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Applied XML Solutions presents a series of projects rather than a tutorial format. The projects follow a natural progression from simple to complex. Within each chapter, helpful sidebars highlight XML fundamentals necessary to understand the project in progress. This will save readers' time having to look to another source if they forget a key detail. The last project incorporates techniques discussed throughout the book. The author will illustrate alternative solutions wherever appropriate. Applied XML Solutions shows professional developers how to apply XML to a variety of real-world applications, including: XML as a scripting substitute, using RSS to syndicate content to multiple & non-traditional browsers such as WAP-enabled handheld devices, using XSLT to facilitate communication between incompatible systems, separating web content from web code, importing data from various file formats.
Why a Solution Book? Who Should Read This Book. How to Read This Book. Conventions Used in This Book. Additional Resources.
Why Lightweight Data Storage? Meeting the Catalog Viewer. The XML Side. Designing with Patterns. Meeting the Builder Pattern. Meeting the Visitor Pattern. Building and Running the Project. Additional Resources.
Configuration Files. Meeting Survex. Building and Running the Project. Benefits. Additional Resources.
The Event Form. Creating a Form with an Editor. Running the Project. Customizing the Behavior. Writing Macros. Advantages. Additional Resources.
Architecture. Publishing Formats. Styling on Demand. The Style Sheets. Building and Running the Project. Additional Resources.
Meeting EDIFACT. EDI Meets XML. Breaking Down the Conversion. Building the Formatter. Writing the Style Sheet. Building and Running the Project. Additional Resources.
Parsing EDIFACT. The EDIFACT Parser. The Conversion. Building and Running the Project. Additional Resources.
XML Marketplaces. A Commercial Transaction. Architecture. The Post Manager. Sending the Invoice. Building and Running the Project. Additional Resources.
Servlets and Teams. Using XSL in Servlets. Building XslServlet. Writing Pesticide Using XslServlet. Building and Running the Project. Playing with Style Sheets. Additional Resources.
Architecture. The SOAP Protocol. A SOAP Library. The Stock Server. The Stock Client. Building and Running the Project. Additional Resources.
XML As a File Format. Publishing Versus Data. Flexible, Generic Tools. e-Commerce.
XML Elements. XML Document. Entities. Namespaces.
XMLReader. ContentHandler. DTDHandler. ErrorHandler. EntityResolver. InputSource. Attributes. Locator. Exceptions. XMLFilter. XMLReaderFactory. DefaultHandler.
Style Sheet. Templates. Template Content. XPath. Combining Style Sheets. Parameters and Variables. Tests and Conditions. Functions. Copying. Extensions.