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“Chris Anderson was one of the chief architects of the next-generation GUI stack, the Windows Presentation Framework (WPF), which is the subject of this book. Chris’s insights shine a light from the internals of WPF to those standing at the entrance, guiding you through the concepts that form the foundation of his creation.”
–From the foreword by Chris Sells
“As one of the architects behind WPF, Chris Anderson skillfully explains not only the ‘how,’ but also the ‘why.’ This book is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to understand the design principles and best practices of WPF.”
–Anders Hejlsberg, technical fellow, Microsoft Corporation
“If WPF stands as the user interface technology for the next generation of Windows, then Chris Anderson stands as the Charles Petzold for the next generation of Windows user interface developers.”
–Ted Neward, founding editor, TheServerSide.NET
“This is an excellent book that does a really great job of introducing you to WPF, and explaining how to unlock the tremendous potential it provides.”
–Scott Guthrie, general manager, Developer Division, Microsoft
“WPF is a whole new animal when it comes to creating UI applications, drawing on design principles originating from both Windows Forms and the Web. Chris does a great job of not only explaining how to use the new features and capabilities of WPF (with associated code and XAML based syntax), but also explains why things work the way they do. As one of the architects of WPF, Chris gives great insight into the plumbing and design principles of WPF, as well as the mechanics of writing code using it. This is truly essential if you plan to be a serious WPF developer.”
–Brian Noyes, chief architect, IDesign Inc.; Microsoft Regional Director; Microsoft MVP
“I was given the opportunity to take a look at Chris Anderson’s book and found it to be an exceedingly valuable resource, one I can comfortably recommend to others. I can only speak for myself, but when faced with a new technology I like to have an understanding of how it relates to and works in relation to the technology it is supplanting. Chris starts his book by tying the WPF directly into the world of Windows 32-bit UI in C++. Chris demonstrates both a keen understanding of the underlying logic that drives the WPF and how it works and also a skill in helping the reader build on their own knowledge through examples that mimic how you would build your cutting edge applications.”
–Bill Sheldon, principal engineer, InterKnowlogy
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) replaces Microsoft’s diverse presentation technologies with a unified, state-of-the-art platform for building rich applications. WPF combines the best of Windows and the Web; fully integrates user interfaces, documents, and media; and leverages the full power of XML-based declarative programming.
In Essential Windows Presentation Foundation, former WPF architect Chris Anderson systematically introduces this breakthrough platform, focusing on the concepts and techniques working developers need in order to build robust applications for real users. Drawing on his unique experience as an architect on the team, Anderson thoroughly illuminates the crucial new concepts underlying WPF and reveals how its APIs work together to offer developers unprecedented value.
Through working sample code, you’ll discover how WPF draws on the Web’s simple models for markup and deployment, common frame for applications, and rich server connectivity, and on Windows’ rich client model, simple programming model, strong control over look-and-feel, and rich networking. Topics explored in depth include
Essential Windows Presentation Foundation is the definitive, authoritative, code-centric WPF reference: everything Windows developers need to create a whole new generation of rich, graphical applications.
WPF as the New GUI 1
A Brief Look at the XAML Programming Model 11
A Tour of WPF 17
Tools for Building Applications 39
Where Are We? 41
Application Principles 43
Application 52
Resources and Configuration 60
Windows 71
User Controls 80
Navigation and Pages 83
Hosting Applications in a Browser 103
Where Are We? 111
Control Principles 113
Control Library 128
Building Blocks 161
Where Are We? 171
Layout Principles 173
Layout Library 186
Grid 196
Writing a Custom Layout 207
Where Are We? 215
2D Graphics 218
3D Graphics 254
Documents and Text 267
Animation 283
Media 300
Where Are We? 305
Data Principles 307
Resources 310
Binding Basics 316
Binding to CLR Objects 322
Binding to XML 331
Data Templates 338
Advanced Binding 342
Data-Driven Display 357
Where Are We? 363
Action Principles 365
Events 369
Commands 373
Triggers 383
Where Are We? 389
Style Principles 391
Beginning Styles 397
Using Styles for Good, Not Evil 415
Where Are We? 419
Threading and Dispatchers 421
Properties 427
Keyboards, Mice, and Styluses 437
Where Are We? 442