- 12 More Essential Skills for Software Architects: Technology Innovation
- Aug 25, 2014
- This chapter from 12 More Essential Skills for Software Architects unveils one of the essential skills needed by a software architect: the ability to identify, assess, and infuse new and potentially disruptive technologies in a business-centric fashion.
- A Design Technique: Data Integration Modeling
- Jan 19, 2011
- This chapter focuses on a new design technique for the analysis and design of data integration processes. This technique uses a graphical process modeling view of data integration similar to the graphical view an entity-relationship diagram provides for data models.
- An Interview with Paul Clements on Documenting Software Architectures
- Sep 21, 2010
- John Morley interviews Paul Clements about why he wrote Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond, Second Edition. Paul explains why we need to be able to document an architecture so that others can successfully use it, maintain it, and build a system from it.
- Applying Test-Driven Development to Architecture to Keep Your Team on Target
- Feb 20, 2014
- Max Guernsey III (author of Test-Driven Database Development: Unlocking Agility) and Mike Brown discuss how to take advantage of the talents of your team's architects to develop visionary software responsibly.
- Architecting Composite Applications and Services with TIBCO: Observable Dependencies and Behaviors
- Aug 27, 2012
- When you want to use a component as part of a solution, you need to understand the behavior of that component so that you can determine whether it is suitable for use in the solution. What you need to know are the aspects of the component’s behavior that are observable from outside the component. You treat the component as a black box and focus on its observable behavior.
- Architecture Documentation — Choosing the Views
- Jan 31, 2003
- You know that documentation is important, but how much should you realistically document? Discover how to weigh cost against benefit and gain the most from your software architecture documentation.
- Architecture, Architect, Architecting
- Aug 6, 2009
- This chapter provides an overview of three of the core concepts related to the subject of software architecting and concludes with a discussion of the benefits of architecting.
- BPEL: The Next Big Thing in Software?
- Nov 18, 2005
- Software is far more fluid now than even five years ago. Look at the way we accept new virus definitions and automatic updates to Windows XP! Stephen Morris suggests that this change reflects a gradual migration toward web-based services for upgrades, a small step away from using automatic web services for tasks such as share trading and resource planning. The future may be bleak for monolithic applications, and the main reason may be found in the area of business process modeling.
- Building Secure Software: Race Conditions
- Nov 2, 2001
- Concurrent programs are incredibly difficult to debug. Race conditions are just the most security-relevant type of concurrency problem. In this chapter Gary McGraw and John Viega explore race conditions and their security ramifications.
- Can IT Solve All Business Problems?
- Jul 2, 2004
- In a complex business ecosystem, where constraints and bottlenecks are common, can IT solve all business problems? Pujan Roka reminds us that despite complex software solutions, business problems don't just go away; new problems evolve out of changing business and process needs.
- Cascade Integrator Comb Filters
- Apr 1, 2005
- Digital filters are formed by a standard set of resources, memory or delays, summing junctions, multipliers, and resamplers. Architectures that combine these resources build a variety of filtering systems. This chapter presents these filters and discusses their performance under finite arithmetic.
- Characteristics of Event-Driven Architecture
- Mar 2, 2009
- How should the components work together to realize the desired functionality of an Event-Driven Architecture (EDA)?
- Complex-Event Processing Solution Design Patterns with TIBCO
- Oct 24, 2013
- This chapter identifies the kinds of variation you can expect in architectural patterns that arise in complex-event processing (CEP) solutions and presents a number of well-understood patterns, each of which addresses a common business challenge.
- Conway's Law Revisited: Successfully Aligning Enterprise Architecture
- May 1, 2002
- For investments in enterprise architecture to pay off, they must be based on a clear understanding of the organization. Whatever approach you choose to implement your enterprise strategy, an understanding of Conway's Law can help to make your alignment efforts successful.
- Design Patterns for Real-Time Systems: Resource Patterns
- Dec 6, 2002
- Bruce Powel Douglass provides a number of patterns to help organize, manage, use, and share finite resources when building real-time and embedded systems.
- Evaluating a Software Architecture
- Dec 6, 2001
- To put it bluntly, an architecture is a bet, a wager on the success of a system. Wouldn't it be nice to know in advance if you've placed your bet on a winner, as opposed to waiting until the system is mostly completed before knowing whether it will meet ...
- Grady Booch on Developing the Handbook of Software Architecture
- Jan 13, 2006
- Grady Booch discusses his current project: creating a handbook of software architecture patterns and their context.
- Guards and Walls of Software Fortresses
- Jun 27, 2003
- Keep the bad guys away from your fortress while at the same time allowing access through the use of walls and guards. You will discover what each of these devices do and how you can create them for your own system.
- How Value-Stream-Oriented Architecture Can Help You Create Better Software
- Nov 21, 2013
- Organizing software architecture around real customer problems and focusing on enabling one value stream at a time enables an architect to greatly improve his effectiveness. Reluctant software architect Max Guernsey shows you how to design a solution that applies lean thinking principles and creates an elegant, reusable answer to whatever assignment you and your team have been tasked with solving.
- Introduction to Model Driven Architecture
- May 21, 2004
- There have been significant improvements in the ways in which we build software over the last fifty years, two of which are worthy of note in the attempt to make software an asset: we've raised the level of abstraction of the languages we use to express behavior, and we've sought to increase the level of reuse in system construction. MDA takes the ideas of raising the levels of abstraction and reuse up a notch. It also introduces a new idea that ties these ideas together into a greater whole: design-time interoperability. Want to learn the basics? Start right here.