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Administering VMWare Site Recovery Manager 5.0Administering VMware Site Recovery Manager 5.0
by Mike Laverick • ISBN 9780321799920 • December 2011
In this practical and technical guide to installing and configuring VMware's Site Recovery Manager 5.0, expert Mike Laverick takes readers through set-ups for multiple vendors, disaster recovery, common pitfalls and errors, while along the way explaining why things happen, and how to fix them.
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Automating vSphere with VMware vCenter OrchestratorAutomating vSphere with VMware vCenter Orchestrator
by Cody Bunch • ISBN 9780321799913 • March 2012
This hands-on technical guide to automating vSphere with Orchestrator teaches administrators how to save time and resources by automating their virtual infrastructure. Automation expert Cody Bunch teaches valuable practices and tool use through a combination of real world automation examples and case studies.
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Storage Design and Implementation in VMware vSphere 5.0Storage Design and Implementation in VMware vSphere 5.0
by Mostafa Khalil • 9780321799937 • April 2012
In this technology deep dive book, expert architect Mostafa Khalil teaches everything an administrator or architect needs to know about design, management and storage maintenance in the vSphere 5.0 virtual environment, including detailed procedures and guidelines, architectural design elements, best practices, common configuration details, and more.