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XSL Formatting Objects Developer's Handbook is a syntactical reference and a guide for developing practical solutions using the complete XSL toolkit. In exploring the available tools and architectures, the book allows programmers to understand and apply XSL as practitioners. XSL-FO is a complex specification that provides a framework for describing detailed document formatting characteristics. A primary goal of XML is to separate the data from presentation. Unlike HTML documents, XML documents contain no information about how those documnets will appear when displayed. The XSL-FO specification provides a standardized way to build stylesheets that express document formatting in pure XML notation.
1. Introduction.
Who Needs FO? What Do You Need to Know? Overview of the Book. Fine Print.
Aviation Weather Example. XML Encoded Weather. Some Common Templates. A Style Sheet to Produce HTML. A Style Sheet to Produce XSL FO. A Style Sheet to Produce WML. Summary.
Online Resources. Transform Engines. Formatters. Editors. Summary.
A First XML/XSL Pair. A Style Sheet for the Root Rule. Summary.
A Bulletin. Skeletons in the Closet. Font Selection. Rules and Borders. The Colorful Truth. Summary.
Box Model. Screenplay Example. block and block-container. Inheritance and the Wrapper. inline and inline-container. Space, Margins, and Indents. Justification. text-transform. Summary.
Ignoring Space and Newlines. Honoring Newlines. Honoring Spaces. Word Space. Line Wrapping Override. Leading. Subscripts and Superscripts. Paragraph Separation. Summary.
Simple Page Model. Flow and Static Content. Sequences. Summary.
Tabular Alignment. Separate and Collapsed Borders. Explicit Rows. Table Column Definitions. Placing Headers and Footers on a Table. Column and Row Spanning. Content of a Cell. Captioning a Table. Summary.
Structure of a List. Bullets and Checklists. Enumerated List. Descriptive List. Lead Me On. Summary.
A Sample Input Document. Columns. Play for Keeps or Break It Up. Summary.
Embedding an External Resource. Embedding a Diagram. Placement and Alignment. Character. Background Effects. Summary.
An Epistle with Footnotes and Floats. Footnotes. Before Floats. Side Floats. Summary.
Scrolling. Hyperlink. Altered States. Toggle Switch. Summary.
Writing Direction. Mixing Scripts. Summary.
The Processing Model. Reorganizing the Input. Processing Text. Processing Attributes. Summary.
Formatting Object Categories. Formatting Objects.
Property Categories. Property Types. Properties.