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Modern Web Development with IBM WebSphere: Developing, Deploying, and Managing Mobile and Multi-Platform Apps

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Modern Web Development with IBM WebSphere: Developing, Deploying, and Managing Mobile and Multi-Platform Apps

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  • Copyright 2014
  • Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/8"
  • Edition: 1st
  • eBook (Watermarked)
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-306705-X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-306705-7

Build Tomorrow’s Best Mobile/Web Applications with IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and IBM Worklight

This guide presents a coherent strategy for building modern mobile/web applications that are fast, responsive, interactive, reusable, maintainable, extensible, and a pleasure to use. Four IBM experts offer practical, hands-on coverage of front-end development with IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5, IBM Worklight, and today’s most popular open source frameworks.

Using well-crafted examples, the authors introduce best practices for MobileFirst development, helping you create apps that work superbly on mobile devices and add features on conventional browsers. Throughout, you’ll learn better ways to deliver Web 2.0 apps with HTML /JavaScript front ends, RESTful Web Services, and persistent data. Proven by IBM and its customers, the approach covered in this book leads to more successful mobile/web applications—and more effective development teams.

Coverage Includes
• Developing for MobileFirst: moving from “graceful degradation” to “progressive enhancement”
• Quickly delivering lightweight JEE apps with WebSphere Application Server’s new Liberty Profile
• Implementing an agile, user-centered, page-oriented approach to design
• Constructing REST services with WebSphere Liberty, Eclipse, and JEE annotations
• Building better front-end application architectures with frameworks and JavaScript
• Designing and building complex, transactional RESTful services that interface with databases and other data sources
• Building IBM Worklight hybrid apps with open source frameworks: jQuery Mobile, Backbone, Require.js, and Handlebars
• Debugging cross-platform, multi-language modern web apps
• Promoting scalability, security, and connectivity into the wider enterprise

The IBM Press developerWorks Series pairs books with complementary resources on the developerWorks website at https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/dwbooks/

Sample Content

Table of Contents

Preface     xviii
Chapter 1  The Modern Web     1
How the Web Has Changed     1
The Mobile Effect     7
   Mobile Application Development Styles     7
   Building for the Mobile Experience     11
   Choosing a Mobile Development Approach     13
The Convergence of Desktop Web and Mobile:
Multichannel Development     15
REST and Web APIs     17
IBM WebSphere and IBM Worklight     18
The Process of Building Modern Web Applications     19
   Introducing the Team     19
   Following a User-Centered Design and Development Process     20
Introducing User-Centered Design     22
   Applying the Design Process: Descriptions from Our Example     22
   Introducing Development into the Process     5
   Division of Labor: Defining the User Model and REST Interfaces     25
Summary     27
Endnotes     27
Chapter 2  WAS and the Liberty Profile     29
How We Got Here     29
   A Brief History of WAS     29
   What Changed in the Programming Model?     31
What Is Liberty?     33
   Some Coding Considerations and a Servlet and JDBC Example     36
Deploying the Example Using the Liberty Profile     41
   Server Creation and Structure     42
   Deploying an Application on a Server     43
   Testing the Sample Application     44
   Running the Example Within Eclipse     45
Summary     48
Endnotes     48
Chapter 3  Design     49
Agile UI Design Process     49
More on User Centric Design     51
   Design for Multichannel     52
   Page-Oriented User Interfaces     53
   Patterns for User Interface Design Web     55
   View Interaction Patterns     55
   Targeted Mobile Apps vs. Multichannel Applications     57
UI Design Example     58
Summary     63
Chapter 4  REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty     65
What Is REST?     65
The Pieces of a RESTFul Web Service     66
Introducing JAX-RS     67
   Basic Concepts: Resources and Applications     68
   A JAX-RS “Hello World” in WebSphere Liberty     68
   Creating the WebSphere Liberty Server     74
   Starting the Server and Testing the Application     78
More JAX-RS Annotations     80
   Testing the New Example     82
JAXB and More Interesting XML-Based Web Services     82
   The JAXB Annotations     83
   A Trivial DAO (and Its Use)     86
JSON Serialization     88
   A Simple Transaction Example with JAX-RS     88
   Handling Entity Parameters with POST and the Consumes Annotation     90
   The Use of Singletons in Application Classes     91
   Testing POST and Other Actions with RESTClient     94
More on Content Negotiation     95
   Introducing the JAX-RS Response     97
   Hints on Debugging: Tips and Techniques     98
   Simple Testing with JUnit     98
RESTful SOA     101
Summary     102
Endnotes     102
Chapter 5  Application Architecture on the Glass     103
Why Well-Designed Applications Matter     103
Defining a Client-Side Architecture     104
Responsive Design     109
Client-Side Architecture     114
   Application Controller     115
   Model-View-Controller     116
   Error Logging and Management     120
   Data Storage and Caching     121
   Configuration     121
Introduction to the Dojo Toolkit     123
   Dojo     124
   Dijit     124
   DojoX     124
   Util     125
Why Use Dojo     125
Asynchronous Module Definition     126
Future of Dojo     129
Using Dojo in Your Application     130
   Section: HTML Declaration     132
   Section: Styling     132
   Section: Configure Dojo     132
   Section: Load Dojo     134
   Section: Initialize Application     134
   Section: Body Content     135
Creating Your Own Widgets     136
Building the Application     140
Summary     166
Chapter 6  Designing and Building RESTful Applications with Modern Java EE     167
Modern Java EE     167
   EJB 3.1 and CDI     168
   JPA     171
Application Architecture for Modern RESTful Systems     172
   Division of Labor: Defining the User Model and REST Interfaces     174
   Application Layers     179
Building the Application     185
   Loading the Example and Setting Up Liberty     185
   Test-Driven Development     190
   Building REST Services     195
   Domain Model     201
   Building DAO and Business Logic     205
   Running the Application     209
A Discussion on Choices     210
Summary     211
Chapter 7  Introduction to IBM Worklight     213
What Is IBM Worklight?     213
Elements of IBM Worklight     213
The IBM Worklight Product Family     214
Developing with IBM Worklight     215
IBM Worklight Deployment Architecture     216
IBM Worklight Server Architecture     221
The Structure of a Worklight Application     223
What This Means for You     224
Summary     226
Chapter 8  Building a Worklight Hybrid App with Open Source Frameworks     227
Design for the Hybrid Application     227
Overview of Frameworks     228
   jQuery     229
   jQuery Mobile     229
   Require.js     229
   Backbone and Underscore     230
   Handlebars     230
Building a Hybrid App with Worklight     230
   Setting Up the Project     230
   Worklight Adapter Code     233
   Worklight Hybrid App Folder Structure     240
   Examining the Application     242
   Running the Example     255
Summary     260
Chapter 9  Testing and Debugging     261
HTML     261
JavaScript     262
   Global Variables     263
   Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)     263
   Context     264
   CSS     267
   Data     269
Unit Testing     269
The Browser as a Test Platform     272
   Exploring Chrome’s DevTools     273
   Essential Browser Plug-ins     279
IBM Worklight Specific Concerns     281
   Disabling AppCache for Mobile Web Apps     281
   Disabling Security for Cross-Domain Ajax in Mobile Apps     283
Remote Debugging     284
   Safari Remote Debugging     284
   Chrome Remote Debugging     285
   Online Code Snippit Runners     285
Summary     286
Chapter 10  Advanced Topics     287
Understanding Where Your Application Fits     287
Achieving Reliability Through Clustering     292
Versioning     292
   Versioning in the URI     293
   Versioning in the Header     294
Mechanisms for Improving Performance     294
   Pagination     295
   Caching Overview     296
   Response Caching     297
   Server-Side Caching with WXS     298
Security Issues for Modern Web Applications     302
Summary     304
Endnotes     305
Chapter 11  Key Takeaways of Modern Web Development     307
The Engaging Enterprise     307
   Mobile-First Development     308
   Web APIs     309
   Polyglot Programming     310
   Cloud Computing     310
Summary     313
Endnote     313
Appendix A  Installation Instructions     315
Development Machine Installation     315
   Installing Java Runtime Environment, v1.7     316
   Installing Eclipse Juno IDE, v4.3     317
   Installing IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile Developer Tools, v8.5.5     318
   Installing the Source Code for the Book Examples     319
Optional Development Tooling for Mobile Web Apps     321
   IBM Worklight Studio v6.0     321
   Android Development Tools and Eclipse Plug-in     324
   OSX XCode IDE     327
Server Installation     328
   IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile, v8.5.5     329
   Apache Derby, v10     330
Downloading and Installing Example Source Code     333
Summary     333
Index     335


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