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Simply the Best Thinking...and Nothing But the Truth
Praise for The Truth About Thriving in Change
“Although we know that change is constant, we are always surprised by it. Bill provides a roadmap to successfully navigate corporate change. Being conscientious to follow the ‘Truths’ will enable people to successfully face any organizational challenge.”
Rosina Racioppi, President and Chief Operating Officer, WOMEN Unlimited, Inc.
"A must read for managers, Bill uses language with care, economy, and precision. Managing change is basically about helping people deal with uncertainty. This writing effectively uses a combination of practical experience, common sense, and humor in describing strategies designed to achieve desired results while maintaining morale and enhancing engagement."
Michael Mimnaugh, Vice President, Human Resources, Sony Corporation of America
"Many students are under the impression that a graduate degree will impart all wisdom, but what they fail to recognize is that there is no substitute for experience. What Bill's book does so well is to impart his substantial experience--along with the textbook knowledge--to move you ahead in your career. If you manage people or projects, the wisdom found within each 'Truth' will help keep you on the leading edge of your profession. This is a reference guide that belongs in your library."
Stuart J. Lipper, Senior Director of MBA Programs, Rutgers Business School, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Everything you need to know to drive and sustain successful change...what really works!
· The truth about transforming organizations without destroying morale
· The truth about why your way may not be the best way
· The truth about creating a cultural framework for long-term success
This book reveals 49 PROVEN CHANGE MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES and bite-size, easy-to-use techniques that work
This book brings together 49 powerful “truths” about planning, driving, and sustaining organizational change: real solutions for the tough challenges faced by every business leader. You'll discover which skills you need most, and how to develop to lead change without eroding employee motivation, commitment, and productivity...why you must start fast, and "run before you walk"...when to persuade, when to educate, and when to "use force" to make the change agenda everyone's agenda...and how to create the right cultural framework for successful change. This isn't "someone's opinion." It's a definitive, evidence-based guide to effective change leadership--a set of bedrock principles you can rely on throughout your entire management career.
The Truth About Thriving in Change: Life Is 10% of What Happens to You and 90% of How You React
Preface ix
Part I The Truth About Staying or Going
Truth 1 Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react 1
Truth 2 If your values don’t agree, it’s probably time to flee 5
Truth 3 Service awards aren’t what they used to be 9
Truth 4 Teaching long division doesn’t work on a Blackberry 13
Part II The Truth About What You should Pack
Truth 5 It’s not what you’ve got; it’s what you need 17
Truth 6 To manage change, you must lead change 21
Truth 7 You can’t do without a “can-do” attitude 25
Truth 8 If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything 29
Part III The Truth About those Early Days
Truth 9 Run before you walk 33
Truth 10 Keep your boss your biggest fan 37
Truth 11 There are only three ways to introduce change 41
Truth 12 Build the case: It’s a challenge and an opportunity 45
Truth 13 Teach others how to treat you 49
Part IV The Truth About Planning
Truth 14 If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll get there 53
Truth 15 To realize the future, you must create it 57
Truth 16 Convert aspiration to invitation 61
Truth 17 Having organizational values matters; living then means more 65
Truth 18 Make the change agenda everyone’s agenda 69
Part V The Truth About Communications
Truth 19 We listen with our eyes 73
Truth 20 Email is the tool of the devil 77
Truth 21 People can’t drink from a fire hose 81
Truth 22 Conversion is for missionaries and crusaders 85
Part VI The Truth About Matching People with Purpose
Truth 23 Organizational structure: Look in from the outside 89
Truth 24 Build your team around your “A” players 93
Truth 25 Candidate screening: Let the facts speak for themselves 97
Truth 26 Avoid the ten potential “placement pitfalls” 101
Truth 27 Don't surround yourself with yourself 105
Truth 28 Why you need to get staffing right 109
Truth 29 If you must “right-size,” do it the right way 113
Part VII The Truth About Managing Performance
Truth 30 One style doesn’t fit all 117
Truth 31 You can influence without authority 121
Truth 32 You can’t work the plan if you don’t plan the work 125
Truth 33 There’s no excuse for excuses 129
Truth 34 Know what buttons to push 133
Part VIII The Truth About Creating your Cultural Framework
Truth 35 Calm waters make for easier sailing 137
Truth 36 Trust is a currency not easily earned, but easily spent 141
Truth 37 If you’re out of sight, you’re probably out of touch 145
Truth 38 Teams aren’t a necessary evil 149
Truth 39 Your way may not be the best way 153
Truth 40 The whole is greater than the sum of the parts 157
Truth 41 Embrace[md]don’t run from[md]the questions! 161
Truth 42 Decision making: The fastest don’t always finish first 165
Truth 43 Exceptions: Can’t live with them; can’t live without them 169
Truth 44 Employee discipline: Ask the more meaningful question 173
Part IX The Truth About Recognition and Reward
Truth 45 Make every employee feel like your only employee 177
Truth 46 A little formal recognition goes a long way 181
Part X The Truth About Sustenance
Truth 47 Your best investment is in[el] YOU 185
Truth 48 Your title is manager; your job is teacher 189
Truth 49 Trying to be all things to all people is a slippery slope 193
References 197
About the Author 211
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H