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Java 9 for Programmers, 4th Edition

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Java 9 for Programmers, 4th Edition


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  • A comprehensive tutorial to the Java programming language, for programmers who are new to Java
  • Uses the Deitels' signature "live code" style, where every programming concept is explored in the context of a complete working program, not a code fragment
  • Covers everything from the basics to advanced topics such as multithreading, as well as all the new features in Java SE 9


  • Copyright 2017
  • Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/8"
  • Pages: 1120
  • Edition: 4th
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-477756-5
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-477756-6

The professional programmer’s Deitel® guide to Java® 9 and the powerful Java platform

Written for programmers with a background in another high-level language, this book applies the Deitel signature live-code approach to teaching programming and explores the Java® 9 language and APIs in depth. The book presents concepts in fully tested programs, complete with code walkthroughs, syntax shading, code highlighting and program outputs. It features hundreds of complete Java 9 programs with thousands of lines of proven code, and hundreds of software-development tips that will help you build robust applications.

Start with an introduction to Java using an early classes and objects approach, then rapidly move on to more advanced topics, including JavaFX GUI, graphics, animation and video, exception handling, lambdas, streams, functional interfaces, object serialization, concurrency, generics, generic collections, database with JDBCTM and JPA, and compelling new Java 9 features, such as the Java Platform Module System, interactive Java with JShell (for discovery, experimentation and rapid prototyping) and more. You’ll enjoy the Deitels’ classic treatment of object-oriented programming and the object-oriented design ATM case study, including a complete Java implementation. When you’re finished, you’ll have everything you need to build industrial-strength, object-oriented Java 9 applications.

New Java® 9 Features

  • Java® 9’s Platform Module System
  • Interactive Java via JShell—Java 9’s REPL
  • Collection Factory Methods, Matcher Methods, Stream Methods, JavaFX Updates, Using Modules in JShell, Completable Future Updates, Security Enhancements, Private Interface Methods and many other language and API updates.

Core Java Features

  • Classes, Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces
  • Composition vs. Inheritance, “Programming to an Interface not an Implementation”
  • Lambdas, Sequential and Parallel Streams, Functional Interfaces with Default and Static Methods, Immutability
  • JavaFX GUI, 2D and 3D Graphics, Animation, Video, CSS, Scene Builder
  • Files, I/O Streams, XML Serialization
  • Concurrency for Optimal Multi-Core Performance, JavaFX Concurrency APIs
  • Generics and Generic Collections
  • Recursion, Database (JDBCTM and JPA)

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Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Strings in Java SE8

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Please visit the author's site for this book at www.deitel.com/books/Java9FP.

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Introduction to Java 9 Classes, Objects, Methods and Strings

Table of Contents

Foreword xxvii

Preface xxix

Before You Begin xlv

Chapter 1: Introduction and Test-Driving a Java Application 1

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Object Technology Concepts 3

1.3 Java 6

1.4 A Typical Java Development Environment 8

1.5 Test-Driving a Java Application 11

1.6 Software Technologies 15

1.7 Getting Your Questions Answered 18

Chapter 2: Introduction to Java Applications; Input/Output and Operators 19

2.1 Introduction 20

2.2 Your First Program in Java: Printing a Line of Text 20

2.3 Modifying Your First Java Program 24

2.4 Displaying Text with printf 26

2.5 Another Application: Adding Integers 27

2.6 Arithmetic 30

2.7 Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators 31

2.8 Wrap-Up 34

Chapter 3: Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Strings 35

3.1 Introduction 36

3.2 Instance Variables, set Methods and get Methods 37

3.3 Account Class: Initializing Objects with Constructors 46

3.4 Account Class with a Balance; Floating-Point Numbers 49

3.5 Primitive Types vs. Reference Types 54

3.6 Wrap-Up 55

Chapter 4: Control Statements: Part 1; Assignment, ++ and -- Operators 56

4.1 Introduction 57

4.2 Control Structures 57

4.3 if Single-Selection Statement 59

4.4 if...else Double-Selection Statement 60

4.5 while Iteration Statement 63

4.6 Counter-Controlled Iteration 65

4.7 Sentinel-Controlled Iteration 68

4.8 Nesting Different Control Statements 72

4.9 Compound Assignment Operators 74

4.10 Increment and Decrement Operators 75

4.11 Primitive Types 78

4.12 Wrap-Up 78

Chapter 5: Control Statements: Part 2; Logical Operators 79

5.1 Introduction 80

5.2 Essentials of Counter-Controlled Iteration 80

5.3 for Iteration Statement 81

5.4 Examples Using the for Statement 85

5.5 do...while Iteration Statement 90

5.6 switch Multiple-Selection Statement 90

5.7 Class AutoPolicy: Strings in switch Statements 97

5.8 break and continue Statements 100

5.9 Logical Operators 102

5.10 Wrap-Up 108

Chapter 6: Methods: A Deeper Look 109

6.1 Introduction 110

6.2 Program Units in Java 110

6.3 static Methods, static Fields and Class Math 111

6.4 Methods with Multiple Parameters 113

6.5 Notes on Declaring and Using Methods 116

6.6 Argument Promotion and Casting 117

6.7 Java API Packages 119

6.8 Case Study: Secure Random-Number Generation 120

6.9 Case Study: A Game of Chance; Introducing enum Types 125

6.10 Scope of Declarations 129

6.11 Method Overloading 132

6.12 Wrap-Up 134

Chapter 7: Arrays and ArrayLists 135

7.1 Introduction 136

7.2 Arrays 137

7.3 Declaring and Creating Arrays 138

7.4 Examples Using Arrays 139

7.5 Exception Handling: Processing the Incorrect Response 148

7.6 Case Study: Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation 149

7.7 Enhanced for Statement 153

7.8 Passing Arrays to Methods 155

7.9 Pass-By-Value vs. Pass-By-Reference 157

7.10 Case Study: Class GradeBook Using an Array to Store Grades 158

7.11 Multidimensional Arrays 163

7.12 Case Study: Class GradeBook Using a Two-Dimensional Array 167

7.13 Variable-Length Argument Lists 173

7.14 Using Command-Line Arguments 174

7.15 Class Arrays 176

7.16 Introduction to Collections and Class ArrayList 179

7.17 Wrap-Up 182

Chapter 8: Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look 184

8.1 Introduction 185

8.2 Time Class Case Study 185

8.3 Controlling Access to Members 190

8.4 Referring to the Current Object’s Members with the this Reference 191

8.5 Time Class Case Study: Overloaded Constructors 193

8.6 Default and No-Argument Constructors 198

8.7 Notes on Set and Get Methods 199

8.8 Composition 200

8.9 enum Types 203

8.10 Garbage Collection 206

8.11 static Class Members 206

8.12 static Import 210

8.13 final Instance Variables 211

8.14 Package Access 212

8.15 Using BigDecimal for Precise Monetary Calculations 213

8.16 JavaMoney API 216

8.17 Time Class Case Study: Creating Packages 216

8.18 Wrap-Up 220

Chapter 9: Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance 221

9.1 Introduction 222

9.2 Superclasses and Subclasses 223

9.3 protected Members 225

9.4 Relationship Between Superclasses and Subclasses 226

9.5 Constructors in Subclasses 246

9.6 Class Object 247

9.7 Designing with Composition vs. Inheritance 248

9.8 Wrap-Up 249

Chapter 10: Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism and Interfaces 251

10.1 Introduction 252

10.2 Polymorphism Examples 254

10.3 Demonstrating Polymorphic Behavior 255

10.4 Abstract Classes and Methods 257

10.5 Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism 260

10.6 Allowed Assignments Between Superclass and Subclass Variables 274

10.7 final Methods and Classes 274

10.8 A Deeper Explanation of Issues with Calling Methods from Constructors 275

10.9 Creating and Using Interfaces 276

10.10 Java SE 8 Interface Enhancements 285

10.11 Java SE 9 private Interface Methods 287

10.12 private Constructors 287

10.13 Program to an Interface, Not an Implementation 288

10.14 Wrap-Up 290

Chapter 11: Exception Handling: A Deeper Look 291

11.1 Introduction 292

11.2 Example: Divide by Zero without Exception Handling 293

11.3 Example: Handling ArithmeticExceptions and InputMismatchExceptions 295

11.4 When to Use Exception Handling 300

11.5 Java Exception Hierarchy 301

11.6 finally Block 304

11.7 Stack Unwinding and Obtaining Information from an Exception 309

11.8 Chained Exceptions 311

11.9 Declaring New Exception Types 313

11.10 Preconditions and Postconditions 314

11.11 Assertions 315

11.12 try-with-Resources: Automatic Resource Deallocation 317

11.13 Wrap-Up 318

Chapter 12: JavaFX Graphical User Interfaces: Part 1 319

12.1 Introduction 320

12.2 JavaFX Scene Builder 321

12.3 JavaFX App Window Structure 322

12.4 Welcome App—Displaying Text and an Image 323

12.5 Tip Calculator App—Introduction to Event Handling 328

12.6 Features Covered in the Other JavaFX Chapters 346

12.7 Wrap-Up 346

Chapter 13: JavaFX GUI: Part 2 347

13.1 Introduction 348

13.2 Laying Out Nodes in a Scene Graph 348

13.3 Painter App: RadioButtons, Mouse Events and Shapes 350

13.4 Color Chooser App: Property Bindings and Property Listeners 360

13.5 Cover Viewer App: Data-Driven GUIs with JavaFX Collections 366

13.6 Cover Viewer App: Customizing ListView Cells 371

13.7 Additional JavaFX Capabilities 375

13.8 JavaFX 9: Java SE 9 JavaFX Updates 377

13.9 Wrap-Up 379

Chapter 14: Strings, Characters and Regular Expressions 380

14.1 Introduction 381

14.2 Fundamentals of Characters and Strings 381

14.3 Class String 382

14.4 Class StringBuilder 395

14.5 Class Character 402

14.6 Tokenizing Strings 407

14.7 Regular Expressions, Class Pattern and Class Matcher 408

14.8 Wrap-Up 417

Chapter 15: Files, Input/Output Streams, NIO and XML Serialization 418

15.1 Introduction 419

15.2 Files and Streams 419

15.3 Using NIO Classes and Interfaces to Get File and Directory Information 421

15.4 Sequential Text Files 425

15.5 XML Serialization 434

15.6 FileChooser and DirectoryChooser Dialogs 441

15.7 (Optional) Additional java.io Classes 447

15.8 Wrap-Up 450

Chapter 16: Generic Collections 451

16.1 Introduction 452

16.2 Collections Overview 452

16.3 Type-Wrapper Classes 454

16.4 Autoboxing and Auto-Unboxing 454

16.5 Interface Collection and Class Collections 454

16.6 Lists 455

16.7 Collections Methods 463

16.8 Class PriorityQueue and Interface Queue 474

16.9 Sets 475

16.10 Maps 478

16.11 Synchronized Collections 482

16.12 Unmodifiable Collections 482

16.13 Abstract Implementations 483

16.14 Java SE 9: Convenience Factory Methods for Immutable Collections 483

16.15 Wrap-Up 487

Chapter 17: Lambdas and Streams 488

17.1 Introduction 489

17.2 Streams and Reduction 491

17.3 Mapping and Lambdas 494

17.4 Filtering 498

17.5 How Elements Move Through Stream Pipelines 500

17.6 Method References 501

17.7 IntStream Operations 504

17.8 Functional Interfaces 509

17.9 Lambdas: A Deeper Look 510

17.10 Stream<Integer> Manipulations 511

17.11 Stream<String> Manipulations 514

17.12 Stream<Employee> Manipulations 517

17.13 Creating a Stream<String> from a File 528

17.14 Streams of Random Values 531

17.15 Infinite Streams 533

17.16 Lambda Event Handlers 535

17.17 Additional Notes on Java SE 8 Interfaces 535

17.18 Wrap-Up 536

Chapter 18: Recursion 537

18.1 Introduction 538

18.2 Recursion Concepts 538

18.3 Example Using Recursion: Factorials 539

18.4 Reimplementing Class FactorialCalculator Using BigInteger 541

18.5 Example Using Recursion: Fibonacci Series 543

18.6 Recursion and the Method-Call Stack 546

18.7 Recursion vs. Iteration 547

18.8 Towers of Hanoi 549

18.9 Fractals 551

18.10 Recursive Backtracking 561

18.11 Wrap-Up 562

Chapter 19: Generic Classes and Methods: A Deeper Look 563

19.1 Introduction 564

19.2 Motivation for Generic Methods 564

19.3 Generic Methods: Implementation and Compile-Time Translation 566

19.4 Additional Compile-Time Translation Issues: Methods That Use a Type Parameter as the Return Type 569

19.5 Overloading Generic Methods 572

19.6 Generic Classes 573

19.7 Wildcards in Methods That Accept Type Parameters 580

19.8 Wrap-Up 584

Chapter 20: JavaFX Graphics, Animation and Video 585

20.1 Introduction 586

20.2 Controlling Fonts with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 587

20.3 Displaying Two-Dimensional Shapes 594

20.4 Polylines, Polygons and Paths 599

20.5 Transforms 604

20.6 Playing Video with Media, MediaPlayer and MediaViewer 606

20.7 Transition Animations 612

20.8 Timeline Animations 618

20.9 Frame-by-Frame Animation with AnimationTimer 621

20.10 Drawing on a Canvas 624

20.11 Three-Dimensional Shapes 628

20.12 Wrap-Up 632

Chapter 21: Concurrency and Multi-Core Performance 634

21.1 Introduction 635

21.2 Thread States and Life Cycle 637

21.3 Creating and Executing Threads with the Executor Framework 640

21.4 Thread Synchronization 644

21.5 Producer/Consumer Relationship without Synchronization 653

21.6 Producer/Consumer Relationship: ArrayBlockingQueue 661

21.7 (Advanced) Producer/Consumer Relationship with synchronized, wait, notify and notifyAll 664

21.8 (Advanced) Producer/Consumer Relationship: Bounded Buffers 670

21.9 (Advanced) Producer/Consumer Relationship: The Lock and Condition Interfaces 678

21.10 Concurrent Collections 685

21.11 Multithreading in JavaFX 687

21.12 sort/parallelSort Timings with the Java SE 8 Date/Time API 699

21.13 Java SE 8: Sequential vs. Parallel Streams 702

21.14 (Advanced) Interfaces Callable and Future 704

21.15 (Advanced) Fork/Join Framework 709

21.16 Wrap-Up 709

Chapter 22: Accessing Databases with JDBC 711

22.1 Introduction 712

22.2 Relational Databases 713

22.3 A books Database 714

22.4 SQL 718

22.5 Setting Up a Java DB Database 727

22.6 Connecting to and Querying a Database 729

22.7 Querying the books Database 734

22.8 RowSet Interface 746

22.9 PreparedStatements 749

22.10 Stored Procedures 761

22.11 Transaction Processing 761

22.12 Wrap-Up 762

Chapter 23: Introduction to JShell: Java 9’s REPL for Interactive Java 763

23.1 Introduction 764

23.2 Installing JDK 9 766

23.3 Introduction to JShell 766

23.4 Command-Line Input in JShell 777

23.5 Declaring and Using Classes 778

23.6 Discovery with JShell Auto-Completion 782

23.7 Exploring a Class’s Members and Viewing Documentation 784

23.8 Declaring Methods 790

23.9 Exceptions 792

23.10 Importing Classes and Adding Packages to the CLASSPATH 793

23.11 Using an External Editor 795

23.12 Summary of JShell Commands 797

23.13 Keyboard Shortcuts for Snippet Editing 803

23.14 How JShell Reinterprets Java for Interactive Use 803

23.15 IDE JShell Support 804

23.16 Wrap-Up 804

Chapter 24: Java Persistence API (JPA) 820

24.1 Introduction 821

24.2 JPA Technology Overview 822

24.3 Querying a Database with JPA 823

24.4 Named Queries; Accessing Data from Multiple Tables 830

24.5 Address Book: Using JPA and Transactions to Modify a Database 835

24.6 Web Resources 843

24.7 Wrap-Up 844

Chapter 25: ATM Case Study, Part 1: Object-Oriented Design with the UML 845

25.1 Case Study Introduction 846

25.2 Examining the Requirements Document 846

25.3 Identifying the Classes in a Requirements Document 854

25.4 Identifying Class Attributes 860

25.5 Identifying Objects’ States and Activities 865

25.6 Identifying Class Operations 868

25.7 Indicating Collaboration Among Objects 875

25.8 Wrap-Up 882

Chapter 26: ATM Case Study Part 2: Implementing an Object-Oriented Design 886

26.1 Introduction 887

26.2 Starting to Program the Classes of the ATM System 887

26.3 Incorporating Inheritance and Polymorphism into the ATM System 892

26.4 ATM Case Study Implementation 898

26.5 Wrap-Up 921

Chapter 27: Java Platform Module System 923

27.1 Introduction 924

27.2 Module Declarations 929

27.3 Modularized Welcome App 932

27.4 Creating and Using a Custom Module 942

27.5 Module-Dependency Graphs: A Deeper Look 948

27.6 Migrating Code to Java 9 951

27.7 Resources in Modules; Using an Automatic Module 955

27.8 Creating Custom Runtimes with jlink 959

27.9 Services and ServiceLoader 963

27.10 Wrap-Up 973

Chapter 28: Additional Java 9 Topics 975

28.1 Introduction 976

28.2 Recap: Java 9 Features Covered in Earlier Chapters 977

28.3 New Version String Format 977

28.4 Regular Expressions: New Matcher Class Methods 978

28.5 New Stream Interface Methods 980

28.6 Modules in JShell 983

28.7 JavaFX 9 Skin APIs 984

28.8 Other GUI and Graphics Enhancements 985

28.9 Security Related Java 9 Topics 986

28.10 Other Java 9 Topics 987

28.11 Items Removed from the JDK and Java 9 990

28.12 Items Proposed for Removal from Future Java Versions 991

28.13 Wrap-Up 992

Appendix A: Operator Precedence Chart 994

Appendix B: ASCII Character Set 996

Appendix C: Keywords and Reserved Words 997

Appendix D: Primitive Types 998

Appendix E: Bit Manipulation 999

E.1 Introduction 999

E.2 Bit Manipulation and the Bitwise Operators 999

E.3 BitSet Class 1009

Appendix F: Labeled break and continue Statements 1012

F.1 Introduction 1012

F.2 Labeled break Statement 1012

F.3 Labeled continue Statement 1013

Index 1015


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