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Introducing Agile Analytics: A Value-Driven Approach to Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
Sep 6, 2011
This chapter outlines the tenets of Agile Analytics and establishes the foundational principles behind each of the practices and techniques that are introduced in the successive chapters in this book.
Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: Avoid Over- and Under-Design
Aug 29, 2011
How do you avoid over- or under-designing your code? As Ward Cunningham once said, "Take as much time as you need to make your code quality as high as it can be, but don't spend a second adding functionality that you don't need now!" This chapter covers this "mantra for development: write high-quality code, but don't write extra code.
Everybody’s Doing Agile--Why Can’t We?
Aug 8, 2011
Aaron Erickson suggests that it would be wise to think, very candidly, whether Agile is really something that your company can achieve.
Ten Years Of Agile: An Interview with Brian Marick
Aug 3, 2011
InformIT interviews Brian Marick, one of the original Agile Manifesto signatories, on the ten-year anniversary of its creation.
Ten Years of Agile: An Interview with Jon Kern
Aug 3, 2011
In this interview, Jon Kern discusses his part in the Agile Manifesto, the evolution of Agile, and what he’s up to now.
Ten Years Of Agile: An Interview with Robert C. "Uncle Bob" Martin
Aug 3, 2011
InformIT interviews Uncle Bob Martin, one of the original Agile Manifesto signatories, on the ten-year anniversary of its creation.
Ten Years of Agile: An Interview with Ward Cunningham
Aug 3, 2011
InformIT interviews Ward Cunningham, one of the original Agile Manifesto signatories, on the ten-year anniversary of its creation.
Barriers to Scrum Adoption
Jun 27, 2011
Scrum sounds great, but it sure seems to go wrong a lot. Matt Heusser discusses obstacles and how to go over them or around them, and sometimes just blow them up.
Beyond Process and Tools: People Issues in Agile Software
Apr 14, 2011
The Agile Manifesto says that we value "individuals and interactions" over "processes and tools." Yet TDD, Scrum, Extreme Programming, jUnit, and many other elements in the "Agile" space are processes and tools! Ken Howard and Barry Rogers draw a line in the sand with their new book Individuals and Interactions: An Agile Guide; Matthew Heusser interviewed the authors to find out more.
Individuals and Interactions: An Agile Guide
Apr 13, 2011
Most people’s communication skills could use significant improvement. Adopting just a few of the tips from this chapter may help you significantly enhance the interactions you engage in on your project.
Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development: An Introductory Acceptance Test
Feb 16, 2011
Ken Pugh presents an example of an acceptance test, along with four ways that you can execute an acceptance test.
The Big Picture of Agile Requirements
Feb 9, 2011
We are now at the point in time where a number of organizations have made the transition before us and some common patterns for lean and agile software process success have started to emerge -- a Big Picture. In this chapter, Dean Leffingwell offers a quick gestalt of this new, agile, leaner, and yet fully scalable software requirements model.
Leading Agile Developers: The Seven Levels of Authority (Part 2)
Feb 3, 2011
For managers to make the best use of self-organization in their business, they need to distribute control and delegate their authority. In this article, Jurgen Appelo, author of Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders, describes the seven levels of authority and the “authority board” managers can use to delegate control to self-organizing teams.
How to Grow Structure
Jan 27, 2011
This chapter gives you an overview of adaptive principles in organizational design and some ideas on the ways to grow a structure in your own organization.
Leading Agile Developers: The Seven Levels of Authority (Part 1)
Jan 26, 2011
For managers to make the best use of self-organization in their business, they need to distribute control and delegate their authority. In this article, Jurgen Appelo, author of Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders, describes the scientific reason to empowering people in the first of his two-part series.
Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development: An Interview with Ken Pugh
Jan 17, 2011
How does testing fit into an agile organization? Can you have both? And what does that look like? Matt Heusser interviewed Ken Pugh, author of Lean Agile Acceptance Test Driven Development, to find out.
Software Verification and Validation in High Assurance Agile Development: Ground Rules
Dec 21, 2010
How do you develop high quality software in regulated (and other high assurance, high economic cost of failure) environments in an agile manner? Dean Leffingwell explores the ground rules.
On Agile Management: An Interview with Jurgen Appelo
Nov 29, 2010
Is there a role for management in Agile organizations? Matt Heusser interviewed Jurgen Appelo, author of Management 3.0, to find out.
A Practical Guide to Distributed Scrum: Distributed Daily Scrum Meetings
Jul 27, 2010
This chapter talks about how to answer the three Daily Scrum questions and provides some tested techniques for conducting effective Daily Scrum meetings with distributed teams.
The Jazz Process: Maintain Momentum
Jun 29, 2010
Adrian Cho talks about how you can create and maintain constructive momentum in your organization.

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