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Definitive XML Schema, 2nd Edition

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Definitive XML Schema, 2nd Edition


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  • Copyright 2013
  • Dimensions: 7-3/8" x 9-1/8"
  • Pages: 768
  • Edition: 2nd
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-288672-3
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-288672-7

“XML Schema 1.1 has gone from strong data typing to positively stalwart—so powerful it can enforce database level constraints and business rules, so your data transfer code won’t have to. This book covers the 1.1 changes—and more—in its 500 revisions to Priscilla Walmsley’s 10-year best-selling classic. It’s the guide you need to navigate XML Schema’s complexity—and master its power!”

—Charles F. Goldfarb

For Ten Years the World’s Favorite Guide to XML Schema—Now Extensively Revised for Version 1.1 and Today’s Best Practices!

To leverage XML’s full power, organizations need shared vocabularies based on XML Schema. For a full decade, Definitive XML Schema has been the most practical, accessible, and usable guide to working with XML Schema. Now, author Priscilla Walmsley has thoroughly updated her classic to fully reflect XML Schema 1.1, and to present new best practices for designing successful schemas.

Priscilla helped create XML Schema as a member of the W3C XML Schema Working Group, so she is well qualified to explain the W3C recommendation with insight and clarity. Her book teaches practical techniques for writing schemas to support any application, including many new use cases. You’ll discover how XML Schema 1.1 provides a rigorous, complete specification for modeling XML document structure, content, and datatypes; and walk through the many aspects of designing and applying schemas, including composition, instance validation, documentation, and namespaces. Then, building on the fundamentals, Priscilla introduces powerful advanced techniques ranging from type derivation to identity constraints. This edition’s extensive new coverage includes

  • Many new design hints, tips, and tricks – plus a full chapter on creating an enterprise strategy for schema development and maintenance
  • Design considerations in creating schemas for relational and object-oriented models, narrative content, and Web services
  • An all-new chapter on assertions
  • Coverage of new 1.1 features, including overrides, conditional type assignment, open content and more
  • Modernized rules for naming and design
  • Substantially updated coverage of extensibility, reuse, and versioning
  • And much more

If you’re an XML developer, architect, or content specialist, with this Second Edition you can join the tens of thousands who rely on Definitive XML Schema for practical insights, deeper understanding, and solutions that work.

Sample Content

Online Sample Chapter

Definitive XML Schema: Simple Types

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Table of Contents

Foreword xxxi

Acknowledgments xxxiii

How to use this book xxxv

Chapter 1 Schemas: An introduction 2

1.1 What is a schema? 3

1.2 The purpose of schemas 5

1.2.1 Data validation 5

1.2.2 A contract with trading partners 5

1.2.3 System documentation 6

1.2.4 Providing information to processors 6

1.2.5 Augmentation of data 6

1.2.6 Application information 6

1.3 Schema design 7

1.3.1 Accuracy and precision 7

1.3.2 Clarity 8

1.3.3 Broad applicability 8

1.4 Schema languages 9

1.4.1 Document Type Definition (DTD) 9

1.4.2 Schema requirements expand 10

1.4.3 W3C XML Schema 11

1.4.4 Other schema languages 12 RELAX NG 12 Schematron 13

Chapter 2 A quick tour of XML Schema 16

2.1 An example schema 17

2.2 The components of XML Schema 18

2.2.1 Declarations vs. definitions 18

2.2.2 Global vs. local components 19

2.3 Elements and attributes 20

2.3.1 The tag/type distinction 20

2.4 Types 21

2.4.1 Simple vs. complex types 21

2.4.2 Named vs. anonymous types 22

2.4.3 The type definition hierarchy 22

2.5 Simple types 23

2.5.1 Built-in simple types 23

2.5.2 Restricting simple types 24

2.5.3 List and union types 24

2.6 Complex types 25

2.6.1 Content types 25

2.6.2 Content models 26

2.6.3 Deriving complex types 27

2.7 Namespaces and XML Schema 28

2.8 Schema composition 29

2.9 Instances and schemas 30

2.10 Annotations 31

2.11 Advanced features 32

2.11.1 Named groups 32

2.11.2 Identity constraints 32

2.11.3 Substitution groups 32

2.11.4 Redefinition and overriding 33

2.11.5 Assertions 33

Chapter 3 Namespaces 34

3.1 Namespaces in XML 35

3.1.1 Namespace names 36

3.1.2 Namespace declarations and prefixes 37

3.1.3 Default namespace declarations 39

3.1.4 Name terminology 40

3.1.5 Scope of namespace declarations 41

3.1.6 Overriding namespace declarations 42

3.1.7 Undeclaring namespaces 43

3.1.8 Attributes and namespaces 44

3.1.9 A summary example 46

3.2 The relationship between namespaces and schemas 48

3.3 Using namespaces in schemas 48

3.3.1 Target namespaces 48

3.3.2 The XML Schema Namespace 50

3.3.3 The XML Schema Instance Namespace 51

3.3.4 The Version Control Namespace 51

3.3.5 Namespace declarations in schema documents 52 Map a prefix to the XML Schema Namespace 52 Map a prefix to the target namespace 53 Map prefixes to all namespaces 54

Chapter 4 Schema composition 56

4.1 Modularizing schema documents 57

4.2 Defining schema documents 58

4.3 Combining multiple schema documents 61

4.3.1 include 62 The syntax of includes 63 Chameleon includes 65

4.3.2 import 66 The syntax of imports 67 Multiple levels of imports 70 Multiple imports of the same namespace 72

4.4 Schema assembly considerations 75

4.4.1 Uniqueness of qualified names 75

4.4.2 Missing components 76

4.4.3 Schema document defaults 77

Chapter 5 Instances and schemas 78

5.1 Using the instance attributes 79

5.2 Schema processing 81

5.2.1 Validation 81

5.2.2 Augmenting the instance 82

5.3 Relating instances to schemas 83

5.3.1 Using hints in the instance 84 The xsi:schemaLocation attribute 84 The xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute 86

5.4 The root element 87

Chapter 6 Element declarations 88

6.1 Global and local element declarations 89

6.1.1 Global element declarations 89

6.1.2 Local element declarations 93

6.1.3 Design hint: Should I use global or local element

declarations? 95

6.2 Declaring the types of elements 96

6.3 Qualified vs. unqualified forms 98

6.3.1 Qualified local names 98

6.3.2 Unqualified local names 98

6.3.3 Using elementFormDefault 99

6.3.4 Using form 100

6.3.5 Default namespaces and unqualified names 101

6.4 Default and fixed values 101

6.4.1 Default values 102

6.4.2 Fixed values 103

6.5 Nils and nillability 105

6.5.1 Using xsi:nil in an instance 108

6.5.2 Making elements nillable 109

Chapter 7 Attribute declarations 112

7.1 Attributes vs. elements 113

7.2 Global and local attribute declarations 115

7.2.1 Global attribute declarations 115

7.2.2 Local attribute declarations 117

7.2.3 Design hint: Should I use global or local attributedeclarations? 119

7.3 Declaring the types of attributes 120

7.4 Qualified vs. unqualified forms 122

7.5 Default and fixed values 123

7.5.1 Default values 124

7.5.2 Fixed values 125

7.6 Inherited attributes 126

Chapter 8 Simple types 128

8.1 Simple type varieties 129

8.1.1 Design hint: How much should I break down my datavalues? 130

8.2 Simple type definitions 131

8.2.1 Named simple types 131

8.2.2 Anonymous simple types 132

8.2.3 Design hint: Should I use named or anonymous types? 133

8.3 Simple type restrictions 135

8.3.1 Defining a restriction 136

8.3.2 Overview of the facets 137

8.3.3 Inheriting and restricting facets 139

8.3.4 Fixed facets 140 Design hint: When should I fix a facet? 141

8.4 Facets 142

8.4.1 Bounds facets 142

8.4.2 Length facets 143 Design hint: What if I want to allow empty values? 143 Design hint: What if I want to restrict the length of an integer? 144

8.4.3 totalDigits and fractionDigits 145

8.4.4 Enumeration 145

8.4.5 Pattern 148

8.4.6 Assertion 150

8.4.7 Explicit Time Zone 150

8.4.8 Whitespace 151

8.5 Preventing simple type derivation 152

8.6 Implementation-defined types and facets 154

8.6.1 Implementation-defined types 154

8.6.2 Implementation-defined facets 155

Chapter 9 Regular expressions 158

9.1 The structure of a regular expression 159

9.2 Atoms 161

9.2.1 Normal characters 162

9.2.2 The wildcard escape character 164

9.2.3 Character class escapes 164 Single-character escapes 165 Multicharacter escapes 166 Category escapes 167 Block escapes 170

9.2.4 Character class expressions 171 Listing individual characters 171 Specifying a range 172 Combining individual characters and ranges 173 Negating a character class expression 173 Subtracting from a character class expression 174 Escaping rules for character class expressions 175

9.2.5 Parenthesized regular expressions 175

9.3 Quantifiers 176

9.4 Branches 177

Chapter 10 Union and list types 180

10.1 Varieties and derivation types 181

10.2 Union types 183

10.2.1 Defining union types 183

10.2.2 Restricting union types 185

10.2.3 Unions of unions 186

10.2.4 Specifying the member type in the instance 187

10.3 List types 188

10.3.1 Defining list types 188

10.3.2 Design hint: When should I use lists? 189

10.3.3 Restricting list types 190 Length facets 192 Enumeration facet 192 Pattern facet 194

10.3.4 Lists and strings 195

10.3.5 Lists of unions 196

10.3.6 Lists of lists 196

10.3.7 Restricting the item type 198

Chapter 11 Built-in simple types 200

11.1 The XML Schema type system 201

11.1.1 The type hierarchy 202

11.1.2 Value spaces and lexical spaces 204

11.1.3 Facets and built-in types 204

11.2 String-based types 205

11.2.1 string, normalizedString, and token 205 Design hint: Should I use string, normalizedString, or token? 207

11.2.2 Name 208

11.2.3 NCName 210

11.2.4 language 211

11.3 Numeric types 213

11.3.1 float and double 213

11.3.2 decimal 215

11.3.3 Integer types 217 Design hint: Is it an integer or a string? 220

11.4 Date and time types 221

11.4.1 date 221

11.4.2 time 222

11.4.3 dateTime 223

11.4.4 dateTimeStamp 224

11.4.5 gYear 225

11.4.6 gYearMonth 226

11.4.7 gMonth 227

11.4.8 gMonthDay 227

11.4.9 gDay 228

11.4.10 duration 229

11.4.11 yearMonthDuration 231

11.4.12 dayTimeDuration 232

11.4.13 Representing time zones 233

11.4.14 Facets 234

11.4.15 Date and time ordering 235

11.5 Legacy types 236

11.5.1 ID 236

11.5.2 IDREF 237

11.5.3 IDREFS 239

11.5.4 ENTITY 240

11.5.5 ENTITIES 242

11.5.6 NMTOKEN 243

11.5.7 NMTOKENS 244

11.5.8 NOTATION 245

11.6 Other types 246

11.6.1 QName 246

11.6.2 boolean 247

11.6.3 The binary types 248

11.6.4 anyURI 250

11.7 Comparing typed values 253

Chapter 12 Complex types 256

12.1 What are complex types? 257

12.2 Defining complex types 258

12.2.1 Named complex types 258

12.2.2 Anonymous complex types 260

12.2.3 Complex type alternatives 261

12.3 Content types 262

12.3.1 Simple content 262

12.3.2 Element-only content 264

12.3.3 Mixed content 264

12.3.4 Empty content 265

12.4 Using element declarations 266

12.4.1 Local element declarations 266

12.4.2 Element references 267

12.4.3 Duplication of element names 268

12.5 Using model groups 270

12.5.1 sequence groups 270 Design hint: Should I care about the order of elements? 272

12.5.2 choice groups 273

12.5.3 Nesting of sequence and choice groups 275

12.5.4 all groups 276

12.5.5 Named model group references 278

12.5.6 Deterministic content models 279

12.6 Using attribute declarations 281

12.6.1 Local attribute declarations 281

12.6.2 Attribute references 282

12.6.3 Attribute group references 284

12.6.4 Default attributes 284

12.7 Using wildcards 284

12.7.1 Element wildcards 285 Controlling the namespace of replacement elements 287 Controlling the strictness of validation 287 Negative wildcards 289

12.7.2 Open content models 292 Open content in a complex type 292 Default open content 295

12.7.3 Attribute wildcards 298

Chapter 13 Deriving complex types 300

13.1 Why derive types? 301

13.2 Restriction and extension 302

13.3 Simple content and complex content 303

13.3.1 simpleContent elements 303

13.3.2 complexContent elements 304

13.4 Complex type extensions 305

13.4.1 Simple content extensions 306

13.4.2 Complex content extensions 307 Extending choice groups 309 Extending all groups 310 Extending open content 311

13.4.3 Mixed content extensions 312

13.4.4 Empty content extensions 313

13.4.5 Attribute extensions 314

13.4.6 Attribute wildcard extensions 315

13.5 Complex type restrictions 316

13.5.1 Simple content restrictions 317

13.5.2 Complex content restrictions 318 Eliminating meaningless groups 320 Restricting element declarations 321 Restricting wildcards 322 Restricting groups 324 Restricting open content 329

13.5.3 Mixed content restrictions 331

13.5.4 Empty content restrictions 332

13.5.5 Attribute restrictions 333

13.5.6 Attribute wildcard restrictions 335

13.5.7 Restricting types from another namespace 337 Using targetNamespace on element and attribute declarations 339

13.6 Type substitution 341

13.7 Controlling type derivation and substitution 343

13.7.1 final: Preventing complex type derivation 343

13.7.2 block: Blocking substitution of derived types 344

13.7.3 Blocking type substitution in element declarations 346

13.7.4 abstract: Forcing derivation 346

Chapter 14 Assertions 350

14.1 Assertions 351

14.1.1 Assertions for simple types 353 Using XPath 2.0 operators 355 Using XPath 2.0 functions 357 Types and assertions 359 Inheriting simple type assertions 362 Assertions on list types 363

14.1.2 Assertions for complex types 365 Path expressions 367 Conditional expressions 369 Assertions in derived complex types 370

14.1.3 Assertions and namespaces 372 Using xpathDefaultNamespace 373

14.2 Conditional type assignment 375

14.2.1 The alternative element 376

14.2.2 Specifying conditional type assignment 377

14.2.3 Using XPath in the test attribute 378

14.2.4 The error type 380

14.2.5 Conditional type assignment and namespaces 381

14.2.6 Using inherited attributes in conditional type Assignment 382

Chapter 15 Named groups 384

15.1 Why named groups? 385

15.2 Named model groups 386

15.2.1 Defining named model groups 386

15.2.2 Referencing named model groups 388 Group references 388 Referencing a named model group in a complex type 389 Using all in named model groups 391 Named model groups referencing named model groups 392

15.3 Attribute groups 392

15.3.1 Defining attribute groups 393

15.3.2 Referencing attribute groups 395 Attribute group references 395 Referencing attribute groups in complex types 396 Duplicate attribute names 397 Duplicate attribute wildcard handling 398 Attribute groups referencing attribute groups 398

15.3.3 The default attribute group 399

15.4 Named groups and namespaces 401

15.5 Design hint: Named groups or complex type derivations? 403

Chapter 16 Substitution groups 406

16.1 Why substitution groups? 407

16.2 The substitution group hierarchy 408

16.3 Declaring a substitution group 409

16.4 Type constraints for substitution groups 412

16.5 Members in multiple groups 413

16.6 Alternatives to substitution groups 414

16.6.1 Reusable choice groups 414

16.6.2 Substituting a derived type in the instance 415

16.7 Controlling substitution groups 418

16.7.1 final: Preventing substitution group declarations 418

16.7.2 block: Blocking substitution in instances 419

16.7.3 abstract: Forcing substitution 420

Chapter 17 Identity constraints 422

17.1 Identity constraint categories 423

17.2 Design hint: Should I use ID/IDREF or key/keyref? 424

17.3 Structure of an identity constraint 424

17.4 Uniqueness constraints 426

17.5 Key constraints 428

17.6 Key references 430

17.6.1 Key references and scope 432

17.6.2 Key references and type equality 432

17.7 Selectors and fields 433

17.7.1 Selectors 433

17.7.2 Fields 434

17.8 XPath subset for identity constraints 435

17.9 Identity constraints and namespaces 439

17.9.1 Using xpathDefaultNamespace 441

17.10 Referencing identity constraints 442

Chapter 18 Redefining and overriding schema components 446

18.1 Redefinition 448

18.1.1 Redefinition basics 448 Include plus redefine 450 Redefine and namespaces 450 Pervasive impact 450

18.1.2 The mechanics of redefinition 451

18.1.3 Redefining simple types 452

18.1.4 Redefining complex types 453

18.1.5 Redefining named model groups 454 Defining a subset 454 Defining a superset 455

18.1.6 Redefining attribute groups 456 Defining a subset 457 Defining a superset 458

18.2 Overrides 459

18.2.1 Override basics 459 Include plus override 461 Override and namespaces 461 Pervasive impact 462

18.2.2 The mechanics of overriding components 462

18.2.3 Overriding simple types 464

18.2.4 Overriding complex types 465

18.2.5 Overriding element and attribute declarations 466

18.2.6 Overriding named groups 467

18.3 Risks of redefines and overrides 468

18.3.1 Risks of redefining or overriding types 468

18.3.2 Risks of redefining or overriding named groups 470

Chapter 19 Topics for DTD users 472

19.1 Element declarations 473

19.1.1 Simple types 474

19.1.2 Complex types with simple content 475

19.1.3 Complex types with complex content 476

19.1.4 Mixed content 478

19.1.5 Empty content 479

19.1.6 Any content 480

19.2 Attribute declarations 480

19.2.1 Attribute types 480

19.2.2 Enumerated attribute types 481

19.2.3 Notation attributes 482

19.2.4 Default values 482

19.3 Parameter entities for reuse 483

19.3.1 Reusing content models 484

19.3.2 Reusing attributes 485

19.4 Parameter entities for extensibility 486

19.4.1 Extensions for sequence groups 486

19.4.2 Extensions for choice groups 489

19.4.3 Attribute extensions 490

19.5 External parameter entities 492

19.6 General entities 493

19.6.1 Character and other parsed entities 493

19.6.2 Unparsed entities 493

19.7 Notations 493

19.7.1 Declaring a notation 494

19.7.2 Declaring a notation attribute 495

19.7.3 Notations and unparsed entities 496

19.8 Comments 497

19.9 Using DTDs and schemas together 499

Chapter 20 XML information modeling 500

20.1 Data modeling paradigms 502

20.2 Relational models 503

20.2.1 Entities and attributes 504

20.2.2 Relationships 507 One-to-one and one-to-many relationships 507 Many-to-many relationships 507 Approach #1: Use containment with repetition 508 Approach #2: Use containment with references 510 Approach #3: Use relationship elements 512

20.3 Modeling object-oriented concepts 514

20.3.1 Inheritance 514

20.3.2 Composition 519

20.4 Modeling web services 522

20.5 Considerations for narrative content 524

20.5.1 Semantics vs. style 524 Benefits of excluding styling 524 Rendition elements: “block” and “inline” 525

20.5.2 Considerations for schema design 526 Flexibility 526 Reusing existing vocabularies 526 Attributes are for metadata 526 Humans write the documents 527

20.6 Considerations for a hierarchical model 527

20.6.1 Intermediate elements 527

20.6.2 Wrapper lists 531

20.6.3 Level of granularity 532

20.6.4 Generic vs. specific elements 533

Chapter 21 Schema design and documentation 538

21.1 The importance of schema design 539

21.2 Uses for schemas 540

21.3 Schema design goals 542

21.3.1 Flexibility and extensibility 542

21.3.2 Reusability 543

21.3.3 Clarity and simplicity 545 Naming and documentation 545 Clarity of structure 546 Simplicity 546

21.3.4 Support for graceful versioning 547

21.3.5 Interoperability and tool compatibility 547

21.4 Developing a schema design strategy 548

21.5 Schema organization considerations 550

21.5.1 Global vs. local components 550 Russian Doll 551 Salami Slice 553 Venetian Blind 554 Garden of Eden 555

21.5.2 Modularizing schema documents 557

21.6 Naming considerations 559

21.6.1 Rules for valid XML names 559

21.6.2 Separators 560

21.6.3 Name length 560

21.6.4 Standard terms and abbreviations 561

21.6.5 Use of object terms 562

21.7 Namespace considerations 564

21.7.1 Whether to use namespaces 564

21.7.2 Organizing namespaces 565 Same namespace 565 Different namespaces 568 Chameleon namespaces 572

21.7.3 Qualified vs. unqualified forms 575 Qualified local names 575 Unqualified local names 576 Using form in schemas 576 Form and global element declarations 578 Default namespaces and unqualified names 578 Qualified vs. unqualified element names 579 Qualified vs. unqualified attribute names 580

21.8 Schema documentation 580

21.8.1 Annotations 581

21.8.2 User documentation 582 Documentation syntax 582 Data element definitions 584 Code documentation 585 Section comments 585

21.8.3 Application information 586

21.8.4 Non-native attributes 588 Design hint: Should I use annotations or non-native attributes? 589

21.8.5 Documenting namespaces 589

Chapter 22 Extensibility and reuse 594

22.1 Reuse 596

22.1.1 Reusing schema components 596

22.1.2 Creating schemas that are highly reusable 597

22.1.3 Developing a common components library 597

22.2 Extending schemas 599

22.2.1 Wildcards 601

22.2.2 Open content 604

22.2.3 Type substitution 605

22.2.4 Substitution groups 607

22.2.5 Type redefinition 609

22.2.6 Named group redefinition 611

22.2.7 Overrides 612

Chapter 23 Versioning 616

23.1 Schema compatibility 617

23.1.1 Backward compatibility 618

23.1.2 Forward compatibility 623

23.2 Using version numbers 626

23.2.1 Major and minor versions 626

23.2.2 Placement of version numbers 628 Version numbers in schema documents 628 Versions in schema locations 630 Versions in instances 631 Versions in namespace names 632 A combination strategy 633

23.3 Application compatibility 634

23.4 Lessening the impact of versioning 635

23.4.1 Define a versioning strategy 636

23.4.2 Make only necessary changes 636

23.4.3 Document all changes 637

23.4.4 Deprecate components before deleting them 638

23.4.5 Provide a conversion capability 639

23.5 Versions of the XML Schema language 639

23.5.1 New features in version 1.1 640

23.5.2 Forward compatibility of XML Schema 1.1 641

23.5.3 Portability of implementation-defined types and facets 642 Using typeAvailable and typeUnavailable 644 Using facetAvailable and facetUnavailable 645

Appendix A XSD keywords 648

A.1 Elements 649

A.2 Attributes 671

Appendix B Built-in simple types 690

B.1 Built-in simple types 691

B.2 Applicability of facets to built-in simple types 695

Index 699


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California residents should read our Supplemental privacy statement for California residents in conjunction with this Privacy Notice. The Supplemental privacy statement for California residents explains Pearson's commitment to comply with California law and applies to personal information of California residents collected in connection with this site and the Services.

Sharing and Disclosure

Pearson may disclose personal information, as follows:

  • As required by law.
  • With the consent of the individual (or their parent, if the individual is a minor)
  • In response to a subpoena, court order or legal process, to the extent permitted or required by law
  • To protect the security and safety of individuals, data, assets and systems, consistent with applicable law
  • In connection the sale, joint venture or other transfer of some or all of its company or assets, subject to the provisions of this Privacy Notice
  • To investigate or address actual or suspected fraud or other illegal activities
  • To exercise its legal rights, including enforcement of the Terms of Use for this site or another contract
  • To affiliated Pearson companies and other companies and organizations who perform work for Pearson and are obligated to protect the privacy of personal information consistent with this Privacy Notice
  • To a school, organization, company or government agency, where Pearson collects or processes the personal information in a school setting or on behalf of such organization, company or government agency.


This web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects Personal Information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this web site.

Requests and Contact

Please contact us about this Privacy Notice or if you have any requests or questions relating to the privacy of your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may revise this Privacy Notice through an updated posting. We will identify the effective date of the revision in the posting. Often, updates are made to provide greater clarity or to comply with changes in regulatory requirements. If the updates involve material changes to the collection, protection, use or disclosure of Personal Information, Pearson will provide notice of the change through a conspicuous notice on this site or other appropriate way. Continued use of the site after the effective date of a posted revision evidences acceptance. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about the Privacy Notice or any objection to any revisions.

Last Update: November 17, 2020