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2009 Internet Directory
Web 2.0 Edition
Vince Averello
Mikal E. Belicove
Nancy Conner
Adrienne Crew
Sherry Kinkoph Gunter
Faithe Wempen
The Best of the New “Web 2.0” Internet…at Your Fingertips!
A whole new Web’s coming to life: new tools, communities, video, podcasts, everything! You won’t find these exciting “Web 2.0” destinations with old-fashioned Internet directories…and it’ll take forever to find them on search engines. But they’re all at your fingertips, right here! Carefully selected by humans, not algorithms, here are the Net’s 3,000 best Web 2.0 destinations: amazing new sites, tools, and resources for your whole life!
They’ll help you…
• Have way more fun!
• Build your business…
• Buy the right stuff, and avoid the junk…
• Stay totally up-to-date on news, politics, science…
• Be a better parent…
• Go “green”…
• Get healthier—and stay healthier…
• Deepen your faith…
• Pursue your hobbies…
• Plan incredible vacations…
• Find the perfect restaurant…
• And more… much more!
The 2009 Internet Directory: Travel
Introduction 1
1 Business 5
2 Computers and Electronics 35
3 Current Events/Political/Science/News 47
4 Education 65
5 Entertainment 95
6 Family/Parenting 129
7 Food and Drink 157
8 Going Green/Environment 189
9 Health 209
10 Hobbies 253
11 Home 287
12 Religion/Philosophy 311
13 Shopping/Fashion 337
14 Sports 359
15 Travel 399
Index 429