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Identify and Manage the Influence Paths That Convert Brand Awareness to Customer Acquisition!
Today, you face a brutally tough, maddeningly elusive new competitor: the “wisdom of crowds.” Social media gives consumers 24x7 access to the attitudes and recommendations of their most engaged peers. These are the views that shape buying decisions. These are the views you must shape and use. Influence Marketing won’t just help you identify and enlist key influencers: it will help you manage the influence paths that lead consumers to buy. By sharing empirical evidence of hard-won lessons from pioneering influence marketers, Danny Brown and Sam Fiorella provide a blueprint that moves influence marketing beyond simple brand awareness and into sales acquisition and customer life time value measurement. They integrate new tools and techniques into a complete methodology for generating more and better leads—and converting them faster, at higher margins.
• Put the customer—not the influencer—at the center, and plan influence marketing accordingly
• Recognize where each prospect stands in the purchase life cycle right now
• Clarify how your consumers move from brand preference to purchase
• Identify key micro-influencers who impact decisions at every stage
• Gain indispensable insights into the context of online relationships
• Recognize situational factors that derail social media brand recommendations
• Understand social influence scoring models and overcome their limitations
• Re-engineer and predict influence paths to generate measurable action
• Master the “4 Ms” of influence marketing: make, manage, monitor, measure
• Transform influence marketing from a “nice-to-have” exercise into a powerful strategy
Additional online resources can be found at
Situational Influence: A New Marketing Model for a New Era
Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 5 and Index)
1 Logic and Reason (or How We Learned to Love Influence Marketing) 1
Introducing MV-1 Canada 3
Driving the Mission 5
The 90-9-1 Rule 7
A (Not So) Surprising Discovery 11
Focusing on the Customer, Not the Influencer 13
Winning Strategy: Charting Influence Paths 17
Thinking Forward 19
Endnotes 20
2 Influence and the Human Psyche 21
Emotion, Logic, and Success Above Criticism 22
The Emotionally Connected Consumer 1:
The IKEA Effect 23
The Emotionally Connected Consumer 2:
12for12k and Emotional Guilt 24
The Intelligence Behind Emotional Marketing 26
The Search for Emotional Loyalty 27
Once You Go Mac 27
More Than Just a Game 27
The Manifestation of Emotional Marketing 28
Emotions in the Purchase Cycle 29
Measuring Online Emotion 29
Emotional Resonance Versus Controversial
Disconnect 30
Emotion and Its Role in Influence Marketing 31
Endnotes 34
3 The Rise of Social Media 37
Logic, Branding, and Influence 38
Project 1998—The Content Creators 39
A Question of Two Cultures 40
Social Media Dads Can Cook, Too 41
The Shift to Social Media and the Rise of Citizen
Influencers 42
Lebanon Ford, Lebanon, Ohio 43
The CNN iReport Fail 46
The Nate Silver Phenomenon 46
The New Personal Relationship Dynamic 47
Degree of Separation 48
The Five Degrees of Social Relationships 50
The Degree of Publicity—Online Networks 51
When Everyone Is an Influencer 52
Endnotes 53
4 The Current Influence Model and Social Scoring 55
The Carnegie Principle 56
The Marketing Shift from Brand to Consumer 57
The People Paradigm 58
Audience 60
Acceptance 60
Application 60
Amplification 61
The Power of One 62
Klout 64
Kred 65
PeerIndex 67
Empire Avenue 67
eCairn Conversation™ 68
The Domino Effect of Social Influence 70
The Looming Storm Clouds of Social Scoring’s Effect on the Conversation 71
Endnotes 72
5 Situational Influence: A New Model for a New Era 73
Trend Currents 74
Gravity 76
Repositioning the Customer at the Center 77
Situational Influence 83
Communities 84
Economic 84
Social and Cultural Groupthink 85
Personal Ideology 87
Situational Factors 88
Personal Situational Factors 88
Environmental Situational Factors 89
Emotional Situational Factors 89
Life Cycle Situational Factors 90
Micro-Influencers 90
Geofencing 91
Step One: Community Identification 91
Step Two: Situational Analysis and Factors 92
Step Three: Identification of Customer and
Micro-Influencer 92
Applying Situational Factors 93
Endnotes 94
6 The Consumer Decision-Making Process 95
Situational Factors Disrupting Purchase Decisions 96
Missing Data Inputs 97
Conflicted Decisions 97
Psychological Factors Disrupting Decision-Making
Processes 100
Motivations Disrupt Decision-Making Processes 100
Personality Disrupts Decision-Making Processes 101
Learned Reactions Disrupt Decision-Making
Processes 102
Attitudes Disrupt Decision-Making Processes 103
Social Proof Disrupts Decision-Making Processes 104
Lifestyle Disrupts Decision-Making Processes 105
Perception Disrupts Decision-Making Processes 106
Family Influence Disrupts Decision-Making
Processes 107
Cognitive Dissonance 108
Purchase Life Cycles 109
References 112
7 Reversing the Social Influence Model 113
Importance of Text Analytics to Reverse
Engineering Influence 115
Identifying the Purchase Life Cycle 119
Creating Linguistic Maps 121
Charting Relationships 124
Identifying Situational Factors 127
Managing Influence Paths Through Social Customer
Relationship Management Software 129
8 Managing Social Influence Paths 131
Emotional Contagions 133
Rethinking Macro-Influencers 134
Mapping the Influence Paths 137
Predicting Influence Paths 140
Purposeful Influence Marketing 142
Building Awareness 144
Competitor or Trend Disruption 145
Adaptive Influence Marketing 146
Measuring Influence Marketing 148
Endnotes 150
9 The Four Ms of Influence Marketing 151
The Changing Nature of Predictive Influence 152
Understanding the Four Ms 154
Managing the Influencer 162
Monitoring Influencer Campaigns 165
Measuring an Influence Marketing Campaign 167
The Complementing Arc of Consumers and the Four Ms 170
Endnotes 171
10 The Future of Influence Marketing 173
Tellagence 174
Appinions 177
Earned Media 179
Paid Media 180
Owned Media 180
Traackr 180
Bottom Line Impact 181
Increased Potential for Advocacy 182
Faster Influencer Identification 182
Actionable Insights 182
Traackr Features 183
TrendSpottr 184
Internal Influence 185
External Influence 186
Squeeze 187
oneQube 189
The oneQube Twitter Influencer Connector 189
The Future of Influence Is Fluid 195
Endnotes 195
11 The Business of Influence Marketing 197
Connecting Influence to Sales Revenue 198
Case Study 198
Impact on Customer Lifetime Value 199
Influencers Versus Advocates 201
Creating Brand Advocates 203
Awareness 206
Nurturing 206
Conversion 206
Satisfaction 206
Loyalty 207
Advocacy 207
Case Study 208
Customizing Influence 209
Stop Scoring Influence, Start Creating
Influence Paths 211
Conclusion 212
Endnotes 215
Index 217