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Published Oct 31, 2023 by Addison-Wesley Professional
Published Apr 5, 2023 by Microsoft Press
Published Feb 27, 2023 by Microsoft Press
Published Nov 15, 2021 by Addison-Wesley Professional
This lesson from T-SQL in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself covers how to create a SQL Server database, how to set database options, how to work with the Transaction Log, and how to attach to an existing database.
SQL Server's AlwaysOn is taking the database world by storm. This chapter from Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Unleashed dives into the AlwaysOn new features and availability groups.
In the Swift programming language, tuples play specialized roles that lend power and flexibility to your development. Erica Sadun, bestselling author of The Gourmet iOS Developer's Cookbook: Even More Recipes for Better iOS App Development, explores tuples in depth.
To take maximum advantage of the performance improvements that can be achieved from having your critical OLTP tables memory resident, Microsoft developed the In-Memory Optimization feature for SQL Server. Another feature introduced in SQL Server 2014 to take advantage of the lower costs and increased sizes of SSDs, is the Buffer Pool Extension feature. The authors of Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Unleashed discuss both of these exciting new features in this chapter.