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Software development guru Robert Martin shows readers how to effectively and efficiently use UML to design and implement real-world Java.
° Compliant and up-to-date with the latest version of the industry standard for modeling software programs, UML 2.0
° Concise and practical; written for the Java programmer
° Contains thorough Java code examples AND their related UML diagrams -- a critical and proven approach to learning
The Unified Modeling Language has become the industry standard for the expression of software designs. The Java programming language continues to grow in popularity as the language of choice for the serious application developer. Using UML and Java together would appear to be a natural marriage, one that can produce considerable benefit. However, there are nuances that the seasoned developer needs to keep in mind when using UML and Java together. Software expert Robert Martin presents a concise guide, with numerous examples, that will help the programmer leverage the power of both development concepts. The author ignores features of UML that do not apply to java programmers, saving the reader time and effort. He provides direct guidance and points the reader to real-world usage scenarios. The overall practical approach of this book brings key information related to Java to the many presentations. The result is an highly practical guide to using the UML with Java.
UML Class Diagrams for Java Programmers
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1. Overview of UML for Java™ Programmers.
Diagram Types. Class diagrams. Object diagrams. Sequence diagrams. Collaboration diagrams. State diagrams. Conclusion. Notes.
Why Model? Why build models of software? Why should we build comprehensive designs before coding? Making Effective use of UML. Communicating with others. Road maps. Back-end documentation. What to keep and what to throw away. Iterative Refinement. Behavior first. Check the structure. Envisioning the code. Evolution of diagrams. Minimalism. When and How to Draw Diagrams. When to draw diagrams and when to stop. CASE tools. But what about documentation? And Javadocs™? Conclusion.
The Basics. Classes. Association. Inheritance. An Example Class Diagram. The Details. Class stereotypes. Abstract classes. Properties. Aggregation. Composition. Multiplicity. Association stereotypes. Inner classes. Anonymous inner classes. Association classes. Association qualifiers. Conclusion. Notes.
The Basics. Objects, lifelines, messages, and other odds and ends. Creation and destruction. Simple loops. Cases and scenarios. Advanced Concepts. Loops and conditions. Messages that take time. Asynchronous messages. Multiple threads. Active objects. Sending messages to interfaces. Conclusion.
Writing Use Cases. What is a use case? The primary course. Alternate courses. What else? Use Case Diagrams. System boundary diagram. Use case relationships. Conclusion.
Design Quality. Design smells. Dependency management. The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). The Open.Closed Principle (OCP). The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP). The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP). Conclusion. Notes.
Iterative Development. The initial exploration. Estimating the features. Spikes. Planning. Planning releases. Planning iterations. The midpoint. Velocity feedback. Organizing the Iterations into Management Phases. What's in an Iteration? Developing in pairs. Acceptance tests. Unit tests. Refactoring. Open office. Continual integration. Conclusion. Notes.
Java Packages. Packages. Dependencies. Binary Components — .jar Files. Principles of Package Design. The Release/Reuse Equivalency Principle (REP). The Common Closure Principle (CCP). The Common Reuse Principle (CRP). The Acyclic Dependencies Principle (ADP). The Stable Dependencies Principle (SDP). The Stable Abstractions Principle (SAP). Conclusion. Notes.
A Snapshot in Time. Active Objects. Conclusion.
The Basics. Special events. Superstates. Initial and final pseudostates. Using FSM Diagrams. SMC. ICE: A case study. Conclusion.
The Mark IV Special Coffee Maker. A challenge. A common, but hideous, coffee maker solution. Missing methods. Vapor classes. Imaginary abstraction. God classes. A Coffee Maker Solution. Crossed wires. The coffee maker user interface. Use Case 1: User pushes brew button. Use Case 2: Containment vessel not ready. Use Case 3: Brewing complete. Use Case 4: Coffee all gone. Implementing the abstract model. Use Case 1: User pushes Brew button. Implementing the isReady() functions. Implementing the start() functions. How does M4UserInterface.checkButton get called? Completing the Coffee Maker. The benefits of this design. How did I really come up with this design? OOverkill. Notes.
Caveat Emptor. Unit Tests. The SMCRemote System. SMCRemoteClient. SMCRemoteClient Command Line. SMCRemote Communication Protocols. SMCRemoteClient. The Loggers. The Remote Sessions. RemoteSessionBase. RemoteRegistrar. RemoteCompiler. FileCarrier. SMCRemoteClient Conclusion. SMCRemoteServer. SocketService. SMCRemoteService. SMCRemoteServer. ServerSession. Three-Level FSM. UserRepository. OReillyEmailSender. PasswordGenerator. Conclusion. Tests for SMCRemoteClient. Tests for SocketService. Tests for SMCRemoteServer. Other Tests. ServerController (SMC Generated). Notes.
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