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Offers students a single source for concise review of every topic they need to master in order to pass the exam.
Helps students make the most of their study time and make absolutely sure they understand the concepts that matter most.
The A+ certification is the most popular certification program in the world, certifying more than 500,000 individuals since its inception in 1998. These exams certify readers knowledge of basic computer hardware and operating systems. This certification is extremely popular because it is essential to anybody who requires a baseline set of skills or competencies: high school students, technicians in your company's IT support group, even the delivery-truck driver who wants to explore a better career opportunity.
The A+ Practice Questions Exam Cram 2 provides readers with nearly 1,000 practice test questions as well as complete answer explanations, giving readers the perfect complementary tool for their A+ studies. Features relevant Exam Notes to heop readers score better on the tests, plus the ever popular "Cram Sheet" tearcard, which is used for last-minute cramming.
Hardware Domain 3.0: PC Preventive Maintenance, Safety, and Environmental Issues
Hardware Domain 3.0: PC Preventive Maintenance, Safety, and Environmental Issues
1. Hardware Domain 1.0: Installation, Configuration, and Upgrading.II. OPERATING SYSTEMS.
1. Operating System Domain 1.0: Operating System Fundamentals.Downloads
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