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Windows XP Unleashed guides the advanced reader through nearly every Windows XP topic imaginable giving ideas and solutions practical to typical problems encountered by professionals. Examples of topics covered are:
Deciding Which Windows XP File System Is Best for You
Do Administrative Tools in Windows XP Professional Deliver?
Enabling the Firewall Included in Windows XP
How Safe is a .NET Passport Account in Windows XP Professional?
Managing Security Zones in Windows XP Professional
Optimizing Disk Performance in Windows XP Professional
Registry Revisited: How Applications Use The Registry
Scheduling Maintenance Tasks in Windows XP Professional
Steps You Can Take to Increase Windows XPs Performance
Top 10 Steps to Greater Security in Windows XP Professional
Using Performance Monitor to Troubleshoot System Performance in Windows XP Professional
Using Remote Assistance to Solve Problems in Windows XP Professional
Using the Task Manager as a Performance Analysis Tool in Windows XP
Windows XP Registry 101: Background and Quick Tips
Installing and Upgrading Windows XP
1. Looking Inside Windows XP Professional.The Windows XP Architecture: Kernel Mode and User Mode. Protected Memory and the Kernel. Executive Services. Multitasking and Symmetric Multiprocessing. What Is DirectX?
2. Before You Install or Upgrade.Hardware Prerequisites. Conduct a Pilot Program. Understanding Network Installations. Should You Upgrade or Install? Preparing Your Computer for XP. Make a List and Check It Twice.
3. Installing and Upgrading Windows XP.Overview of the Windows XP Setup Process. Starting the Windows XP Setup Wizard. First, the Setup Wizard Needs Some Information. After the First Reboot: Text Mode Setup. After the Second Reboot: Read Me Now! After the Third Reboot.
4. Unattended Installation and Sysprep.Syntax for the Setup Command. Using the unattend.txt Setup File for Automated Installations. Using Sysprep to Install Windows XP.
5. Configuring Accessibility Options.Configuring Accessibility Options Using the Control Panel. StickyKeys, FilterKeys, and ToggleKeys. SoundSentry and ShowSounds. Using High Contrast for Easier Viewing. “Mouseing” Around with the Keyboard. Using the General Tab for Accessibility Options. Using the Accessibility Wizard. Windows XP Accessibility Accessories. What Is the Utility Manager? Using Speech Recognition. Using Handwritten Recognition Devices.
6. Understanding the Startup Process.How Your Computer Boots. How Windows Boots. Startup Options. Troubleshooting Startup Problems.
7. Up Front: The New Desktop.Taking a First Look at the Windows XP Desktop. Customizing the Desktop. Choosing a Screensaver. Choosing an Appearance for Windows XP. Choosing and Creating a Theme. Customizing Shortcuts. The Overhauled Start Menu. Customizing the Taskbar.
8. Other Applications and Accessories.Using HyperTerminal. Using Entertainment Accessories. Using System Tools. Using General Accessories. Playing Games.
9. Working with Files and Folders.The New Windows Explorer. Folder Options You Can Configure. Using the Indexing Service for a Fast Find. Burn That CD: Copying Files and Folders to a CD-R. The Recycle Bin. Sharing Files and Folders.
10. Using Microsoft Outlook Express for E-mail, News, and More.Getting Started with Outlook Express. Sending and Receiving E-mail. Configuring Outlook Express Options. Using the Address Book. Using Outlook Express Folders. Managing Accounts in Outlook Express.
11. Running Legacy Applications under Windows XP.Why Applications Break. What Happens during an Upgrade. After the Upgrade. Using Compatibility Modes. The Find Compatible Hardware and Software Help Feature. Using the Application Compatibility Toolkit. Use Windows Update Regularly.
12. Installing and Removing Applications.What Happens When You Install an Application on Windows XP. Use Your Autorun CD. Using Add/Remove Programs. Installing or Removing Windows XP Components. After the Application or Component Installation.
13. Command Prompt Tools.Overview of the Command Prompt. Configuring the Command Prompt. Using Standard Commands. Working with Batch Files. Using the Command Line Task Scheduler (schtasks). Network Commands. How to Create an MS-DOS Startup Disk.
14. Using the Control Panel.Using the Classic or the Category View. Using the Appearances and Themes Category. Network and Internet Connections. Add or Remove Programs. Sounds, Speech and Audio Devices. Performance and Maintenance. Printers and Other Hardware. User Accounts. Date, Time, Language and Regional Options. Accessibility Options. The New Help and Support Application.
15. Managing Local Users.Adding User Accounts During Setup. Adding User Accounts After Setup. Changing User Account Information. Selecting the Logon and Logoff Method for a User Account Creating a Group Policy on the Local Computer. Configuring User Settings. Using Administrative Templates. Monitoring User Activities. Assigning User Rights. Using Groups to Simplify Management Tasks and Grant Resource Access. Using Fast User Switching? Using Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop.
16. Auditing Windows XP Using the Event Viewer.Overview of the Event Viewer. Setting Options for Log Files. Archiving a Log File and Clearing Events. How to Halt the Computer When the Security Log Becomes Full.
17. Printing with Windows XP.Windows XP Printing Basics: Defining Some Terms. Using the Add Printer Wizard. Managing Printer Properties. Managing Printers. Finding Printers on the Network.
18. Managing Disks and Partitions.Basic Disks and Dynamic Disks. Choosing Partitions and Volume Types. Comparing File Systems: FAT, FAT32, and NTFS. Using the Disk Management Utility. Managing Disks Through the Command Prompt. Configuring Partition Properties. Sharing Files with the Computer Management Utility. -Sharing Disks When You Are Part of a Domain.
19. Using the Task Manager.Managing Applications Using the Task Manager. Managing Individual Processes. Using the Performance Tab to Track System Performance. Tracking Networking Adapter Usage with the Networking Tab.
20. The Windows XP Registry.A Brief History of the Windows Registry. Registry Basics. Backing Up and Restoring the Registry. Using the Windows Registry Editor.
21. Using Backup on Windows XP.Hardware Can Make a Difference. Developing a Backup Plan. Running the Backup Wizard. Performing a Manual Backup. Setting Advanced Backup Program Options. Restoring Data from a Backup. Using Automated System Recovery. Running Backup from the Command Line.
22. Performance Monitoring, Logs, and Alerts.Understanding Performance Issues for Windows XP. Using Task Manager. Using System Monitor. Configuring Logs and Setting Alerts. Command Line Performance Monitoring Tools.
23. Be Paranoid: Disaster Recovery Planning.Back Up Important Data! Using the Automated System Recovery Wizard. Using the Last Known Good Configuration Feature. Booting into Safe Mode. Using the Recovery Console. Using Device Driver Rollback. How to Use System Restore to Recover Previous Settings.
24. Configuring Your Computer for Local Area Networking.Using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or Static Internet Protocol Configuration Information. Installing and Configuring Transfer Call Protocol/Internet Protocol and Related Components. Configuring the Transfer Call Protocol/Internet Protocol Connection. Configuring Static Internet Protocol Address Information. Using Other Local Area Network Protocols. Using File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks. Workgroups and Domains.
25. Configuring Your Computer for an Internet Connection.Dial-Up Networking Versus Broadband Connections. Installing a Standard Modem. Configuring Modem Properties. Setting Advanced Modem Options. Creating a New Internet Account. Windows XP Internet Connection Firewall and Internet Connection Sharing. Creating a Connection to the Network at Your Workplace. Setting Up a Home or Small Office Network. Obtaining an Internet Service Provider.
26. Joining a Domain and the Active Directory.Understanding Windows Domains. What Is the Active Directory? Joining a Domain Using Windows XP. After You Have Joined a Domain.
27. Overview of Windows XP Multimedia Features.The New Windows Media Player. New Folders-It's Not Just My Documents Anymore! Publishing Photographs or Movies on the Web. Burning CDs with Windows XP. Microsoft Plus! for Windows XP. Using Third-Party Programs.
28. Capturing Images and Video and Using Windows Movie Maker.Installing a Scanner, Camera, or Video Source. Using Third-Party Software. Using Windows Movie Maker. How Do You Make a Movie?
29. Windows Media Player 8.Overview of Windows Media Player 8. A Quick Overview of the Interface. Now Playing. The Media Guide: A Guide to Media! Copying from CDs. The Media Library. Tuning into the Internet. Music on the Go. Working with Skins. Options, Tab by Tab.
Appendix A. Introduction to Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Understanding Internet Protocol Addressing. How Ports Complete the Connection. The Transmission Control Protocol. Serial Line Interface Protocol and Point-to-Point Protocol. The Domain Name System. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Windows Internet Naming Service. Virtual Private Networks. Troubleshooting Tools for Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol.
Appendix B. Overview of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol and Microsoft's Active Directory.The Development of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Working with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Microsoft's Active Directory.
Appendix C. Using Windows XP on a Notebook Computer.Using ClearType. Setting Power Management Options in Windows XP. Using Hardware Profiles. Synchronization and Offline Files.
Appendix D. Basics of Internet Information Server.What's New in IIS 5.1? Installing IIS. Creating a Web Site. Managing a Web Site. Managing an FTP Server. Managing the SMTP Service.