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Show Me Adobe Photoshop provides the in-depth, wide ranging coverage that enables Photoshop users to get the most out of the image-editing software and included tools; it is the only book users need on Photoshop! Photoshop helps users work more efficiently, creatively, and will help them produce high-quality images for print and the Web. This book provides users with a tutorial to Photoshop and shows readers how to get the most out of the program, including core features such as photo retouching, enhanced Web output features, customization, and so on.
Working with Preferences in Photoshop CS
Getting Started with Photoshop CS.
Viewing the Photoshop CS Window. Managing System Requirements. Installing PhotoshopCS. Launching Photoshop CS - New! Optimizing Photoshop. Working with Photoshop Tools. Using Drawing Tablets. Defining Shortcut Keys - New! Managing Libraries with the Preset Manager. Controlling the Workspace. Adding and Subtracting Palettes. Creating a New Document - New! Creating a New Document for Video with Auto Guides - New! Working with Non-Squared Pixels - New! Importing Raw Data from a Digital Camera - New! Inserting Images in a Document. Using the Status Bar. Checking for Updates and Patches. Getting Help While You Work. Creating Personalized Tips. Saving a Document. Closing a Document. Exiting Photoshop.
Changing the View Size with the Navigator Palette. Changing the View Area with the Navigator Palette. Changing the Color of the Navigator Palette View Box. Changing the Screen Display Mode. Changing the View with the Zoom Tool. Increasing or Decreasing Magnification. Moving Images in the Document Window. Moving Layers Between Two Open Documents. Working with the Info Palette. Changing How the Info Palette Measures Color. Working with One Image in Multiple Windows. Working with Rulers. Creating Notes. Creating an Audio Annotation
Setting General Preferences - New! Modifying File Handling Preferences. Working with Display & Cursor Preferences. Controlling Transparency & Gamut Preferences. Working with Units & Rulers. Working with Guides, Grids & Slices. Selecting Plug-Ins & Scratch Disks. Allocating Memory & Image Cache. Working with the File Browser - New!
Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Using the Elliptical Marquee Tool. Using the Single Row and Single Column Marquee Tools. Using the Magic Wand Tool. Using the Lasso Marquee Tool. Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool. Using the Magnetic Lasso Tool. Selecting by Color Range. Modifying an Existing Selection. Using Freeform and Transform. Adding, Subtracting, and Cropping a Selection. Using Channels to Create and Store Selections. Using Smart Guides - New! Organizing with Multi-Level Groups. Using the Quick Mask Option.
Understanding the Layers Palette. Defining Layer Designations and Attributes. Creating a New Layer. Creating a Nested Layer Set - New! Creating a Selection from a Layer. Creating a Layer from a Selection. Converting a Background into a Layer. Control Image Information Using the Layers Palette. Moving Layers Between Documents. Organizing Layers with Sets. Using the Merge Layer Options. Working with Layer Blending Modes. Duplicating a Layer. Deleting Layers. Changing Layer Properties. Working with the Layer Comps Palette - New! Exporting Layers as Files - New! Setting Layer Palette Options.
Setting History Palette Options. Working with Linear and Non-Linear History. Controlling the Creative Process with Snapshots. Duplicating a History State in Another Document. Saving the History State of a Document. Reviewing the History State Text File. Controlling History States. Combining the History Brush with a History State. Using the Art History Brush. Changing the Eraser Tool into the History Brush.
Creating an Adjustment Layer. Modifying an Adjustment Layer. Merging Adjustment Layers. Creating a Temporary Composite Image. Grouping Adjustment Layers. Deleting an Adjustment Layer. Using Blending Modes and Opacity with Layers. Using Masks with Adjustment Layers. Creating Masks with a Selection. Using the Add Noise Filter. Using the Gaussian Blur and Despeckle Filters. Using the Unsharp Mask Filter. Using the Clone Stamp Tool. Using the Dodge and Burn Tools. Using the Healing Brush and the Patch Tools. Controlling Tonal Range. Working with the Histogram Palette - New!
Changing Color Modes. Understanding the Bitmap Color Mode. Understanding the Grayscale Color Mode. Understanding the Duotone Color Mode. Understanding the Indexed Color Mode. Understanding the RGB Color Mode. Understanding the CMYK Color Mode. Understanding the Lab Color Mode. Using the Multi-Channel Color Mode. Working with the Channels Palette. Using the Replace Color Adjustment. Working with the Color Palette. Working with the Swatches Palette. Using the Stroke and Fill Commands. Creating Spot Color Channels. Using the Variations Adjustment. Using the Levels Adjustment and Command. Using the Auto Contrast and Color Commands. Using Curves and Color Adjustments. Using the Saturate and Desaturate Commands. Using the Match Color Adjustment - New! Using the Selective Color Adjustment. Using the Channel Mixer Adjustment. Using the Gradient Map Adjustment. Using the Photo Filter Adjustment. Using the Shadow/Highlight Adjustment - New! Using the Invert and Equalize Commands. Using the Threshold and Posterize Adjustments.
Understanding Foreground and Background Colors. Using the Painting Engine. Modifying the Brushes Palette. Selecting Brush Tip Sets. Creating Customized Brush Tips. Saving Customized Brush Tips. Working with the Paint Engine. Working with the Paintbrush and Airbrush Tools. Working with the Pencil Tool. Working with Auto Erase. Working with the Line Tool. Using the Standard Shape Tool. Working with the Custom Shapes Tool. Creating a Custom Shape. Saving Custom Shape Sets. Using the Paint Bucket Tool. Working with the Eraser Tools. Working with the Magic Eraser Tool. Creating and Applying Gradients. Creating and Saving Customized Gradients. Using the Color Replacement Tool - New!
Understanding the Role of Layer Masks. Creating a Layer Mask. Working with the Paint Tools. Using Selections to Generate Complex Layer Masks. Using Layer Masks to Generate Soft Transparency. Blending Images with Layer Masks. Using a Layer Mask to Create a Vignette. Creating Unique Layer Mask Borders. Understanding Channel Masks. Creating Channel Masks from Scratch. Modifying Channel Mask Options. Creating Channel Masks from Selections. Making Channel Masks from Native Color Channels. Loading Channel Masks. Moving Channel Masks Between Documents. Combining Channel Masks. Using the Quick Mask Mode. Working with Quick Mask Options.
Understanding Vector and Raster Images. Converting a Selection into a Path. Working with Pen Tools. Creating Paths Using the Freeform Pen Tool. Using the Magnetic Option with the Freeform Pen Tool. Adding and Deleting Anchor Points. Modifying Anchor Points. Modifying Existing Direction Lines. Converting Straight Points and Curved Points. Working with Clipping Paths. Filling an Area of an Image Using Paths. Stroking an Area of an Image Using Paths. Creating Shapes as Paths. Exporting Paths to Adobe Illustrator. Exporting Paths Using the Export Method.
Understanding Layer Styles. Adding a Layer Style. Creating and Modifying a Drop Shadow. Working with Bevel and Emboss. Working with Contour and Texture. Applying a Color Overlay. Using the Stroke Layer Style. Using Pattern Overlays. Working with Outer Glow and Inner Shadow. Applying an Inner Glow Style. Creating Customized Layer Styles. Creating Customized Styles Using the Styles Palette. Moving Existing Layer Styles.
Using Standard Type Tools. Working with Type Options. Working with the Character Palette. Working with the Paragraph Palette. Setting Anti-Aliasing Options. Using the Warp Text Option. Using Spell Check. Finding and Replacing Text. Using the Rasterize Type Command. Creating Work Paths and Shapes from Type Layers. Creating Shape Layers. Creating a Type Mask. Isolating Image Pixels Using a Type Mask. Creating Chiseled Type with a Type Mask. Using Masks to Generate Special Effects. Creating and Modifying Text on a Path - New!
Working with the Filter Gallery. Applying Multiple Filters to an Image. Modifying Images with Liquify. Working with Liquify Tool Options. Working with Liquify Mask Options. Working with Liquify View Options. Creating a Liquify Mesh. Applying a Liquify Mesh. Using the Lens Blur Filter - New! Working with Photo Filters - New! Using Online Services to Print Photos - New! Building Custom Patterns. Using the Fade Command. Controlling Filters Using Selection. Using a Channel Mask to Control Filter Effects. Protecting Images with Watermarks. Viewing Various Filter Effects - New!
Examining the Actions Palette. Building an Action. Recording an Action. Adding a Stop to an Action. Controlling the Playback of a Command. Adding a Command to an Action. Deleting a Command from an Action. Working with Modal Controls in an Action. Changing the Order of Commands in an Action. Copying an Action. Running an Action Inside an Action. Saving Actions into Sets. Saving Actions as Files. Moving and Copying Actions Between Sets. Inserting a Non-Recordable Command into an Action. Using Enhanced Scripting - New! Enhancing the Process with Droplets. Using a Droplet.
Working with Page Setup in Macintosh. Working with Page Setup in Windows. Using Print With Preview. Printing a Document in Macintosh. Printing a Document in Windows. Printing of a Document. Printing One Copy. Understanding File Formats. Saving a Document with a Different File Format. Inserting File Information into a Document - New! Understanding File Compression. Preparing Clifor the Web. Preparing a Photograph for the Web. Preparing an Image for the Press. Preparing an Image for the Inkjet or Laser Printer.
Working with Batch File Processing. Creating a PDF Presentation - New! Creating a Contact Sheet. Working with Conditional Mode Change. Using the Crop and Straighten Photos Command - New! Converting a Multi-Page PDF to PSD. Designing a Personalized Picture Package - New! Using the Web Photo Gallery Command - New! Using Photomerge - 390 - New! Using the Fit Image Command.
Setting Up Soft-Proof Colors. Changing from Additive (RGB) to Subtractive (CMYK) Color. Working with Rendering Intent - New! Printing a Hard Proof. Using Monitor Calibration to Produce Consistent Color. Working with Color Management. Embedding ICC Color Profiles. Assigning a Different Profile to a Document. Converting the Color Space to Another Profile. Working with the Out-Of-Gamut Command. Printing a Target Image. Using the Hue/Saturation for Out-Of-Gamut Colors. Using the Sponge Tool for Out-Of-Gamut Color.
Saving for the Web. Working with Save for Web Options. Optimizing an Image to File Size. Working with Web File Formats. Optimizing a JPEG Document. Optimizing a GIF Document. Optimizing a PNG-8 Document. Optimizing a PNG-24 Document. Optimizing a WBMP Document. Creating a GIF from Scratch. Opening an Existing Animated GIF. Modifying an Animated GIF File. Slicing Images the Easy Way. Modifying and Compressing Individual Slices. Creating a JavaScript Rollover. Defining and Editing Web Data Variables - New! Exporting Directly to Flash - New!