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Architecture and Design
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- Architecture Documentation — Choosing the Views
- Jan 31, 2003
- You know that documentation is important, but how much should you realistically document? Discover how to weigh cost against benefit and gain the most from your software architecture documentation.
- Design Patterns for Real-Time Systems: Resource Patterns
- Dec 6, 2002
- Bruce Powel Douglass provides a number of patterns to help organize, manage, use, and share finite resources when building real-time and embedded systems.
- Patterns: An Antidote for "Best" Practices Gone Bad
- May 10, 2002
- Incorporating innovative approaches remains critical to an organization's survival. How can this be done without encountering the pitfalls of one-size-fits-all best practice efforts? Patterns provide an alternative approach to incorporating practices in appropriate situations successfully.
- Conway's Law Revisited: Successfully Aligning Enterprise Architecture
- May 1, 2002
- For investments in enterprise architecture to pay off, they must be based on a clear understanding of the organization. Whatever approach you choose to implement your enterprise strategy, an understanding of Conway's Law can help to make your alignment efforts successful.
- Organizational Savvy: The Missing Piece in Software Architecture Education
- Apr 19, 2002
- Today, more and more software professionals assume the role and title of software architect. Like building architects, software architects need to draw on a broad range of disciplines to be effective, and like their earlier namesakes, organizational savvy is also an important part of this skill set.
- Evaluating a Software Architecture
- Dec 6, 2001
- To put it bluntly, an architecture is a bet, a wager on the success of a system. Wouldn't it be nice to know in advance if you've placed your bet on a winner, as opposed to waiting until the system is mostly completed before knowing whether it will meet ...
- Introduction to Software Security
- Nov 2, 2001
- The root of most security problems is software that fails in unexpected ways. Although software security as a field has much maturing to do, it has much to offer to those practitioners interested in striking at the heart of security problems.
- Building Secure Software: Race Conditions
- Nov 2, 2001
- Concurrent programs are incredibly difficult to debug. Race conditions are just the most security-relevant type of concurrency problem. In this chapter Gary McGraw and John Viega explore race conditions and their security ramifications.