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SQL Server Essential Reference provides solid grounding in fundamental SQL Server 7 administrative tasks to help you tame your SQL Server environment. With coverage ranging from installation, monitoring, troubleshooting, security, managing client connectivity, storage and transaction management, and back-up and recovery plans, SQL Server Essential Reference breaks down SQL Server administration into its necessary functions and key conceptual areas, making a quick reference work even more quickly. This speed and flexibility is derived from Sharon Dooley¿s care with the layout and content of the book. Utilizing convenient referential aids such as concise descriptions, useful examples, code examples, performance tips, warning and danger alerts, best practices, and helpful cross-references, this portable volume is the ultimate SQL Server reference. SQL Server Essential Reference is a must-have for any SQL Server administrator.
1. Fundamental Concepts.
What Is SQL Service 7.0? Editions. Components. SQL Server Databases. Inside a SQL Service Database.
Installing SQL Server 7.0. Installing SWL Server. Upgrading SQL Server 6.x Databases. Compatibility Mode. Advanced Topics.
Starting, Pausing, and Stopping SQL Server. Configuring SQL Server. Setting Up and Configuring Remote and Linked Servers. Windows NT and SWL Server. Troubleshooting Server Problems. Client Configuration. Troubleshooting Connectivity Problems.
SQL Server Disk Storage Structures. Planning the Physical Structure of Databases. Creating a Database. Managing Database Space Usage. Expanding Databases. Shrinking Databases and Files. Setting Database Options. Routine Maintenance and Troubleshooting. Under the Covers.
Transactions. Concurrent Update Problems. Locks. Interaction of Locks and Transactions. Modifying Default Locking Behavior. Monitoring Locks and Troubleshooting Contention Problems. Under the Covers.
Developing a Backup Strategy. Backing Up Databases. Backing Up System Databases. Recovering from Disasters. Moving Databases to Different Servers. Under the Covers.
Mail and SQL Server. Setting Up SQL Mail. Configuring SQL Mail and SQL Agent Mail. Troubleshooting.
Concepts. Choosing and Authentication Mode. Setting Up Logins. Using Server Roles. Managing Database Users. Defining Database Roles. Using User-Defined and Predefined Database Roles. Managing Permissions. Under the Covers.
The Query Processor. SQL Profiler. Index Analysis and Index Turning Wizard. Index Analysis. Index Turning Wizard. SQL Performance Monitor. Performance-Related Configuration Operations. General Performance-Related Options. Performance-Related Options That Apply Only to Multiprocessor Machines.
SQL Server-Specific Books. General Database Books. Periodicals. Other Resources.