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A comprehensive guide to analyzing the business rationale for WLANs
Businesses today are increasingly adopting wireless LANs (WLANs) as a primary data transport mechanism. To determine when and how to effectively deploy WLANs, business managers, project managers, and IT executives need a clear, holistic evaluation of the business benefits and risks behind this complex technology solution.
The Business Case for Enterprise-Class Wireless LANs helps you make the right decisions by explaining the business value and cost of investing in a WLAN—from security and architecture to deployment and application. Using a lifecycle perspective, this guide covers the value proposition, cost justification, and alignment of security, design, and operational components within the business.
Written in an approachable style, The Business Case for Enterprise-Class Wireless LANs provides a baseline analysis of WLAN technologies for a large-scale deployment and includes concise real-world case studies with checklists and flowcharts that you can adapt for your needs. By recognizing the obstacles and advantages of implementing a WLAN from a strategic and justified business perspective, you can apply the economic benefits to your organization and ensure a timely and efficient deployment of your organization’s WLAN.
This volume is in the Network Business Series offered by Cisco Press®. Books in this series provide IT executives, decision makers, and networking professionals with pertinent information about today’s most important technologies and business strategies.
Enterprise-Class Wireless LANs: Guidelines for A Successful Architecture and Design
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Part I_ The Fundamentals of Wireless LAN Strategic Planning
Chapter 1 Introduction to Wireless LAN Technologies
Value of Mobility
OSI Layers and WLANs
Layer 1: Physical Layer
Layer 2: Data Link Layer
Layer 3: Network Layer
Layer 4: Transport Layer
Layer 5: Session Layer
Layer 6: Presentation Layer
Layer 7: Application Layer
A Brief History of WLANs
How Wireless Networks Function
WLAN Modes
WLAN Technologies
WLAN Radio Communications
Different WLAN Standards
Chapter 2 Business Considerations
Aligning Technology Solutions with Business Considerations
Economic Considerations
Step 1: Understand Your Organizational Ecosystem
Step 2: Define the Problem That You Are Trying to Solve
Step 3: Break the Problem Down
Step 4: Define WLAN-Enabled Solution
The Role of Infrastructure
Pros and Cons of the Wired Versus Wireless World
Effect on Cost and Spending
Measuring the Business Value of Deploying Wireless
Total Cost of Ownership
Value of Ownership
Cost-Justification Analysis
Chapter 3 Preparation and Planning
Solutions Lifecycle
Breadth and Scope of Deployment
Deployment Funding Strategies
Project Stakeholders
Impact on Application Portfolio
Scalable Architecture
Security Strategy
Define High-Level Program Plan
Chapter 4 Supplementary and Complementary Services
WLAN Voice Devices
WLAN Voice Implementation Challenges
Types of Video Traffic
WLAN Video Implementation Challenges
Guest Networking
Business Rationale for Enabling Guest Networking
Components of Guest Networking
Guest Networking Implementation Considerations
WLAN Location Services
Business Rationale for WLAN Location Services
Components of WLAN Location Services
WLAN Location Services Implementation Considerations
Additional Resources
Part II Wireless LAN Architecture, Design, and Deploym
Chapter 5 Guidelines for a Successful Architecture and Design
Architectural Considerations
WLAN Expectations
Key Components for an Effective WLAN Architecture
Design Considerations
Client-to-AP Ratio
Environmental Considerations
Physical Attributes of the Surroundings
RF Environment
Local Governmental Regulations
Chapter 6 Wireless LAN Deployment Considerations
In-House Deployment Versus Outsourced Deployment
Internal Staff
Outsourced Resources
Architectural Milestones
Solutions Architecture
Security Posture
Deployment Dependencies
Change Management Process
Put the Supporting Infrastructure in Place
Provision AAA Capabilities
Define Security Standards and Policies
Put the Support Plan in Place
Put the Communication Plan in Place
Address Regulatory Issues
Managing the Infrastructure
Managing the Clients
Deploying the WLAN
Pre-Deployment Tasks
Managing the Deployment
WLAN Controller Configuration
WLAN Controller Installation
Deployment Checklist
Deployment Methodology and Project Planning
Chapter 7 Security and Wireless LANs
Wireless Security in Your Enterprise
Thinking Securely
Different Security Models
WLAN Security Threats
Rogue APs
Denial of Service Attack
Wireless Security Mitigation Techniques
EAP Types
Building a Secure WLAN
Trusted Versus Untrusted Wireless Networks
Define a Clear Security Posture
Define a Clear WLAN Security Policy
Secure Your APs
Physically Secure the Office Space
Communicate with Your Users
Secure Wireless at Home
Determine How to Support and Secure Mobile Devices
Determine How to Support and Secure Clients
Detect Rogue APs
Respond to Detected Rogue APs
Consider Using Intrusion Detection Systems
Chapter 8 Management Strategies for Wireless LANs
Solutions Lifecycle
Management Strategies
In-House WLAN Management
Outsource WLAN Management
Fault Management
Configuration Management
Accounting Management
Performance Management
Security Management
Where FCAPS Fails
Comparing Centralized and Distributed Management
WLAN Management
RF Management
Host Management
Client Management
Challenges Unique to WLAN Management
Dynamic Nature of the Transport Medium
Mobility of Endpoints
Intermittent Connectivity of Mobile Endpoints
Diverse Nature of Wireless Endpoints
Security Settings Management
Third-Party Wireless Software
Centralized Self-Service Model
Manual Process
WLAN Reporting and Alerting
Standard/Systematic Reports
Management Tools
Vendor-Specific WLAN Management Tools
Third-Party WLAN Management Tools
Common Network Management Platforms
Common Network Management Protocols
Internally Developed Tools
Part III Wireless LAN Deployment Case Stud
Chapter 9 Enterprise Case Study
Business Model
Defining the Business Case
The Strategic Value
Technology Considerations
Architecture Principles
Network Management
Client Management
Service and Support
Enhanced Services
Wireless Voice Services
Wireless Guest Networking
Deployment and Implementation
Site Survey
Access Point Configuration
Distribution of Wireless Network Cards and Instructions
Ongoing Project Management and Process
Business Benefits of the Solution
What the Future Holds
Modular Architecture: Centralized and Autonomous APs
Enhanced Security
Location-Based Services
Outdoor Wireless
Chapter 10Healthcare Case Study
Business Model
Defining the Business Case
The Strategic Value
Technology Considerations
Architectural Principles
WLAN Design
Network Management
Project Management and Process
Deployment and Implementation
Site Survey
What the Future Holds
Tracking and Telemetry
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Chapter 11 Manufacturing Case Study
Business Model
Technology Considerations
What the Future Holds
Guest Access
Voice over IP
Rogue Access Point Detection
Chapter 12 Education Case Study
Business Model
Architectural Principles
802.11 Wireless Networking Standards
Access Point Settings
Signal Strength, Antennas, and Outdoor Coverage
Radio Cell Architecture
Global Naming Standards
Wireless Equipment
Network Management
Service and Support
Tier 1: Information Services
Tier 2: Element IT and Learning and Environment Department
Tier 3: Network and Communication Services
Client Management
Security and Rogue AP Detection
Deployment and Implementation
Deployment Phases
Site Survey
Access Point Configuration
Ongoing Project Management and Process
Lessons Learned and Recommendations
Sort Out Support Up Front
Build a Solid and Well-Tested Architecture
Understand Your Users
Establish a Web Portal
Integrate the Solution into Existing Business Processes
Measuring the Benefits
What the Future Holds
Part IV Appendi
Appendix A Wireless LAN Standards Reference
Appendix B Wireless LAN Security References
Appendix C Example Project Plan for an Enterprise-Class WLAN Deployment
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