
- Introduction to Chemical Process Safety
- Jul 6, 2011
- As chemical process technology becomes more complex, chemical engineers will need a more detailed and fundamental understanding of safety. The authors of this book set out the fundamentals of chemical process safety in this introduction.
- Notes on Digital Signal Processing: Overview of Sampling Techniques
- Jan 26, 2011
- This note discusses the difference between implicit and explicit sampling. It introduces three different mathematical models of explicit sampling techniques—ideal sampling, natural sampling, and instantaneous sampling.
- Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering: Mole Balances
- Nov 22, 2010
- Chemical Reaction Engineering (CRE) principles can be applied in many areas, such as modeling smog in the L.A. basin, understanding the digestive system of a hippopotamus, or using wetlands to degrade toxic chemicals. This chapter develops the first building block of chemical reaction engineering, mole balances.
- Understanding Digital Signal Processing: Discrete Sequences and Systems
- Nov 15, 2010
- In this introduction to his book, Richard G. Lyons defines the terminology used in digital signal processing, illustrates the various ways of graphically representing discrete signals, establishes the notation used to describe sequences of data values, presents the symbols used to depict signal processing operations, and briefly introduces the concept of a linear discrete system.
- Introduction to Power Integrity for I/O Interfaces
- Oct 28, 2010
- It is becoming increasingly essential to determine not only the PDN noise, but also the margin degradation due to the noise coupling to signals. System designers need to consider a concurrent design methodology to evaluate power integrity and its effects on signal integrity.
- Petroleum Reservoir Engineering Practice: Porosity of Reservoir Rocks
- Sep 16, 2010
- Since porosity data are very important in many reservoir engineering calculations, this introductory chapter reviews basic concepts in the determination of rock porosities.
- Power Integrity Analysis and Management for Integrated Circuits: Power, Delivering Power, and Power Integrity
- Jun 10, 2010
- This chapter covers power, delivering power, and power integrity, with a focus on integrated circuits and systems.
- Introduction to Notes on Digital Signal Processing: Navigating the DSP Landscape
- Jan 18, 2010
- This introduction to Notes on Digital Signal Processing explains the book's method of documenting in-depth explorations of some of the "nooks and crannies" in DSP that often are glossed over in traditional texts.
- Towards Socially Responsible Innovation: An Interview with the Authors of Citizen Engineer
- Oct 29, 2009
- In this interview with David Douglas, Greg Papadopoulos, and John Boutelle, you’ll learn how engineers can take a more visible role in shaping the world.
- Applying Design for Six Sigma to Software and Hardware Systems: Requirements Flow-Down
- Oct 13, 2009
- This chapter covers the system requirements flow-down, which is the beginning of the Design phase of the RADIOV DFSS process, initiating activities for predictive engineering.
- Beyond the Black Cloud: Looking at Lifecycles as a Citizen Engineer
- Sep 2, 2009
- This introduction to the book "Citizen Engineer" challenges engineers to focus not on eco-efficiency but on “eco-effectiveness,” or designing products in a way that actually replenishes and nourishes the environment rather than simply using up natural resources.
- Signal and Power Integrity: Time and Frequency Domains
- Jul 22, 2009
- In this chapter, learn the basic properties of signals in preparation for looking at how they interact with interconnects.
- Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes
- Mar 25, 2009
- It is essential that chemical engineers be able to communicate visually in order to avoid potentially serious consequences.This chapter covers diagrams for understanding chemical processes.
- Introduction to a Signal Integrity Engineer's Companion
- Jun 26, 2008
- SI engineers need innovative thinking if they are to keep pace with the digital bandwidth race.
- Basic Concepts for Semiconductor Power Delivery
- Feb 22, 2008
- This chapter describes the basics of power delivery and the components of a power delivery network.