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As more and more companies are considering the move to electronic business, it is becoming vital that the industry begins to produce engineering strategies for Internet-based applications. If you are tasked with building a corporate Web site or exploiting the Internet for new business opportunities, this book will help you to make the right decisions when selecting technology, products, people and strategies.
Success with Electronic Business is a comprehensive guide to the challenge of business transactions in the age of electronic business. The book shows how to use established and novel concepts for software engineering and software architecture to build Internet-based applications or electronic business.
The authors draw on their extensive experience to discuss the technical aspects of business-to-business information interchange, in a practical and accessible way. Object-orientation, component-based architectures, aspect-oriented programming and agents, are discussed and applied specifically in the context of electronic business. The book explores the actual technology that you will need to implement Internet-based electronic business methods, providing an overview of Java and XML and focussing in detail on the 'Bolero' framework.
Additional features:
· CD containing demo version of Bolero-Software AG's development environment for electronic business
· Supporting Web site with updates and advice on technology and pointers to other important sites.
About the authors:
Berthold Daum has worked in the software industry for twenty years, encompassing projects on O-O, artificial intelligence and telecoms. More recently at Software AG he was a co-developer of the Natural 4GL.
Markus Scheller, also at Software AG, is a specialist in the development and implementation of enterprise-wide services and sales strategies for electronic business. He has led international software development teams and written for many international IT magazines.
About Software AG:
Software AG, based in Darmstadt, Germany, is one of the largest software companies worldwide, with its products used in more that ninety countries. It is a leader in the are of integration technology and its products and services support the integration of transaction-based mission-critical applications across heterogeneous system platforms, from mainframe to the Web. More information can be found at
Technical Architectures for E-Business (Part 1)
Technical Architectures for E-Business (Part 2)
Who Should Read This Book.
1. Information Processing at the Turn of the Millennium.Computers Everywhere.
Wide Communication Lines?
Open Standards.
The Omnipresence of the Web.
2. The Brave New World of Electronic Business.The Products of 2001 — Immaterial and Transient.
Towards a Digital Economy.
From Store Front to Production Line.
From Supply Chain to Supply Network.
The Virtual Enterprise.
A Buyer's Paradise.
How Safe Is the Web?
3. Getting Ready for RITI.The Amalgamation of Web and Corporate World.
Re-Engineering for Responsiveness.
Multi-Client, Multi-Tier, Multi-Platform, Multi-Threaded, Multi-Component, Multi-Cultural, Multi-Everything: The New IT Environment.
4. Transactions.Controlling Processes by Using Monitors.
Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP).
8. Beyond OO.Open Implementation.
Aspect-Oriented Programming.
Subject-Oriented Programming.
9. Components.Components Are Objects, Or?
Design Issues.
Names and Directories.
10. User Interfaces for the Masses.A New Metaphor.
Reducing the Strain.
Adapting to the User.
Systematic Design of User Interfaces.
12. About Java.A New Computing Platform.
The Java Architecture.
From Chip Card to Mainframe: J2me to J2ee.
RMI and Di