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Teaches students current technology in a more readable format. Ex.___
Teaches students the fundamentals of DOS and how to maximize its capabilities. Ex.___
Shows students which tasks can be done faster and better in DOS than in Windows. Ex.___
Special Edition Using MS-DOS 6.22, Third Edition is an update to the successful best seller and the only up-to-date title on the market today. This edition will add to the second edition's coverage in the following areas:
Who Should Read This Book? What Hardware Do You Need? What Versions Are Covered? What Is Not Covered? How Is This Book Organized? Conventions Used in This Book.
1. DOS and the Personal Computer.DOS, Windows, and the PC. Other Flavors of DOS. PC Hardware. What Happens When the Power Is Turned On?. DOS and Random Access Memory. DOS and Disks.
2. Starting DOS.Booting Your Computer System Configuration. Creating Multiple Configurations. Project: Controlling the Boot Process.
3. Using DOS Commands.Understanding DOS Commands. Understanding the Elements of a DOS Command. Getting Help. Issuing DOS Commands. Troubleshooting.
4. Using the DOS Shell.What Is the DOS Shell? Starting the DOS Shell. Using the DOS Shell Menus. Using the Shell Screen Modes. Using the Program List. Working with Directories. Working with Files. Using the Task Swapper. Project: Using the Help System.
5. Understanding Files and Directories.Introducing the DOS File System. Understanding the Role of Directories. Expanding the File System Through Subdirectories. Helping DOS Find Files with PATH. Listing Directories with TREE. Using a Temporary Directory. Troubleshooting.
6. Understanding Disks and Disk Drives.Understanding the Disk's Magnetic Storage Technique. Understanding Disk Drives. Understanding the Dynamics of the Disk Drive. Understanding Disk Formats. Understanding DoubleSpace. Case Study: Adjusting for Drift.
7. Preparing and Maintaining Disks.Understanding Disk Preparation. Preparing Floppy Disks with the FORMAT Command. Preparing the Hard Disk. Disk Commands. Getting the Most Speed from Your Hard Disk. Getting the Most Space from Your Hard Disk. Projects.
8. Managing Your Files.Using DOS to Work with Files. Listing Files with the DIR Command. Viewing Files. Copying Files. Moving Files. Setting Defaults for COPY, XCOPY, and MOVE. Renaming Files. Comparing Files. Deleting Files. Using Interlnk to Share Another Computer's Resources. Case Study: Editing Files with Multiple Data Formats.
9. Protecting Your Data.Avoiding Data Loss. Understanding Microsoft Backup. Using Microsoft Backup. Understanding Computer Viruses. Unformatting a Disk. Recovering Deleted Files with UNDELETE. Using the Microsoft Undelete Program for Windows 3.x. Project: Developing a Backup Policy.
III. Controlling DOS.
10. Working with System Information.Changing the Date and Time. Displaying the Version Using the VER Command. Setting the Version Using the SETVER Command. Displaying Memory Statistics. Loading a Secondary Command Processor.
11. Controlling Your Environment.Changing DOS Variables. Changing the User Interface. Changing Disk Drives.
12. Using Peripherals.Understanding Device Drivers. Setting Up Device Drivers. Troubleshooting Device Drivers.
13. Controlling Devices.Device Commands. The CLS Command. The GRAPHICS Command. The PRINT Command. The CTTY Command. The MODE Command. Using Redirection Commands. The MORE Filter. The FIND Filter. The SORT Filter.
14. Understanding the International Features of DOS.Internationalization. Understanding COUNTRY.SYS. Understanding KEYB.COM. Understanding Code Page Switching. International Country Codes.
IV. Maximizing DOS.
15. Using the DOS Editor.Understanding the DOS Editor. Navigating the DOS Editor. Mastering Fundamental Editing Techniques. Learning Special Editing Techniques. Block Editing. Searching and Replacing. Managing Files. Starting the DOS Editor with Optional Switches. Project: Customizing the DOS Editor Screen.
16. Understanding Batch Files.Introducing Batch Files. Understanding the Contents of Batch Files. Creating a Simple Batch File. Understanding Replaceable Parameters. Using Batch File Commands. Pausing for Input in a Batch File. Using FOR..IN..DO. Moving Parameters with SHIFT. Running Batch Files From Other Batch Files.
17. Understanding ANSI.SYS.What Is ANSI.SYS?. Installing ANSI.SYS. Using ANSI.SYS. Controlling Your Screen with ANSI.SYS. Customizing Your Keyboard with ANSI.SYS. ANSI Control Codes.
18. Mastering DOSKEY and Macros.Using DOSKEY. Creating and Using Macros.
19. Configuring Your Computer.Getting the Most from Your Computer Resources. Understanding Device Drivers. Optimizing Your Computer's Memory. Providing Memory for Your Applications. Increasing Hard Disk Performance. Fine-Tuning Your Computer with CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.
20. Networking DOS.Common Networks for DOS-Based Computers. Learning Preinstallation Items. Installing the Novell NetWare Client Software. Installing the Microsoft Network Client. Using the Network. Project: Network Client Setup Tips.
21. Connecting to the Internet.Internet Connection Options for DOS-Based Computers. Connecting to Your ISP. Using Internet Tools. A Sample FTP Session. Project: Common Problems with DOS Internet Tools.
22. Third-Party Utilities.Enhancing Your Computer with Utility Programs. Understanding Freeware, Shareware, and Demoware. PKWare's PKZIP and PKUNZIP. McAfee VirusScan. 4DOS.
V. Appendixes.
Appendix A. Files Supplied with MS-DOS 6.22.About MS-DOS Files. MS-DOS 6.22 Files. MS-DOS 6.22 Supplemental Disk Files. MS-DOS Utility File Extensions by Version.
Appendix B. DOS Environment Variables.Understanding the DOS Environment. APPEND. COMSPEC. CONFIG. COPYCMD. DIRCMD. MSDOSDATA. PATH. PROMPT. TEMP and TMP. windir. WINPMT
Appendix C. DOS Messages.General DOS Messages. DOS Device Error Messages.
Appendix D. DOS and DOS Utility Programs' Keyboard Commands.DOS Startup Control Keys. ROM BIOS Control Keys. DOS Control Keys. Command-Line Editing Keys Without DOSKEY. Command-Line Editing Keys with DOSKEY. Edit Keystroke Commands. DOS Shell Keystroke Commands.
Appendix E. ASCII and Extended ASCII Codes Appendix F. Command Reference.DOS Commands by Function. Conventions Used in This Command Reference. ?, * 1.0 and later-Internal. > and >> 2.0 and later-Internal. < 2.0 and later-Internal. | 2.0 and later-Internal. :label 1.0 and later-Internal. %n 1.0 and later-Internal. %envir% 4.0 and later-Internal. @ 4.0 and later-Internal. ; 6.0 and later-Internal. ? 6.0 and later-Internal. [blockname] 6.0 and later- Internal. ANSI.SYS (device driver) 2.0 and later-External. APPEND 3.3 and later-External. ASSIGN 2.0 to 5.0-External. ATTRIB 3.0 and later-External. backup 2.0 to 5.0-External. BREAK 2.0 and later-Internal BREAK= 2.0 and later-Internal. BUFFERS= 2.0 and later- Internal. CALL 3.3 and later-Internal. CD or CHDIR 2.0 and later- Internal. CHAIN. CHCP 3.3 and later-Internal. CHDIR (see CD). CHECK. CHKDSK 1.0 and later-External. CHKSTATE.SYS (see MEMMAKER). CHOICE 6.0 and later-External. CLS 2.0 and later-Internal. CMOSCLK.SYS. CNFIGNAM.EXE. COMMAND 2.0 and later- External. COMP 1.0 to 5.0-External. CONFIG. COPY 1.0 and later-Internal. COUNTRY= 3.0 and later- Internal. COUNTRY.SYS (see COUNTRY=). CPBACKUP. CPBDIR. CPSCHED. CRC CREATE. CSCRIPT. CTTY 2.0 and later-Internal. CURSOR.EXE. CVT.EXE. DATAMON. DATE 1.0 and later-Internal. DBLSPACE 6.0 and later- External. DBLSPACE/AUTOMOUNT 6.2-External. DBLSPACE/CHKDSK 6.0 only- External. DBLSPACE/COMPRESS 6.0 and later-External. DBLSPACE/CREATE 6.0 and later- External. DBLSPACE/DEFRAGMENT 6.0 and later-External. DBLSPACE/DELETE 6.0 and later- External. DBLSPACE/DOUBLEGUARD 6.2- External. DBLSPACE/FORMAT 6.0 and later- External. DBLSPACE/INFO 6.0 and later- External. DBLSPACE/LIST 6.0 and later- External. DBLSPACE/MOUNT 6.0 and later- External. DBLSPACE/RATIO 6.0 and later- External. DBLSPACE/SIZE 6.0 and later- External. DBLSPACE/UNCOMPRESS 6.2- External. DBLSPACE/UNMOUNT 6.0 and later-External. DBLSPACE.SYS (device driver) 6.0 and later-External. DCONVERT. DEBUG 1.0 and later-External. DEFRAG 6.0 and later-External. DEL or ERASE 1.0 and later- Internal. DELOLDOS 5.0 and later- External. DELPURGE.EXE. DELWATCH.EXE. DELQ or ERAQ. DELTREE 6.0 and later- External. DEVICE= 2.0 and later-Internal. DEVICEHIGH= 5.0 and later- Internal. DEVLOAD. DIR 1.0 and later-Internal. DISKCOMP 1.0 and later- External. DISKCOPY 1.0 and later- External. DISKMAP.EXE. DISKOPT.EXE. DISPLAY.SYS (device driver) 3.3 and later-External. DOS= 5.0 and later-Internal. DOSBOOK. DOSDATA. DOSDOCK. DOSKEY 5.0 and later-External. DOSSHELL 4.0 to 6.0-External. DPMI. DPMS.EXE. DRIVER.SYS (device driver) 3.2 and later-External. DRIVPARM= 3.2 and later- Internal. DRMOUSE. DRVLOCK. DYNALOAD. E. ECHO 2.0 and later-Internal. EDIT 5.0 and later-External. EDLIN 1.0 to 5.0-External. EGA.SYS (device driver) 5.0 and later-External. EJECT. EMM386 5.0 and later-External. EMM386.EXE (device driver) 5.0 and later-External. ERASE (see DEL). ERAQ (see DELQ). EXE2BIN 1.1 to 5.0-External. EXIT 2.0 and later-Internal. EXPAND 5.0 and later-External. EXTRACT. FASTHELP 6.0 and later- External. FASTOPEN 3.3 and later- External. FC 3.3 and later-External. FCBS= 3.1 and later-Internal. FDISK 2.0 and later-External. FILELINK. FILES= 2.0 and later-Internal. FILEUP. FIND 2.0 and later-External. FOR 2.0 and later-Internal. FORMAT 1.0 and later-External. GOTO 2.0 and later-Internal. GRAFTABL 3.0 to 5.0-External. GRAPHICS 2.0 and later- External. HCONVERT. HELP 5.0 and later-External. HIINSTALL or INSTALLHIGH. HILOAD (see LOADHIGH). HIMEM.SYS (device driver) 4.0 and later-External IBMAVD. IBMAVSP. IEXTRACT. IF 2.0 and later-Internal. INCLUDE= 6.0 and later-Internal. INSTALL= 4.0 and later-Internal. INSTALLHIGH (see HIINSTALL). INTERLNK 6.0 and later- External. INTERLNK.EXE (device driver) 6.0 and later-External. INTERSVR 6.0 and later-External. JOIN 3.1 to 5.0-External. KBDBUF.SYS (device driver) External. KEYB 3.3 and later-External. KEYBOARD.SYS (see KEYB). LABEL 3.0 and later-Internal. LASTDRIVE= 3.0 and later- Internal. LH (see LOADHIGH). LOADER. LOADFIX 5.0 and later-External. LOADHIGH or LH 5.0 and later- Internal. MD or MKDIR 2.0 and later-Internal. MEM 4.0 and later-External. MEMMAKER 6.0 and later-External. MEMMAX. MENUCOLOR= 6.0 and later-Internal. MENUDEFAULT= 6.0 and later- Internal. MENUITEM= 6.0 and later-Internal. MIRROR 5.0-External. MKDIR (see MD). MODE 1.1 and later-External. MODE COM# 1.1 and later-External. MODE CON 4.0 and later-External. MODE device CP 3.3 and later- External. MODE display 2.0 and later- External. MODE LPT# 3.2 and later- External. MONOUMB.386 6.0 and later- Windows. MORE 2.0 and later-External. MOVE 6.0 and later-External. MSAV 6.0 and later-External. MSBACKUP 6.0 and later-External. MSCDEX 6.0 and later-External. MSD 6.0 and later-External. MSHERC 5.0-External. MWAV 6.0 and later-Windows. MWAVTSR 6.0 and later- Windows. MWBACKUP 6.0 and later- Windows. MWUNDEL 6.0 and later- Windows. NLSFUNC 3.3 and later- External. NUMLOCK= 6.0 and later-Internal. NWCACHE. NWCDEX. PASSWD. PASSWORD. PATH 2.0 and later-Internal. PAUSE 1.0 and later-Internal. PCM. PCMATA.SYS. PCMCS. PCMDINST. PCMFDISK. PCMRMAN (Standalone Utility). PCMRMAN (Command-Line Utility). PCMSCD. PCMSETUP. POWER 6.0 and later-External. POWER.EXE (device driver) 6.0 and later-External. PRINT 2.0 and later-External. PRINTER.SYS (device driver) 3.3 to 5.0-External. PROMPT 2.0 and later-Internal. QBASIC 5.0 and later-External. QCONFIG. RAMBOOST. RAMBOOST.EXE. RAMDRIVE.SYS (device driver) 3.2 and later-External. RAMSETUP. RD or RMDIR 2.0 and later- Internal. RECOVER 2.0-5.0-External. REM 1.0 and later-Internal. REMOVDRV. REN or RENAME 1.0 and later- Internal. RENDIR. REPLACE 3.2 and later-External. REPORT. RESIZE. RESTORE 2.0 and later-External. RMDIR (see RD). SCANDISK 6.22-External. SCANREG. SCHEDULE. SCREATE.SYS. SCRIPT. SDEFRAG. SDIR. SET 2.0 and later-Internal. SETUP (Stacker). SETVER 5.0 and later-External. SETVER.EXE (device driver) 5.0 and later-External. SHARE 3.0 and later-External. SHELL= 2.0 and later-Internal. SHIFT 2.0 and later-Internal. SIZER (see MEMMAKER). SMARTDRV 6.0 and later-External. SMARTDRV.EXE (device driver) 6.0 and later-External. SMARTMON 6.0 and later- Windows. SORT 2.0 and later-External. SSETUP. STAC. STACHIGH.SYS. STACKER. STACKS= 3.2 and later-Internal. SUBMENU= 6.0 and later-Internal. SUBST 3.1 and later-External. SWITCH. SWITCHES= 5.0 and later-Internal. SYS 1.0 and later-External. SYSINFO. TASKMGR. TIME 1.0 and later-Internal. TIMEOUT. TOUCH. TREE 2.0 and later-External. TUNER. TYPE 1.0 and later-Internal. UMBCGA.SYS. UMBEMS.SYS. UMBHERC.SYS. UMBMONO.SYS. UNCOMP. UNDELETE 5.0 and later-External. UNFORMAT 5.0 and later-External. UNINSTALL. UNPACK2. UNSTACK. VER 2.0 and later-Internal. VERIFY 2.0 and later-Internal. VFINTD.386 6.0 and later- Windows. VIEW. VOL 2.0 and later-Internal. VSAFE 6.0 and later-External. WINA20.386 5.0 and later- Windows. XCOPY 3.2 and later-External. XCOPY32. XDEL. XDF. XDFCOPY. XDIR.