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This book contains basic information necessary for WAP development as well as the first professional GUI tool for building WAP applications. It presents a proven methodology for building WAP applications and includes two of the major SDKs will allow the readers to test applications in the environment where they will be used.
Wizarding Up a WAP Application
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Summary and Q&A.)
1. The Wireless World.The Wireless Internet. In Technical Terms. WAP Protocol. Internet-Capable Phones and Other Devices. Phone Simulators. Cellular Networks. WAP Gateways. Markup Languages. Programming Languages. Unique Wireless Features. How Do WAP Applications Work?
2. WAP Design Tools.Wireless Design Tools. MobileDev for the Wireless Internet. Let's Go. Open a Project. About the Movies Demo. MobileDev's Development Environment. Application Map. Application Browser. Document Editor. Script Editor. Phone Simulator. SDK Simulators. Database Browser. Toolbars. Pop-ups. Help Is a Click Away. Online Getting Started. Running a Project. Using the Simulator. Closing the Demo.
3. Wizarding Up a WAP Application.Your First Application. Create a Project. Decks, Cards, and Links. Wizards. Create the First Deck. Save the Project. Changing the Look of the Application Map. Create the Second Deck. Run the Application. Same Application, Different Browser.
4. Before Building.The Question of Style. The Question of Technology. Avoiding Headaches. Your Turn to Create Projects.
5. Learning About Wireless Markup Language.What Is Markup? Decks. Document Prologue. Cards. Images. Links. Browser Variables. WML Rules. For More Information. Editing Markup Code in MobileDev.
6. Wizards and Markup.What Are You Building? Create Display Deck. Default Markup. Create Input Deck for a Prompt. Create Action Link. Create Input Deck for a Selection. Relink an Unresolved Link. Add an Options Link. Run Application. The Limits of Markup.
7. Script Plus Markup-A Dynamic Application.Why Use Script? Script Plus Markup. Server Languages. Required Code. Substitution Variables. Parameters. Database Access. Try It Yourself. ASP VBScript. WMLScript.
8. Getting the Most Out of MobileDev.Multideveloper Mode. Database Browser. Deploy Project. Default Settings. Containers.
9. Location-Based Services.What Are Location-Based Applications? Find Me a Movie Theater. Simulating the Experience. Creating the Application Using MobileDev.
10. More Fun for WAP Fanatics.Subscriber ID. Regular Phone Calls. Animated Images Again. Optimizing for the Browser Brand. Internationalization. Optimizing for the Language. Security. Notifications.
11. Java and MobileDev.Introducing Java and Enhydra. Creating an Application: An Overview. About the CameraLand Application. Creating the MobileDev Project. Creating the Enhydra Project. Modifying the Default Enhydra Project. Compiling the Enhydra Application Running the Application.
12. The Future of the Wireless Internet.Reality and Dreams. WAP 2.0. What Else Is There? Complementing Technologies. Open Technology-It's Up to You. What Others Say. The Future of MobileDev.
Appendix A. Setup.Checklist. Suggested Configuration. Internet Explorer 4. Web Server. Perl. MobileDev. Ready to Go. Other Goodies. Installing the Openwave and Nokia SDKs. Installing the Java SDK and Lutris Enhydra. Installing WAPDraw.
Appendix B. Glossary.