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Quickly master the complexities of writing HTML pages and styling them with CSS.
° From best-selling author Molly Holzschlag, one of the Top 25 Most Influential Women on the Web!
° Composed exclusively of single-page and facing-page tutorials, this book provides an intelligent yet simple solution to getting up and running quickly with HTML and CSS
° Hundreds of example programs, "Quantum Leaps," and downloadable HTML/CSS templates make this the complete package.
The fastest route to true HTML/CSS mastery!
Need to build a web site? Or update one? Or just create some effective new web content? Maybe you just need to update your skills, do the job better.
Welcome. This book's for you. We'll leverage what you already know about the web, so you'll go further, faster than you ever expected. You'll master today's best practices: the real nuts and bolts, not theory or hooey. You'll learn through dozens of focused HTML, XHTML, and CSS examples: crafted for simplicity and easy to adapt for your own projects.
Need specific solutions? This book's modular, visual, high-efficiency format delivers them instantly. Molly E. Holzschlag draws on her unparalleled experience teaching Web design and development. No other HTML/CSS guide covers this much, this well, this quickly. Dig in, get started, get results!
All you need to succeed with HTML, XHTML, and CSS in real-world projects
Learn how to build web pages that'll work in any environment, on virtually any contemporary browser
Construct templates that simplify every page you develop
Structure and tag text so it's easy to work with and manage
Add images, media, and scripts–quickly and reliably
Discover the right ways to use HTML tables
Build easy-to-use forms and validate your users' input
Use CSS to take total control over your site's look and feel
Master core CSS techniques: color, images, text styles, link effects, lists, navigation, and more
Control margins, borders, padding, positioning, floats, even Z-index
Design efficient, compatible, easy-to-manage CSS layouts
Includes concise XHTML and CSS annotated references: quick help for every language element
Spring Into... is a new series of fast-paced tutorials from Addison-Wesley. Each book in the series is designed to bring you up to speed quickly. Complex topics and technologies are reduced to their core components, and each component is treated with remarkable efficiency in one- or two-page spreads. Just the information you need to begin! And because the books are example-rich and easy to navigate, you'll find that they make great on-the-job references after you've mastered the basics.
© Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
The Meaning of Semantics Take II: Naming Conventions for Class and ID in CSS
How to Add Images, Media, and Scripts to Your Web Site
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Chapter related to this title.
About the Author.
About the Series Editor.
1. Building an HTML Page.
Declaring and Identifying the Document
Adding the html Element
The head and title Elements
The meta Element
The body Element
HTML Comments
Reviewing the Template
Text Is Next!
2. Adding Text and Links.
Using Headers Properly
Adding Paragraphs
Working with Page Breaks
Ordered Lists
Unordered Lists
Nesting Lists
Definition Lists
The Good Old Link
Email Links
Intrapage Linking
Adding Content to the Template
Wrapping It Up
3. Adding Images, Media, and Scripts.
The img Element
Adding width and height Values
Providing Alternative Text
Linking the Image
Linking to an Audio or Video File
Embedding Files Using the object Element
But Your Honor, I Object!
Adding Scripts
Scripting and Browser Concerns
Imagine That!
4. Creating Tables.
The table Element
Adding a Table Row
Adding Table Cells
Adding Table Headers
Adding a Caption
Table Summaries
Spanning Rows
Spanning Columns
Combining colspan and rowspan
Grouping Table Columns: The col Element
Grouping Table Columns with colgroup
Grouping Table Rows
The Table's Set
5. Building Forms.
The form Element
Adding an Input Textbox
Adding Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
Preselecting Checked Items
Using Form Menus
Working with Text Areas
Reset and Submit Buttons
Using a Graphic Submit Button
Making Forms More Accessible with label
Grouping Form Fields
Grouping Menu Items
Customizing and Advancing Your Forms
Now That You're Well-Formed
6. Working with Frames.
The Power of Three
Creating a Frameset
Adding Columns
Working with Rows
Combining Columns and Rows
Margin, Resize, and Scroll Controls
Naming and Targeting Frames
Frames Without Frontiers
Making Frames Accessible with noframes
Wonderful Inline Frames
You're Framed!
7. Using CSS.
CSS Theory Simplified
Adding Style Inline
Using Embedded Style
Creating a Linked Style Sheet
Importing Style Sheets
Commenting and Formatting CSS
Time to Put Your Imagination to Work!
8. Working with Color and Images Using CSS.
Color and CSS
Adding Color to Backgrounds
Spicing Up a Table Using Background Color
Attaching a Background Graphic
Controlling How Backgrounds Tile
Positioning a Background Graphic
Fixing and Scrolling Background Images
Making a Background Color Transparent
CSS Shorthand for Backgrounds
Having Fun Yet?
9. Styling Text.
Choosing Fonts
Applying Font Families to Text
Sizing Fonts
Font Weight and Style
Coloring Text
Aligning Text
Text Decoration
Indenting Text
Transforming and Varying Text
Setting Line Height
Spacing Letters and Words
Modifying First-Letter and First-Line Text
Using Shorthand for Font Styles
Now You're Getting Fancy!
10. Link Effects, Lists, and Navigation.
Working with Link States
Modifying Link Styles
Multiple Link Styles Using Class Selectors
Styling Links Using Descendant Selectors
Styling Ordered Lists
Styling Unordered Lists
Shorthand CSS for List Styles
List-Based Vertical Navigation Using Color
Vertical List Navigation with Image Effects
Horizontal List-Based Navigation with Color
Horizontal List Navigation with Images
Rich Links, Lists, and Navigation
11. Margins, Borders, and Padding.
Exploring the Box Model
Using Margins
Using Negative Margins
Margin Shorthand
Styling Borders
Border Shorthand
Using Padding
Padding Shorthand
Toward Gaining More Control
12. Positioning, Floats, and Z-index.
Getting into Position
Normal Flow
Containing Blocks
The Browser Viewport
Absolute Positioning: To the Root Element
Absolute Positioning: To Another Block
Relative Positioning
Fixed Positioning
Floating Elements
Clearing Floats
Just Like a Pro
13. CSS Layouts.
Three Columns with Fixed Flanking Menus
Three Columns with Masthead and Footer
Nested Float
Centered Designs
Complex Layouts
Repeat After Me
Appendix A: XHTML 1.0 Annotated Reference.
Appendix B: CSS 2.1 Annotated Reference.
Hard to imagine that it all began as an experiment in a particle physics laboratory. Tim Berners-Lee and his fellow physicists at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) had been searching for a way to effectively share research documents across a variety of computer platforms. The Internet, with its complex, international network, was a very natural foundation upon which to house the technologies that would ultimately combine to make up the World Wide Web.
From its modest origins to the absolutely astonishing permeation into world culture, the Web, according to its father, Berners-Lee, was intended to be as much a social environment as a technical one. This idea might well have led to the fast proliferation of the Web, largely because it enables us to interact in many different ways socially via the technology, so much so that a new study of social networking has emerged to examine the social implications of the Web on society, and vice versa.
And, while intended for nontechnical professionals, the book will most certainly also be useful for people who are working in the web design and development field, and are interested in learning contemporary approaches to working with web pages.
Note - Although HTML is still in use, it has been reformulated into a language known as Extensible Markup Language (XHTML). For general purposes, they are essentially the same, with the exception that XHTML can be extended in ways beyond the scope of the book. However, to keep up-to-date and to get you working with modern markup, XHTML is used in this book. In fact, it's an important point that I tend to use the terms HTML and XHTML interchangeably, even though they are, in fact, a bit different.
You'll learn more about HTML and XHTML in the book's first section, which contains the following chapters:
Chapters in Section 1
Chapter 1: Building an HTML Page
Teaches you how to: Create a page in XHTML
Chapter 2: Adding Text and Links
Teaches you how to: Format text and links
Chapter 3: Adding Images, Media, and Scripts
Teaches you how to: Add dynamic content
Chapter 4: Creating Tables
Teaches you how to: Build effective data tables
Chapter 5: Building Forms
Teaches you how to: Create HTML forms
Chapter 6: Working with Frames
Teaches you how to: Work with frames
The second section of the book focuses on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which is the language that integrates with HTML and XHTML to add the design features of the page: layout, colors, fonts, and anything decorative. You'll learn how to apply CSS to the pages you build by following the approaches found in the following chapters:
Chapters in Section 2
Chapter 7: Using CSS
Teaches you how to: Integrate CSS with HTML
Chapter 8: Working with Color and Images
Teaches you how to: Add color and imagery
Chapter 9: Styling Text
Teaches you how to: Work with web typography
Chapter 10: Link Effects, Lists, and Navigation
Teaches you how to: Design with links and lists
Chapter 11: Margins, Borders, and Padding
Teaches you how to: Gain control over space
Chapter 12: Positioning, Floats, and Z-index
Teaches you how to: Position and float elements
Chapter 13: CSS Layouts
Teaches you how to: Lay out pages with CSS
Along with the chapters, there are two very important appendixes. The first is "XHTML 1.0 Annotated Reference," which provides a look-up along with proper usage and tips of all the elements available in XHTML 1.0. The second is "CSS 2.1 Annotated Reference," which provides a listing, along with proper usage and tips, of all available CSS properties.
Between the chapters and the appendixes, you'll be set when it comes to the breadth of knowledge required to create great web pages using today's techniques.
Each topic is explained in a discrete one- or two-page unit called a "chunk."
Each chunk builds on the previous chunks in that chapter.
Many chunks contain sidebars and "Quantum Leaps," which provide helpful, _ancillary material that is often more advanced than the main text.
The chunk style has been specifically crafted to meet the needs of busy people. I know you don't have a lot of time to spend learning complex ideas, so giving them to you in bite-size chunks is a helpful way to get you working as fast as possible, the right way, from the get-go.
Most recently, Barry spent four semesters at MIT where he taught advanced technical writing. Barry is also a professional juggler who has performed more than 1,200 shows, including a three-week run in Japan. Juggling serves as the backdrop for his novel, Cascade (not yet published). Barry currently works as the documentation manager at 170 Systems.
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