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GroupWise allows corporate users to manage documents, share calendars, and control project workflow across network operating systems, including Novell NetWare, Windows NT, and Windows 2000.
Novell¿s GroupWise 6.5 User¿s Handbook helps users use the features of GroupWise 6.5 to manage e-mail, schedules, and workload. It introduces and provides step-by-step instructions to the new features in this version.
Changes in version 6.5 include improvements to the user interface and to integration tools for third-party developers. The software allows employees to access business information via a Web browser on a desktop or a laptop PC, and from wireless handhelds like Research In Motion¿s BlackBerry devices.
Novell GroupWise 6.5 Messaging Fundamentals
1. Introduction to GroupWise 6.5.
Different Versions of GroupWise. Starting GroupWise. The Main GroupWise Screen. The Folders List and Items Area. Navigating Within GroupWise. Summary.
Look and Feel. Functionality. Management. Summary.
About GroupWise Accounts. Message Types. Message Formats: HTML Versus Text. Alternate Email Views. Sending Messages. Reading Messages. Working with Attachments. Replying to Messages. Forwarding Messages. Deleting Messages. Restoring Messages. Purging Messages. Summary.
Introducing Address Book Features. Addressing Messages with the Address Book. Creating Personal Address Books. Searching the Address Book. Integrating This Address Book with Other Systems. Using the Address Selector. Creating a New Personal Group with the Address Selector. Summary.
Organizing Messages with the Cabinet. Managing Messages Using Folders. Using Message Threading in a Folder. Finding Messages. Using Filters to Manage Your Messages. Archiving Messages. Saving Messages. Printing Messages. Using the Checklist. Using Categories. Managing Outgoing Messages. Managing the Trash. Summary.
Using the Calendar Interface. Making Posted Appointments. Creating Posted Tasks. Posting Reminder Notes. Rescheduling Appointments, Tasks, and Reminder Notes. Changing Calendar Item Types. Summary.
Scheduling Meetings. Sending Tasks. Sending Reminder Notes. Monitoring Appointments, Tasks, and Notes. Retracting Appointments, Tasks, and Notes. Acting on Received Appointments, Tasks, and Notes. Creating Recurring Items Using Auto-Date. Multi-User Calendars. Printing Calendars. Summary.
Advanced Features: User Productivity. GroupWise Rules. Using the Proxy Feature. Specifying Send Options. My Subject. Creating Discussions (Posted Messages). Mailbox Setup and Maintenance Features. Internet-Enabled Features. Junk Mail Handling. Managing Your Mailbox Size. Repairing Your Mailbox. Summary.
Introducing Document Libraries. Importing Documents into a Library. Using Custom Import. Creating New Documents. Creating Document References. Checking Out Documents. Checking In Documents. Copying Documents. Deleting Documents. Searching for Documents. Sharing Documents. Using the Find Results Folders with Document Management. Performing Mass Document Operations. Echoing Documents to Your Remote Mailbox. Summary.
Connecting to Your Mailbox Using Remote Mode. Configuring the GroupWise Client. Setting Up Network Connections. Modifying Your GroupWise Remote Options. Using GroupWise in Remote Mode. Understanding Hit the Road. Understanding Smart Docking. Understanding Caching Mode. Summary.
Setting Default Options. Environment Options. Send Options. Security Options. Certificates. Date Time Options. Customizing the Toolbar. Customizing Your Folders. Show Appointment As. Headers. Summary.
Using GroupWise WebAccess. GroupWise on Wireless Devices. System Requirements. Accessing Your GroupWise Mailbox. Summary.
Helping GroupWise Locate Your Mailbox. Connecting to GroupWise. Calling Up the Startup Dialog Box. Other Useful GroupWise Startup Options.
Using the F1 Key. Using the Help Button. About Toolbar Help. Using the Help Menu. Viewing the Online GroupWise User's Guide. Information About GroupWise Cool Solutions. Accessing the Novell GroupWise Product Information Page. Tip of the Day. About GroupWise.