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Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied

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Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied

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  • Copyright 2001
  • Dimensions: 7-3/8" x 9-1/4"
  • Pages: 360
  • Edition: 1st
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  • ISBN-10: 0-201-70431-5
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-201-70431-0

In Modern C++ Design, Andrei Alexandrescu opens new vistas for C++ programmers. Displaying extraordinary creativity and programming virtuosity, Alexandrescu offers a cutting-edge approach to design that unites design patterns, generic programming, and C++, enabling programmers to achieve expressive, flexible, and highly reusable code.

This book introduces the concept of generic componentsreusable design templates that produce boilerplate code for compiler consumptionall within C++. Generic components enable an easier and more seamless transition from design to application code, generate code that better expresses the original design intention, and support the reuse of design structures with minimal recoding.

The author describes the specific C++ techniques and features that are used in building generic components and goes on to implement industrial strength generic components for real-world applications. Recurring issues that C++ developers face in their day-to-day activity are discussed in depth and implemented in a generic way. These include:

  • Policy-based design for flexibility
  • Partial template specialization
  • Typelistspowerful type manipulation structures
  • Patterns such as Visitor, Singleton, Command, and Factories
  • Multi-method engines

For each generic component, the book presents the fundamental problems and design options, and finally implements a generic solution.


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Table of Contents

Foreword by Scott Meyers.

Foreword by John Vlissides.




1. Policy-Based Class Design.

The Multiplicity of Software Design.

The Failure of the Do-It-All Interface.

Multiple Inheritance to the Rescue?

Templates Bring Hope.

Policies and Policy Classes.

Enriched Policies.

Destructors of Policy Classes.

Optional Functionality Through Incomplete Instantiation.

Combining Policy Classes.

Customizing Structure with Policy Classes.

Compatible and Noncompatible Policies.

Decomposing a Class in Policies.


2. Techniques.

Compile-Time Assertions.

Partial Template Specialization.

Local Classes 28 2.4 Mapping Integral Constants to Types.

Type-to-Type Mapping.

Type Selection.

Detecting Convertibility and Inheritance at Compile Time.

A Wrapper Around type_info.

NullType and EmptyType.

Type Traits.


3. Typelists.

The Need for Typelists.

Defining Typelists.

Linearizing Typelist Creation.

Calculating Length.


Indexed Access.

Searching Typelists.

Appending to Typelists.

Erasing a Type from a Typelist.

Erasing Duplicates.

Replacing an Element in a Typelist.

Partially Ordering Typelists.

Class Generation with Typelists.


Typelist Quick Facts.

4. Small-Object Allocation.

The Default Free Store Allocator.

The Workings of a Memory Allocator.

A Small-Object Allocator.


The Fixed-Size Allocator.

The SmallObjAllocator Class.

A Hat Trick.

Simple, Complicated, Yet Simple in the End.



Small-Object Allocator Quick Facts.


5. Generalized Functors.

The Command Design Pattern.

Command in the Real World.

C11 Callable Entities.

The Functor Class Template Skeleton.

Implementing the Forwarding Functor::operator().

Handling Functors.

Build One, Get One Free.

Argument and Return Type Conversions.

Handling Pointers to Member Functions.


Chaining Requests.

Real-World Issues I: The Cost of Forwarding Functions.

Real-World Issues II: Heap Allocation.

Implementing Undo and Redo with Functor.


Functor Quick Facts.

6. Implementing Singletons.

Static Data + Static Functions != Singleton.

The Basic C11 Idioms Supporting Singleton.

Enforcing the Singleton's Uniqueness.

Destroying the Singleton.

The Dead Reference Problem.

Addressing the Dead Reference Problem (I):.

Addressing the Dead Reference Problem (II):.

Implementing Singletons with Longevity.

Living in a Multithreaded World.

Putting It All Together.

Working With SingletonHolder.


SingletonHolder Class Template Quick Facts.

7. Smart Pointers.

Smart Pointers 101.

The Deal.

Smart Pointers' Storage.

Smart Pointer Member Functions.

Ownership-Handling Strategies.

The Address-of Operator.

Implicit Conversion to Raw Pointer Type.

Equality and Inequality.

Ordering Comparisons.

Checking and Error Reporting.

Smart Pointers to const and const Smart Pointers.


Smart Pointers and Multithreading.

Putting It All Together.


SmartPtr Quick Facts.

8. Object Factories.

The Need for Object Factories.

Object Factories in C11: Classes and Objects.

Implementing an Object Factory.

Type Identifiers.



Clone Factories.

Using Object Factories with Other Generic Components.


Factory Class Template Quick Facts.

CloneFactory Class Template Quick Facts.

9. Abstract Factory.

The Architectural Role of Abstract Factory.

A Generic Abstract Factory Interface.

Implementing AbstractFactory.

A Prototype-Based Abstract Factory Implementation.


AbstractFactory and ConcreteFactory Quick Facts.

10. Visitor.

Visitor Basics.

Overloading: The Catch-All Function.

An Implementation Refinement: The Acyclic Visitor.

A Generic Implementation of Visitor.

Back to the “Cyclic” Visitor.

Hooking Variations.


Visitor Generic Component Quick Facts.

11. Multimethods.

What Are Multimethods?

When Are Multimethods Needed?

Double Switch-on-Type: Brute Force.

The Brute-Force Approach Automated.

Symmetry with the Brute-Force Dispatcher.

The Logarithmic Double Dispatcher.

FnDispatcher and Symmetry.

Double Dispatch to Functors.

Converting Arguments: static_cast or dynamic_cast?

Constant-Time Multimethods: Raw Speed.

BasicDispatcher and BasicFastDispatcher as Policies.

Looking Forward.


Double Dispatcher Quick Facts.

Appendix A. Minimalist Multithreading Library.

A Critique of Multithreading.

Loki's Approach.

Atomic Operations on Integral Types.


Locking Semantics in Object-Oriented Programming.

Optional volatile Modifier.

Semaphores, Events, and Other Good Things.


Index. 0201704315T04062001


You might be holding this book in a bookstore, asking yourself whether you should buy it. Or maybe you are in your employers library, wondering whether you should invest time in reading it. I know you dont have time, so Ill cut to the chase. If you have ever asked yourself how to write higher-level programs in C++, how to cope with the avalanche of irrelevant details that plague even the cleanest design, or how to build reusable components that you dont have to hack into each time you take them to your next application, then this book is for you.

Imagine the following scenario. You come from a design meeting with a couple of printed diagrams, scribbled with your annotations. Okay, the event type passed between these objects is not char anymore; its int. You change one line of code. The smart pointers to Widget are too slow; they should go unchecked. You change one line of code. The object factory needs to support the new Gadget class just added by another department. You change one line of code.

You changed the design. Compile. Link. Done.

Well, there is something wrong with this scenario, isnt there? A much more likely scenario is this: You come from the meeting in a hurry because you have a pile of work to do. You fire a global search. You perform surgery on code. You add code. You introduce bugs. You remove the bugs . . . thats the way a programmers job is, right? Although this book cannot possibly promise you the first scenario, it is nonetheless a resolute step in that direction. It tries to present C++ as a newly discovered language for software architects.

Traditionally, code is the most detailed and intricate aspect of a software system. Historically, in spite of various levels of language support for design methodologies (such as object orientation), a significant gap persisted between the blueprints of a program and its code because the code must take care of the ultimate details of the implementation and of many ancillary tasks. The intent of the design is, more often than not, dissolved in a sea of quirks.

This book presents a collection of reusable design artifacts, called generic components, together with the techniques that make them possible. These generic components bring their users the well-known benefits of libraries, but in the broader space of system architecture. The coding techniques and the implementations provided focus on tasks and issues that traditionally fall in the area of design, activities usually done before coding. Because of their high level, generic components make it possible to map intricate architectures to code in unusually expressive, terse, and easy-to-maintain ways.

Three elements are reunited here: design patterns, generic programming, and C++. These elements are combined to achieve a very high rate of reuse, both horizontally and vertically. On the horizontal dimension, a small amount of library code implements a combinatorialand essentially open-endednumber of structures and behaviors. On the vertical dimension, the generality of these components makes them applicable to a vast range of programs.

This book owes much to design patterns, powerful solutions to ever-recurring problems in object-oriented development. Design patterns are distilled pieces of good designrecipes for sound, reusable solutions to problems that can be encountered in manycontexts. Design patterns concentrate on providing a suggestive lexicon for designs to be conveyed. They describe the problem, a time-proven solution with its variants, and the consequences of choosing each variant of that solution. Design patterns go above and beyond anything a programming language, no matter how advanced, could possibly express. By following and combining certain design patterns, the components presented in this book tend to address a large category of concrete problems.

Generic programming is a paradigm that focuses on abstracting types to a narrow collection of functional requirements and on implementing algorithms in terms of these requirements. Because algorithms define a strict and narrow interface to the types they operate on, the same algorithm can be used against a wide collection of types. The implementations in this book use generic programming techniques to achieve a minimal commitment to specificity, extraordinary terseness, and efficiency that rivals carefully handcrafted code.

C++ is the only implementation tool used in this book. You will not find in this book code that implements nifty windowing systems, complex networking libraries, or clever logging mechanisms. Instead, you will find the fundamental components that make it easy to implement all of the above, and much more. C++ has the breadth necessary to make this possible. Its underlying C memory model ensures raw performance, its support for polymorphism enables object-oriented techniques, and its templates unleash an incredible code generation machine. Templates pervade all the code in the book because they allow close cooperation between the user and the library. The user of the library literally controls he way code is generated, in ways constrained by the library. The role of a generic component library is to allow user-specified types and behaviors to be combined with generic components in a sound design. Because of the static nature of the technique used, errors in mixing and matching the appropriate pieces are usually caught during compile time.

This books manifest intent is to create generic componentspreimplemented pieces of design whose main characteristics are flexibility, versatility, and ease of use. Generic components do not form a framework. In fact, their approach is complementarywhereas a framework defines interdependent classes to foster a specific object model, generic components are lightweight design artifacts that are independent of each other, yet can be mixed and matched freely. They can be of great help in implementing frameworks.


The intended audience of this book falls into two main categories. The first category is that of experienced C++ programmers who want to master the most modern library writing techniques. The book presents new, powerful C++ idioms that have surprising capabilities, some of which werent even thought possible. These idioms are of great help in writing high-level libraries. Intermediate C++ programmers who want to go a step further will certainly find the book useful, too, especially if they invest a bit of perseverance. Although pretty hard-core C++ code is sometimes presented, it is thoroughly explained.

The second category consists of busy programmers who need to get the job done without undergoing a steep learning investment. They can skim the most intricate details of implementation and concentrate on using the provided library. Each chapter has an introductory explanation and ends with a Quick Facts section. Programmers will find these features a useful reference in understanding and using the components. The components can be understood in isolation, are very powerful yet safe, and are a joy to use.

You need to have a solid working experience with C++ and, above all, the desire to learn more. A degree of familiarity with templates and the Standard Template Library (STL) is desirable.

Having an acquaintance with design patterns (Gamma et al. 1995) is recommended but not mandatory. The patterns and idioms applied in the book are described in detail. However, this book is not a pattern bookit does not attempt to treat patterns in full generality. Because patterns are presented from the pragmatic standpoint of a library writer, even readers interested mostly in patterns may find the perspective refreshing, if constrained.


The book describes an actual C++ library called Loki. Loki is the god of wit and mischief in Norse mythology, and the authors hope is that the librarys originality and flexibility will remind readers of the playful Norse god. All the elements of the library live in the namespace Loki. The namespace is not mentioned in the coding examples because it would have unnecessarily increased indentation and the size of the examples. Loki is freely available; you can download it from http://www.awl.com/cseng/titles/0-201-70431-5.

Except for its threading part, Loki is written exclusively in standard C++. This, alas, means that many current compilers cannot cope with parts of it. I implemented and tested Loki using Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro 6.0 and Comeau C++ 4.2.38, both on Windows. It is likely that KAI C++ wouldnt have any problem with the code, either. As vendors release new, better compiler versions, you will be able to exploit everything Loki has to offer.

Lokis code and the code samples presented throughout the book use a popular coding standard originated by Herb Sutter. Im sure you will pick it up easily. In a nutshell,

Classes, functions, and enumerated types look LikeThis.

Variables and enumerated values look likeThis.

Member variables look likeThis_.

Template parameters are declared with class if they can be only a user-defined type, and with typename if they can also be a primitive type.


The book consists of two major parts: techniques and components. Part I (Chapters 1 to 4) describes the C++ techniques that are used in generic programming and in particular in building generic components. A host of C++-specific features and techniques are presented: policy-based design, partial template specialization, typelists, local classes, and more. You may want to read this part sequentially and return to specific sections for reference.

Part II builds on the foundation established in Part I by implementing a number of generic components. These are not toy examples; they are components of industrial strength used in real-world applications. Recurring issues that C++ developers face in their day-to-day activity, such as smart pointers, object factories, and functor objects, are discussed in depth and implemented in a generic way. The text presents implementations starting from the needs, the fundamental problems. Instead of explaining what a body of code does, the approach of the book is to discuss problems, take design decisions, and implement those decisions gradually.

Chapter 1 presents policiesa C++ idiom that helps in creating flexible designs.

Chapter 2 discusses general C++ techniques related to generic programming.

Chapter 3 implements typelists, which are powerful type manipulation structures.

Chapter 4 introduces an important ancillary tool: a small-object allocator.

Chapter 5 introduces the concept of generalized functors, useful in designs that use the Command design pattern.

Chapter 6 describes Singleton objects.

Chapter 7 discusses and implements smart pointers.

Chapter 8 describes generic object factories.

Chapter 9 treats the Abstract Factory design pattern and provides implementations of it.

Chapter 10 implements several variations of the Visitor design pattern in a generic manner.

Chapter 11 implements several multimethod engines, solutions that foster various trade-offs.

The design themes cover many important situations that C++ programmers have to cope with on a regular basis. I personally consider object factories (Chapter 8) a cornerstone of virtually any quality polymorphic design. Also, smart pointers (Chapter 7) are an important component of many C++ applications, small and large. Generalized functors (Chapter 5) have an incredibly broad range of applications. Once you have generalized functors, many complicated design problems become very simple. The other, more specialized, generic components, such as Visitor (Chapter 10) or multimethods (Chapter 11) have important niche applications and stretch the boundaries of language support.





Abstract Factory design pattern, 69, 40-51
architectural role of, 219-222
basic description of, 219-234
implementing, 226-233
interface, generic, 223-226
quick facts, 233-234
AbstractEnemyFactory, 221-222, 224-227
AbstractFactory, 219-234
AbstractProduct, 209-214, 216-217
abstract products, 209-214, 216-217, 222, 231
Accept, 240-251, 254
AcceptImpl, 252, 256, 259
ACE, 309
Acquire, 161-162, 305, 306
Action, 100
Adapter, 284
Add, 278-282, 284, 300
address-of, 170-171
after, 16
AbstactFactoryUnit, 223-226
Alexandrescu, Andrei, 29
copy, 40
compile-time, 76
linear search, 56
operating on typelists, 76
Allocate, 83, 85
Allocated, 82
allocation, small-object. See also allocators
basic description of, 77-96
default free store allocators and, 78
fixed-size allocators and, 84-87
hat trick and, 89-91
memory chunks and, 81-84
quick facts, 94-95
allocators. See also allocation, small-object
default free store, 78
fixed-size, 84-87
memory chunks and, 81-84
workings of, 78-79
allocChunk_, 85, 87
AllowConversion, 192-193
ALU (arithmetic logic unit), 303
AnotherDerived, 197
APIs (application program interfaces), 161, 306
Append, 57-58, 76
Application, 100
arguments, 114-115, 285-290
Array policy, 19-20
arrays, 19-20, 183-184
ArrayStorage, 189-190
assert, 193
AssertCheck, 193
AssertCheckStrict, 193
assertions, compile-time, 23-26
associative collections, 203
AssocVector, 210, 277-278
asynchronous execution, 302
atexit, 134-139, 142-143, 149
AtExitFn, 144-145
AtomicAdd, 305
AtomicAssign, 305
AtomicDecrement, 186
AtomicIncrement, 186
auto_ptr, 108, 159, 170
available_, 79


backEnd_, 281, 294
BackendType, 294
BadMonster, 219-222
BadSoldier, 219-222, 230
BadSuperMonster, 219-221
BankAccount, 306
Bar, 139
Base, 63, 90, 91, 176
BaseLhs, 272, 299
BaseProductList, 227
BaseRhs, 272, 284, 299
BaseSmartPtr, 46
BaseVisitable, 249, 251, 254
BaseVisitor, 245, 249-250, 252, 254, 256, 261
BaseVisitorImpl, 260, 262
BasicDispatcher, 277-284, 292-294, 297-299
BasicFastDispatcher, 291-294, 297, 298-299
before, 16
BinderFirst, 121
BindFirst, 121, 127-128
binding, 119-121, 127-128
BitBlast, 40-41, 44-46
blocksAvailable_, 81-83
blockSize_, 82
bookkeeping data level, 185-187
bool, 105, 174-175, 177, 191
_buffer, 135
bulk allocation, 86
butterfly allocation, 86
Button, 50, 61-62, 219-221


callable entities, 103-104
callbackMap_, 280
callbacks, 103-104, 205, 280-281
callbacks_, 205, 281
CallbackType, 277, 280, 299
CastingPolicy policy, 288, 299
CatchAll policy, 260, 262
Chain, 122, 128
chaining requests, 122
char, 35, 38, 114-115
checking issues, 181-182
checkingImpl, 193
Checking policy, 15-16, 188, 193-194
chunks, of memory, 81-87
chunkSize, 88
Circle, 203
class(es). See also inheritance; policy classes
base, 228
client, 153-154
decomposing, 19-20
derived, 228
final, 29
generating, with typelists, 64-75
-level locking operations, 187
local, 28-29
object factories and, 200-201
visitable, 248-255
visitor, 248-255
Class, 200
ClassLevelLockable, 153, 307-309
Clone, 30, 107, 123, 164, 211-213, 230, 232, 234, 284
CloneFactory, 214-218
clone object factories, 211-215
CLOS, 263
columns_, 292
COM (Component Object Model), 133, 192
command(s). See also Command design pattern
active, 102
forwarding, 102
Command, 100
Command design pattern, 99-104
basic description of, 100-102
in the real world, 102-103
comparison operators, 178-181
assertions, 23-26
detecting convertibility and inheritance at, 34-37
CompileTimeChecker, 25-26
CompileTimeError, 25
COMRefCounted, 192
ConcreteCommand, 100, 102
ConcreteFact, 232, 234
ConcreteFactory, 226-228, 230-231, 233-234
ConcreteLifetimeTracker, 144-145
concrete products, 222, 227
const, 44, 114-115, 182-183
mapping integral, to types, 29-31
-time multimethods, 290-293
ConventionalDialog, 219-221
argument, 114-115, 285-290
binding as, 119-121
implicit, to raw pointer types, 171-173
return type, 114-114
user-defined, 172
Conversion policy, 36-37, 188, 192-193
convertibility, detecting, at compile time, 35-37
construction, eliding of, 123
deep, 123, 162-164, 192
destructive, 168-170
on write (COW), 165
Copy, 40, 45
copy_backward, 144
copyAlgo, 45
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), 115, 133
counting, reference, 165-167
covariant return types, 212-213
Create, 9, 11-12, 14, 31-32, 198, 224, 234
CreateButton, 50
CreateDocument, 199
CreateObject, 208-209
CreateScrollBar, 50
CreateShape, 205-206
CreateShapeCallback, 205
CreateStatic, 153
CreateT, 223
CreateUsingMalloc, 153
CreateUsingNew, 153
CreateWindow, 50
Creation policy, 151, 153
Creator policy, 7-9, 11-14, 149, 154, 156
dependencies, 243-248
references, 168
CyclicVisitor, 255-257, 261
Czarnecki, Krzysztof, 54


dead reference problem, 135-142
Deallocate, 82-87
deallocChunk_, 86-87
deep copy, 123, 163-164, 192
DeepCopy, 192
default free store allocator, 78
DefaultLifetime, 153
#define preprocessor directive, 93, 139
DEFINE_VISITABLE, 252, 254, 256
delete, 12, 89-91, 94, 108, 132, 143, 159, 172-178
delete[], 184, 189-190
DeleteChar, 125
dependency, circular, 141
DependencyManager, 141
Deposit, 306
dereference, checking before, 182
Derived, 90, 197-198
DerivedToFront algorithm, 63-65, 76, 272
design patterns
Abstract Factory pattern, 69, 49-51, 219-234
Command pattern, 99-104
Double-Checked Locking pattern, 146-147, 149
Prototype design pattern, 228-233
Strategy design pattern, 8
Destroy policy, 20
destroyed_, 136, 138
_DestroySingleton, 135
DestructiveCopy, 192
destructors, 12-13
detection, dead-reference, 135-137
Dialog, 219-221
Dijkstra, Edgar, 305-306
DisallowConversion, 192-193
DispatcherBackend policy, 294
DispatchRhs, 269-270
Display, 135-142, 169
DisplayStatistics, 230
do-it-all interface, failure of, 4-5
DocElement, 236-248, 249, 251, 256, 259
DocElementVisitor, 239-248
DocElementVisitor.h, 243-244
DoClone, 213
DoCreate, 223-224, 227, 232
DocStats, 236-237, 240-242, 246-247, 248
Document, 198
DocumentManager, 198-199
DottedLine, 212
double, 306
Double-Checked Locking pattern, 146-147, 149
DoubleDispatch, 267, 268
double dispatcher, logarithmic, 263, 276-285, 297-300
double switch-on-type, 264-268
Dr. Dobb's Journal, 125
Drawing, 201-203
DrawingDevices, 290
DrawingType, 203
Dylan, 263
dynamic_cast, 238, 243, 246, 251, 255, 267, 285-290, 299
cost of, 255-256
DynamicCaster, 288, 289


EasyLevelEnemyFactory, 227, 229, 231
Effective C++ (Meyers), 132
efficient resource use, 302
Eisenecker, Ulrich, 54
ElementAt, 20
Ellipse, 203, 271, 273
else, 238
EmptyType, 39-40, 48, 110
encapsulation, 99
EnforceNotNull, 15, 18
enum, 45
equality, 173-178
erase, 278
Erase, 58-59, 76
EraseAll, 76, 59
messages, compile-time assertions and, 24
reporting, 181-182
EventHandler, 71
events, 71, 309
exceptions, 209
Execute, 100, 102
Executor, 269-272
exists2Way, 36
ExtendedWidget, 18, 164


basic description of, 197-218
classes and, 200-201
generalization and, 207-210
implementing, 201-206
need for, 198-200
quick facts, 216-217
templates, 216-218
type identifiers and, 206-207
using, with generic components, 215
Factory, 207-208, 215-217
FactoryErrorImpl, 209
FactoryError policy, 208-209, 217-218, 234
FactoryErrorPolicy, 217-218, 234
FastWidgetPtr, 17
Field, 67-70, 74-75
Fire, 275, 270, 271
firstAvailableBlock_, 81-83
FixedAllocator, 80-81, 84-95
FnDispatcher, 280-282, 285, 288, 293-294, 299-300
FnDoubleDispatcher, 280
Foo, 103, 139
forwarding functions, cost of, 122-124
free, 143, 189-190
fun_, 113, 115
functionality, optional, through incomplete instantiation, 13-14
forwarding, cost of, 122-124
static, singletons and, 130
argument type conversions and, 114-115
basic description of, 99-128
binding and, 119-121
chaining requests and, 122
command design pattern and, 100-102
double dispatch to, 282-285
generalized, 99-128
handling, 110-112
heap allocation and, 124-125
implementing Undo and Redo with, 125-126
multimethods and, 282-285
quick facts, 126-128
real-world issues and, 122-125
return type conversions and, 114-115
Functor1, 106
Functor2, 106
FunctorDispatcher, 283-285, 288, 293, 299-300
FunctorHandler, 110-112, 117-119, 126
Functor template, 99-108, 114, 117, 120, 125-126, 215
FunctorImpl, 107-112, 123-124, 128, 283, 284
FunctorType, 284
FunkyDialog, 219-221


GameApp, 230
Gamma, Ralph, 248
generalization, 207-210. See also generalized functors
generalized functors. See also functors
argument type conversions and, 114-115
basic description of, 99-128
binding and, 119-121
chaining requests and, 122
Command design pattern and, 100-102
handling, 110-112
heap allocation and, 124-125
implementing Undo and Redo with, 125-126
quick facts, 126-128
real-world issues and, 122-125
return type conversions and, 114-115
GenLinearHierarchy, 71-75, 227, 230, 231
GenScatterHierarchy, 64-75, 223-226, 227-228
geronimosWork, 117
GetClassIndex, 292-293
GetClassIndexStatic, 292
GetImpl, 162, 173, 183, 190
GetImplRef, 162, 190
GetLongevity, 154
GetPrototype, 12, 14
Go, 269, 270, 272, 279
GoF (Gang of Four) book, 100, 122, 125, 199, 235, 248-249, 255-262
granular interfaces, 224
GraphicButton, 61-62
GUI (graphical user interface), 102


handles, 161
Harrison, Tim, 146
Haskell, 263
hat trick, 89-91
HatchingDispatcher, 272
HatchingExecutor, 271
HatchRectanglePoly, 279
header files
DocElementVisitor.h, 243-244
Multimethods.h, 294
Typelist.h, 51, 55, 75
SmallAlloc.h, 93-95
heaps, 124-125, 189-190
HeapStorage, 189-190
linear, 70-74
scattered, 64-70
HTMLDocument, 198


IdentifierType, 209, 213, 215
IdToProductMap, 214
#ifdef preprocessor directive, 138-139
if-else statements, 29, 267, 268, 270
if statements, 238, 267, 305
implicit conversion, to raw pointer types, 171-173
IncrementFontSize, 240, 241
indexed access, 55
IndexOf, 56, 76, 275
inequality, 173-178
detecting, at compile time, 34-37
logarithmic dispatcher and, 279
multiple, 5-6
InIt, 40, 82
checking, 181-182
dynamic, 132
lazy, 182
object factories and, 197
static, 132
insert, 205
InsertChar, 120, 122, 125-126
Instance, 131-132, 135-137, 146, 151
instantiation, 13-14, 120, 272, 274
int, 159
Int2Type, 29-31, 68-69
Abstract Factory design pattern, 223-226
application program (APIs), 161, 306
do-it-all, failure of, 4-5
granular, 224
graphical user (GUI), 102
separation, 101
intrusive reference counting, 167. See also reference counting
IntType, 186, 304
InvocationTraits, 275
isConst, 47
isPointer, 47
isReference, 41, 47
isStdArith, 47
isStdFloat, 47
isStdFundamental, 42-43, 47
isStdIntegral, 47
isStdSignedInt, 47
isStdUnsignedInt, 47
isVolatile, 47


KDL problem, 135-142, 155
Keyboard, 135-142, 155
KillPhoenixSingleton, 138
Knuth, Donald E., 77, 78


Lattanzi, Len, 77
Length, 76
less, 180-181
LhsTypes, 272
Lifetime policy, 149-153
LifetimeTracker, 142-143
LIFO (last in, first out), 134
Line, 203, 204, 212-213
linking, reference, 167-168
LISP, 52
ListOfTypes, 295
Lock, 146, 184, 306
LockedStorage, 189-190
class-level, 307
object-level, 306-308
pattern, double-checked, 146-147, 149
semantics, 306-308
LockingProxy, 184-185
Log, 135-142
logarithmic double dispatcher, 263, 276-285, 297-300
logic_error, 152
Loki, 70, 77, 91-92, 210, 303, 309
multimethods and, 263, 268, 277-278, 288, 295-300
mutexes and, 306
smart pointers and, 163
long double data type, 35
longevity, 139-145, 149, 151
lower_bound, 277


MacroCommand, 122
macros, 122, 251-252, 254, 256-257, 261
"maelstrom effect," 170
MakeAdapter, 28-29
MakeCopy, 164
MakeT, 223
malloc, 143
map, 204-205, 210, 277, 278
integral constants to types, 31-32
type-to-type, 31-33
Martin, Robert, 245
maxObjectSize, 88
MemControlBlock, 78-79
MemFunHandler, 117-119, 126
allocators, workings of, 78-80
chunks of, 81-87
heaps, 124-125, 189-190
RMW (read-modify-write) operation, 303-304
Meyers, Scott, 77, 133-134, 276, 280
Meyers singleton, 133-134
ML, 263
ModalDialog, 27
Monster, 219-222, 224, 229
More Effective C++ (Meyers), 276, 280
MostDerived, 63, 76
arguments and, 285-290
basic description of, 263-300
constant-time, 290-293
double switch-on-type and, 265-268
logarithmic double dispatcher and, 276-285
need for, 264-265
quick facts, 297-300
symmetry and, 273-74
Multimethods.h, 294
MultiThreaded, 6
MultiThreadedRefCounting, 186-187
multithreading, 145-148, 302-306
at the bookkeeping data level, 185-187
critique of, 302-303
library, 301-309
mutexes and, 305-306
at the pointee object level, 184-185
reference counting and, 186
reference tracking and, 186-187
smart pointers and, 184-187
mutex_, 146
mutexes, 146-147, 305-306
MyController, 27
MyOnlyPrinter, 130
MyVisitor, 257


name, 206
name cyclic dependency, 243
new[], 183
next_, 187
NiftyContainer, 28-30, 33-34
NoChecking, 15, 18-19
NoCopy, 192
NoDestroy, 153
NoDuplicates, 60-61, 76
NonConstType, 47
nontemplated operators, 176-177
NonVolatileType, 47
NoQualifiedType, 47
NullType, 39-41, 48, 52, 54-56, 62-63, 270


object factor(ies)
basic description of, 197-218
classes and, 200-201
generalization and, 207-210
implementing, 201-206
need for, 198-200
quick facts, 216-217
templates, 216-218
type identifiers and, 206-207
using, with generic components, 215
ObjectLevelLockable, 307-309
OnDeadReference, 136-139, 150
OnError, 272
OnEvent, 70-71
OnUnknownVisitor, 260, 262
operator.*, 104, 116-117
operator!=, 174, 176, 178
operator(), 103-113, 116, 122-127, 283, 285
operator2>, 157, 160-162, 165, 182-185
operator2>*, 104, 116-117
operator*, 157, 161-162, 178-179, 182
operator<, 144
operator<=, 178-179
operator=, 162
operator==, 176-177, 178
operator>, 178-179
operator>=, 178-179
operator[], 55, 183, 278
operator T*, 172
OpNewCreator, 10
OpNewFactoryUnit, 226, 227, 231, 234
OrderedTypeInfo, 217, 276-277
orthogonal policies, 20
OutIt, 40
ownership-handling strategies, 163-170
Ownership policy, 183-184, 186, 188, 190-192


Paragraph, 237, 241, 247, 249, 254, 256
ParagraphVisitor, 246, 247, 248, 251
template, 10-11, 64, 105
types, optimized, 43-44
ParameterType, 43-44, 47, 123
ParentFunctor, 111, 120-121
Parm1, 111
Parm2, 111
ParmN, 109
Parrot, 117-119
Abstract Factory pattern, 69, 49-51, 219-234
Command pattern, 99-104
Double-Checked Locking pattern, 146-147, 149
Prototype design pattern, 228-233
Strategy design pattern, 8
Pattern Hatching (Vlissides), 133
pData_, 86
pDocElem, 246
pDuplicateShape, 212
pDynObject, 140
pFactory_, 222
Phoenix Singleton, 137-142, 149, 153
pimpl idiom, 78
pInstance_, 131-132, 136, 138, 146-148, 151
placement new, 138
pLastAlloc_, 89
POD (plain old data) structure, 45-46
Point3D, 70
pointee_, 160, 161, 178, 183
PointeeType, 41-42, 47, 160-161
pointee object level, 184-185
address-of operator and, 170-171
arrays and, 183-184
basic description of, 157-195
checking issues and, 181-182
copy on write (COW) and, 165
deep copy and, 163-164
destructive copy and, 168-170
equality and, 173-178
error reporting and, 181-182
failure of the do-it-all interface and, 5
handling, to member functions, 115-119
implicit conversion and, 171-173
inequality and, 173-178
multithreading and, 184-187
ordering comparison operators and, 178-181
ownership-handling strategies, 163-170
quick facts, 194-195
raw, 171-173
reference counting and, 165-167, 186
reference linking and, 166-168
reference tracking and, 186-187
traits of, implementing, 41-42
types, implicit conversion, 171-173
PointerToObj, 118
PointerTraits, 41-42
PointerType, 160, 190-191
policies. See also policy classes
basic description of, 3, 7-11
BasicDispatcher and, 293-294
BasicFastDispatcher and, 293-294
compatible, 17-18
decomposing classes in, 19-20
enriched, 12
multimethods and, 293-294
noncompatible, 17-18
orthogonal, 20
singletons and, 149-150, 152-153
stock, 152-153
policies (listed by name). See also policies
Array policy, 19-20
CastingPolicy policy, 288, 299
CatchAll Policy, 260, 262
Checking policy, 15-16, 188, 193-194
Conversion policy, 36-37, 188, 192-193
Creation policy, 151, 153
Creator policy, 8-9, 11-14, 149, 155, 156
Destroy policy, 20
DispatcherBackend policy, 294
FactoryError policy, 208-209, 217-218, 234
Lifetime policy, 149-153
Ownership policy, 183-184, 186, 188, 190-192
Storage policy, 17, 185, 188, 189-190
Structure policy, 16-17
ThreadingModel policy, 16, 149, 151-153, 186, 303-309
policy classes. See also classes
basic description of, 3-22
combining, 14-16
customizing structure with, 16-17
destructors of, 12-13
implementing, 10-11
Poly, 271, 279
Polygon, 203, 212
polymorphism, 78, 163-164
Abstract Factory implementation and, 228-229
multimethods and, 264
object factories and, 197-200, 211-212
prev_, 187
Printer, 161-162
printf, 105
printingPort_, 130
priority_queue, 142-145
ProductCreator, 210-211, 216-217
Prototype design pattern, 228-233
PrototypeFactoryUnit, 231-232, 234
prototypes, 228-233
pTrackerArray, 143


qualifiers, stripping, 44


RasterBitmap, 237, 241, 247, 249, 256
RasterBitmapVisitor, 247, 251
realloc, 143
Receiver, 100
Rectangle, 267, 279, 289
RectanglePoly, 279
Redo, 125-126
RefCounted, 6, 192
RefCountedMT, 192
counting, 165-167, 186
linking, 167-168, 186-187
ReferencedType, 41-42, 47
RefLinked, 192
RegisterShape, 206
RejectNull, 194
RejectNullStatic, 193-194
RejectNullStrict, 194
Release, 161-162, 192, 305, 306
Replace, 76
ReplaceAll, 61, 76
Reset, 162
resource leaks, 133
Result, 55
ResultType, 111, 269, 284
return type(s)
conversion, 114-115
covariant, 228
generalized functors and, 114-115
RISC processors, 148
RMW (read-modify-write) operation, 303-304
RoundedRectangle, 272, 286-287, 289
RoundedShape, 286-287, 289
runtime_error, 137, 209-210, 300
runtime type information (RTTI), 215, 245, 255, 276


safe_reinterpret_cast, 26
SafeWidgetPtr, 17
sameType, 36
Save, 201-203
scanf, 105
ScheduleDestruction, 149-150
Schmidt, Douglas, 146-147
Scroll, 122
ScrollBar, 50, 61-62
Secretary, 5
Section, 254
Select, 33-34, 62
failure of the do-it-all interface and, 4-5
functors and, 99
locking, 306-308
semaphores, 309
SetLongevity, 140-145, 149
SetPrototype, 12, 14, 232
Shape, 201-202, 265, 268, 279, 286-289
ShapeCast, 289
ShapeFactory, 204-205, 215
Shapes, 290
SillyMonster, 219-222, 226
SillySoldier, 219-222, 230
SillySuperMonster, 219-222
SingleThreaded, 153, 308
singleton(s). See also SingletonHolder
basic C++ idioms supporting, 131-132
dead reference problem and, 135-142
destroying, 133-135
Double-Checked Locking pattern and, 146-147
failure of the do-it-all interface and, 4-5
implementing, 129-154
longevity and, 139-145
Meyers singleton, 133-134
multithreading and, 145-148
Phoenix, 137-142, 149, 153
static functions and, 130
uniqueness of, enforcing, 132-133
SingletonHolder, 3, 91, 129-130, 148-153, 215. See also singletons
assembling, 150-152
decomposing, 149-150
quick facts, 155-156
working with, 153-156
SingletonWithLongevity, 153, 154
sizeof, 25, 34-35, 82, 90-91
size_t, 36, 79
skinnable programs, 103
SmallAlloc.h, 93-95
small-object allocation
basic description of, 77-96
default free store allocators and, 78
fixed-size allocators and, 84-87
hat trick and, 89-91
memory chunks and, 81-84
quick facts, 94-95
SmallObjAllocator, 80-81, 87-89, 92-95
SmallObject, 80-81, 89, 91-95, 123-124
smart pointer(s)
address-of operator and, 170-171
arrays and, 183-184
basic description of, 157-195
checking issues and, 181-182
copy on write (COW) and, 165
deep copy and, 163-164
destructive copy and, 168-170
equality and, 173-178
error reporting and, 181-182
failure of the do-it-all interface and, 5
implicit conversion and, 171-173
inequality and, 173-178
multithreading and, 184-187
ordering comparison operators and, 178-181
ownership-handling strategies, 163-170
quick facts, 194-195
raw, 171-173
reference counting and, 165-167, 186
reference linking and, 167-168
reference tracking and, 186-187
types, implicit conversion, 171-173
SmartPtr, 3, 6-7, 14-19, 44, 87, 157-195
Soldier, 219-222, 224, 229-230
SomeLhs, 278, 284
SomeRhs, 278, 284
SomeThreadingModel, 309
SomeVisitor, 250, 254
spImpl_, 112
if, 238, 267, 305
if-else, 29, 267, 268, 270
static, 280
static_cast, 114, 285-290, 299
StaticDispatcher, 268-276, 297-298
static manipulation, 6
Statistics, 249
stats, 246-247
STL, 115, 171
StorageImpl, 189, 190
Storage policy, 17, 185, 188, 189-190
Strategy design pattern, 8
String, 302-303, 307
Stroustrup, Bjarne, 202
struct, 45
customizing, with policy classes, 16-17
POD (plain old data), 45-46
specialization of, 7
Structure policy, 16-17
SuperMonster, 219-222, 229
Surprises.cpp, 224
Sutter, Herb, 77
switch, 203
SwitchPrototype, 13-14
symmetry, 273-74
synchronization objects, 303


advantages of, 6-7
implementing policy classes with, 11
skeleton, Functor class, 104-108
specialization, partial, 53-54
template parameters, 10-11, 64, 105
templated operators, 176-177
TemporarySecretary, 5
Tester, 178
Tester*, 178
TestFunction, 113-115
TextDocument, 198
ThreadingModel policy, 16, 149, 151-153, 186, 303-309
separation, 101
slicing, 201
TList, 53-65, 75, 120, 127, 223, 231-234, 261
Tools menu, 102
trampoline functions (thunks), 280-283
Trampoline, 281
translation units, 132
Triangle, 289
tuples, generating, 70
atomic operations on, 303-304
conversions, generalized functors and, 114-115
detection of fundamental, 42-43
identifiers, 201, 206-207
integral, 303-305
modifiers, 308-309
multiple inheritance and, 6
multithreading and, 303-305
parameters, optimized, 43-44
replacing an element in, 60-61
safety, loss of static, 4
selection, 33-34
-to-type mapping, 31-33
traits, 38-46
Type2Type, 32-33, 223
TypeAt, 55, 76
TypeAtNonStrict, 55, 76, 109
typedef, 14, 19, 51, 54, 215, 295
typeid, 38, 267
type_info, 37-39, 54, 206-207, 213-215, 276-277, 295
TypeInfo, 38-39, 48
Typelist.h, 51, 55, 75
typelists, 223, 268, 272
appending to, 57-58
basic description of, 49-76
calculating length and, 53-54
class generation with, 64-75
compile-time algorithms operating on, 76
creating, 52-53
defining, 51-52
detecting fundamental types and, 42-43
need for, 49-41
partially ordering, 61-64
quick facts, 75
searching, 56-57
TypesLhs, 269-270, 274
TypesRhs, 269, 270, 274
TypeTraits, 41-48, 123, 183


Undo, 125-126
unique bouncing virtual functions, 238
Unlock, 184
UpdateStats, 237-238
upper_bound, 144
use_Size, 91


ValueType, 33
vector, 183
VectorGraphic, 244
VectorizedDrawing, 259
Veldhuizen, Todd, 54
constructor dilemma, 229
functions, 238
Visit, 249-250, 254, 256
Visitable, 249, 251, 252-254
Visitor design pattern
acyclic, 243-248
basic description of, 235-262
catch-all function and, 242-243, 258-259
cyclic, 243-248, 254-257
generic implementation of, 248-255
hooking variations, 258-260
nonstrict visitation and, 261
quick facts, 261-262
VisitParagraph, 240, 242
VisitRasterBitmap, 242
VisitVectorGraphic, 244
Vlissides, John, 133
void*, 172
volatile, 151, 308-309, 308-309
VolatileType, 151, 309


Widget, 26-32, 38, 44, 61-62, 159, 164, 184, 309
WidgetEventHandler, 71-74
WidgetFactory, 49-51
WidgetInfo, 65-67
WidgetManager, 9-14, 19-20
Window, 50
Withdrawal, 306


X Windows, 103



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