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This book is designed to get the reader started quickly creating business applications with COM+. The five parts of the book encompass Understanding COM+ Applications, Data Services Layer, Business Services Layer, User Services Layer, and the final project. In the last section of the book, readers will put all that they learned in the previous chapters to work by developing the application. This application is intended as a complete learning application that uses many of the features presented in the book.
Creating Transactional Web Pages
Delivering Successful Software Solutions
Designing Visual Basic Applications Using the Rational Unified Process
How This Book Is Organized.
Part I: Understanding COM+ Applications. Part II: Data Services. Part III: Business Services. Part IV: User Services. Part V:
Conventions Used in This Book.
1. Windows DNA and COM+.
Windows 2000 Services.
Active Directory. Internet Information Server 5.0. Message Queuing. Universal Data Access. XML Support. Network Load Balancing. Component Services.
Tiered Architecture Overview.
Two-Tier Architecture. Three-Tier Architecture
Establishing a Test Environment.
Windows 2000 Advanced Server. SQL Server 2000. Visual Studio.
2. Administering COM+.
The Component Services Explorer.
Computer Properties. Application Properties. The System Application. Creating Applications. Component Properties. Installing COM+ Components into an Application.
3. Designing COM+ Applications.
Assessing Functional Requirements.
Problem Statement. Gathering Requirements. Assessing Requirements.
Describing the System.
Identifying Actors and Use Cases. Documenting the Use Cases. Flow Charts.
Creating the Paper Prototype.
System Modeling. Database Model. Logical Model. Three-Tier Diagram.
4. COM+ Application Fundamentals.
Understanding Contexts.
Object Activation. Communicating with the Context. State Management. The ObjectControl Interface.
Managing Shared Properties.
SharedPropertyGroupManager. SharedPropertyGroup. SharedProperty.
5. Accessing Data with COM+.
OLEDB Session Pooling.
Controlling the Number of Pools. Tuning Session Pooling.
Understanding Data Transportation.
Understanding Cursors. Understanding Transports and Payloads. Delimited Strings. Variant Arrays. Disconnected Recordsets. Property Bags. Conclusion.
XML Fundamentals. The Stream Object. Web Services and SOAP.
Updating Records.
Handling Collisions
6. COM+ Data Components.
Encapsulating Stored Procedures. Parameter Passing.
Strong Function Signatures. Variant Arrays. XML.
Error Handling. Polymorphic Interfaces.
Understanding Polymorphism. Creating Standards.
The DNA Payload.
Overview. Dataset Properties and Methods. Field Object Properties. Passing Parameters with the DNA Payload. Returning Data with the DNA Payload. Displaying HTML with the DNA Payload.
7. COM+ Transactions.
Understanding Transaction Attributes. The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator. Transactional Components.
Understanding Transaction Context. Voting in Transactions.
Monitoring Transactions.
8. COM+ Security.
Distributed Security.
Certificates. Kerberos Protocol.
Active Directory.
Single Sign-On. Microsoft Installer. Personalization.
Active Directory Services Interface.
Using ADSI. Manipulating Properties. Authenticating Users.
COM+ Security Features.
Declarative Security. Programmatic Security.
9. COM+ Business Features.
The COM+ Event System.
Event Classes. Event Subscribers. Event Publishers. Filtering Events.
COM+ Constructors. Compensating Resource Manager System.
CRM Workers. CRM Clerks. Compensating Resource Managers. CRM Issues.
10. Asynchronous COM+ Applications.
The Microsoft Message Queue. MSMQ Applications.
MSMQApplication Object. MSMQQuery Object. MSMQQueueInfos Object. MSMQQueueInfo Object. MSMQQueue Object. MSMQEvent Object. MSMQMessage Object. MSMQ Limitations.
Queued Components.
Designing Queued Components. Calling Queued Components. Using Queued Components in Transactions. Exception Classes.
11. COM+ and the Internet.
New Internet Information Server Features.
Isolating Internet Applications. Generating Custom Error Messages. Using Scriptless ASP.
Creating Transactional Web Pages.
Understanding Transactional Attributes. Creating Multi-Page Transactions. Creating Classes in Scripts.
Accessing ASP Objects with COM+ Components. Understanding XSL Style Sheets.
XSL Fundamentals. XSL Templates. XSL Elements.
12. COM+ and WIN32.
Maintaining Application State.
Custom Collections. Data Binding.
User Interface Strategies.
ActiveX Controls. HTA Pages.
13. Integrating COM+ with Groupware.
Integrating Exchange 2000 Server with COM+.
Understanding Web Storage. ActiveX Data Objects: Accessing Web Stores. Collaboration Data: Using Contact and Message Objects.
Integrating Microsoft Outlook 2000 with COM+.
The Outlook Design Environment. Coding Outlook Items.
Integrating Digital Dashboards with COM+.
14. Debugging and Deploying COM+ Applications.
Debugging COM+ Components.
Debugging in Visual Basic. Debugging in Visual InterDev.
Deploying COM+ Applications.
Deploying Data Services. Deploying Business Services. Deploying User Services. Deployment Checklist.
Analyzing COM+ Applications.
The Testing Process. Assessing Performance. Load Balancing.
15. COM+ Catalog Administration.
The COM+ Administration Object Model.
The COMAdminCatalog Object. The COMAdminCatalogCollection Object. The COMAdminCatalogObject Object.
Performing COM+ Administration with the Windows Scripting Host.
The WScript Object. The Shell Object.
16. Designing the Application.
Problem Statement. Gathering Requirements.
Membership and Personalization. Promotions. Analysis.
Identifying Actors and Use Cases.
Log In. Add Book to Cart. View Cart. Checkout.
Screen Shots and the Paper Prototype. Data Model. System Models.
The Three-Tier Model. Log In. Add Book to Cart. Check Out.
Defining Components.
17. Building the Application.
Development Environment. Creating the Database. Creating the COM+ Components.
Data Services. Business Services. Deploying Components.
Creating the Web Interface.