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18+ Hours of Video Instruction
An intensive study resource designed to guide you in best practices for exam success on the Java SE 11 Developer (1Z0-819) exam.
The Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer exam is the industry standard certification for Java programming skills. Java SE 11 Developer (1Z0-819) Complete Video Course is designed to make you successful in your Java certification exam journey. This 18+ hour video course focuses on exam key concepts and helps you hone your Java programming skills so you are not only prepared to take the exam, but you can become a better Java programmer.
This study resource is fast-paced and focuses on elucidating both key concepts and difficult and unfamiliar topics. Each lesson is reinforced with clear instructions and focused discussions to help ensure a full understanding of the material, maximizing the potential of passing the exam.
At the end of each lesson is a "Question Deep Dive" section that is modelled after the real exam format so you can familiarize yourself with how questions might appear on the exam, as well as gain confidence before you take the test.
Skill Level:
Module 1: Working with Java data types
Lesson 1: Use primitives and wrapper classes, including, operators, parentheses, type promotion and casting
Learning objectives
1.1 Java operators - part 1
1.2 Java operators - part 2
1.3 Promotions
1.4 Casting
1.5 Wrapper classes
1.6 Question deep dive
Lesson 2: Handle text using String and StringBuilder classes
Learning objectives
2.1 String and StringBuilder
2.2 Methods of the String class
2.3 Methods of the StringBuilder class
2.4 Question deep dive
Lesson 3: Use local variable type inference, including as lambda parameters
Learning objectives
3.1 Using var for regular variables
3.2 Additional uses and restrictions of var
3.3 Question deep dive
Module 2: Controlling Program Flow and Exception Handling
Lesson 4: Create and use loops, if/else, and switch statements
Learning objectives
4.1 Simple loops
4.2 Control using break and continue
4.3 Using if/else statements
4.4 Using switch statements
4.5 Question deep dive
Lesson 5: Handle exceptions using try/catch/finally clauses, try-with-resource, and multi-catch statements
Learning objectives
5.1 Flow control of try/catch/finally
5.2 Flow control of try-with-resources
5.3 Multi-catch and rethrowing
5.4 Question deep dive
Lesson 6: Create and use custom exceptions
Learning objectives
6.1 Subclassing Throwable types
6.2 Question deep Dive
Module 3: Java Object-Oriented Approach
Lesson 7: Declare and instantiate Java objects including nested class objects, and explain objects' lifecycles (including creation, dereferencing by reassignment, and garbage collection)
Learning objectives
7.1 Source files and basic type declarations
7.2 Nested type declarations
7.3 Inner class declarations - part 1
7.4 Inner class declaration - part 2
7.5 Local and anonymous class declarations
7.6 Reachability analysis
7.7 Question deep dive
Lesson 8: Define and use fields and methods, including instance, static and overloaded methods
Learning objectives
8.1 Instance and static fields - part 1
8.2 Instance and static fields - part 2
8.3 Instance and static methods - part 1
8.4 Instance and static methods - part 2
8.5 Variable length argument handling
8.6 Overloaded and overridden methods - part 1
8.7 Overloaded and overridden methods - part 2
8.8 Question deep dive
Lesson 9: Initialize objects and their members using instance and static initializer statements and constructors
Learning objectives
9.1 Static initialization
9.2 Instance initialization
9.3 Question deep dive
Lesson 10: Understand variable scopes, apply encapsulation and make objects immutable
Learning objectives
10.1 Rules of scope
10.2 Access control modifiers
10.3 Encapsulation requirements
10.4 Immutability requirements
10.5 Question deep dive
Lesson 11: Create and use subclasses and superclasses, including abstract classes
Learning objectives
11.1 Subclass declaration
11.2 Subclass initialization
11.3 Abstract class constraints
11.4 Question deep dive
Lesson 12: Utilize polymorphism and casting to call methods, differentiate object type versus reference type
Learning objectives
12.1 Object and reference type
12.2 Possible and impossible casts
12.3 Virtual method invocation
12.4 Covariant returns
12.5 Question deep dive
Lesson 13: Create and use interfaces, identify functional interfaces, and utilize private, static, and default methods
Learning objectives
13.1 Interfaces, methods and functional interfaces
13.2 Interface implementation
13.3 Default method resolution
13.4 Question deep dive
Lesson 14: Create and use enumerations
Learning objectives
14.1 Enum values and initialization
14.2 Enum fields and methods
14.3 Question deep dive
Module 4: Working with Arrays and Collections
Lesson 15: Use generics, including wildcards
Learning objectives
15.1 Reviewing fundamentals of generics
15.2 Declaring generic types and methods
15.3 Using bounds and wildcards
15.4 Question deep dive
Lesson 16: Use a Java array and List, Set, Map and Deque collections, including convenience methods
Learning objectives
16.1 Arrays, and methods of Collection, List, and Set - part 1
16.2 Arrays, and methods of Collection, List, and Set - part 2
16.3 Methods of Deque and Map
16.4 Question deep dive
Lesson 17: Sort collections and arrays using Comparator and Comparable interfaces
Learning objectives
17.1 Comparison methods and interfaces
17.2 Sorting arrays and Collections
17.3 Comparator factories and decorators
17.4 Question deep dive
Module 5: Working with Streams and Lambda Expressions
Lesson 18: Implement functional interfaces using lambda expressions, including interfaces from the java.util.function package
Learning objectives
18.1 Lambda expression syntax variations
18.2 Lambda expression contexts
18.3 Core functional interfaces
18.4 Method references
18.5 Question deep dive
Lesson 19: Use Java Streams to filter, transform and process data
Learning objectives
19.1 The monad-like methods
19.2 Stream utilities
19.3 Simple terminal methods and laziness
19.4 Question deep dive
Lesson 20: Perform decomposition and reduction, including grouping and partitioning on sequential and parallel streams
Learning objectives
20.1 Collection and reduction - part 1
20.2 Collection and reduction - part 2
20.3 Grouping and partitioning with Collectors
20.4 Downstream operations with Collectors
20.5 Parallel stream operation
20.6 Question deep dive
Module 6: Java Platform Module System
Lesson 21: Deploy and execute modular applications, including automatic modules
Learning objectives
21.1 Module compilation
21.2 Module execution
21.3 Question Deep Dive
Lesson 22: Declare, use, and expose modules, including the use of services
Learning objectives
22.1 Exports and requires directives
22.2 Provides, uses, open and opens directives
22.3 Question Deep Dive
Module 7: Concurrency
Lesson 23: Create worker threads and manage concurrency
Learning objectives
23.1 Runnable and Thread
23.2 ExecutorService and Future
23.3 ExecutorService lifecycle - part 1
23.4 ExecutorService lifecycle - part 2
23.5 Question Deep Dive
Lesson 24: Develop thread-safe code, using different locking mechanisms and java.util.concurrent API
Learning objectives
24.1 Race conditions, deadlock, and livelock
24.2 Transactional integrity
24.3 Visibility
24.4 Concurrent queues and collections
24.5 Synchronizers, locks, and atomic types - part 1
24.6 Synchronizers, locks, and atomic types - part 2
24.7 Question Deep Dive
Module 8: Database Applications with JDBC, and Java IO
Lesson 25: Connect to and perform database SQL operations, process query results using JDBC API
Learning objectives
25.1 JDBC URLs, DriverManager, DataSource, and Connection
25.2 Statement and ResultSet
25.3 PreparedStatement
25.4 Question deep dive
Lesson 26: Read and write console and file data using I/O Streams
Learning objectives
26.1 Input and Output streams, Reader and Writer
26.2 BufferedReader, PrintWriter, Scanner and Charset conversions
26.3 Question Deep Dive
Lesson 27: Implement serialization and deserialization techniques on Java objects
Learning objectives
27.1 Default serialization
27.2 Customizing serialization
27.3 Question Deep Dive
Lesson 28: Handle file system objects using java.nio.file API
Learning objectives
28.1 Files methods - part 1
28.2 Files methods - part 2
28.3 Working with Channels
28.4 Question Deep Dive
Module 9: Annotations, Localization, and Secure Coding in Java SE Application
Lesson 29: Create, Apply, and Process Annotations
Learning objectives
29.1 Annotation declaration and elements
29.2 Target, retention, and inspection
29.3 Element types and repeatable annotations
29.4 Question deep dive
Lesson 30: Implement Localization and use Java APIs for parsing and formatting
Learning objectives
30.1 Parsing, formatting, and locale
30.2 Resourcebundles and data lookup
30.3 Question Deep Dive
Lesson 31: Develop code that mitigates security threats, and ensure data integrity
Learning objectives
31.1 Understanding key threats and mitigations
31.2 Question Deep Dive
Lesson 32: Secure resource access, manage policies and execute privileged code
Learning objectives
32.1 Understanding permissions and access control
32.2 Question Deep Dive