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Teaches students techniques they will be able to utilize for many years to come.
Enables students to learn SQL using increasingly popular databases that are available to them at no cost.
Prepares students for whatever tasks theyll need to perform with SQL, while providing a firm foundation of key concepts and techniques they will constantly rely upon.
Students can be confident that their SQL code will work regardless of the platform they are using.
Gives students a single source for a wide range of techniques, from basic to expert-level.
Gives students practice data files they can practice essential SQL techniques with.
Gives students confidence that they are receiving information that is thorough, accurate, clear, and useful—and reflects the challenges they will actually face.
Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes has established itself as the gold standard for introductory SQL books, offering a fast-paced accessible tutorial to the major themes and techniques involved in applying the SQL language. Forta¿s examples are clear and his writing style is crisp and concise. As with earlier editions, this revision includes coverage of current versions of all major commercial SQL platforms. New this time around is coverage of MySQL, and PostgreSQL. All examples have been tested against each SQL platform, with incompatibilities or platform distinctives called out and explained.
Managing Transaction Processing for SQL Database Integrity
Sorting Retrieved Data from SQL Databases
Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 3 and Index)
Lesson 1. Understanding SQL.
Database Basics. What Is SQL? Try It Yourself. Summary.
The SELECT Statement. Retrieving Individual Columns. Retrieving Multiple Columns. Retrieving All Columns. Summary.
Sorting Data. Sorting by Multiple Columns. Sorting by Column Position. Specifying Sort Direction. Summary.
Using the WHERE Clause. The WHERE Clause Operators. Summary.
Combining WHERE Clauses. Using the IN Operator. Using the NOT Operator. Summary.
Using the LIKE Operator. Tips for Using Wildcards. Summary.
Understanding Calculated Fields. Concatenating Fields. Performing Mathematical Calculations. Summary.
Understanding Functions. Using Functions. Summary.
Using Aggregate Functions. Aggregates on Distinct Values. Combining Aggregate Functions. Summary.
Understanding Data Grouping. Creating Groups. Filtering Groups. Grouping and Sorting. SELECT Clause Ordering. Summary.
Understanding Subqueries. Filtering by Subquery. Using Subqueries As Calculated Fields. Summary.
Understanding Joins. Creating a Join. Summary.
Using Table Aliases. Using Different Join Types. Using Joins with Aggregate Functions. Using Joins and Join Conditions. Summary.
Understanding Combined Queries. Creating Combined Queries. Summary.
Understanding Data Insertion. Copying from One Table to Another. Summary.
Updating Data. Deleting Data. Guidelines for Updating and Deleting Data. Summary.
Creating Tables. Updating Tables. Deleting Tables. Renaming Tables. Summary.
Understanding Views. Creating Views. Summary.
Understanding Stored Procedures. Why to Use Stored Procedures. Executing Stored Procedures. Creating Stored Procedures. Summary.
Understanding Transaction Processing. Controlling Transactions. Summary.
Understanding Cursors. Working with Cursors. Summary.
Understanding Constraints. Understanding Indexes. Understanding Triggers. Database Security. Summary.
Understanding the Sample Tables. Obtaining the Sample Tables.
Using Aqua Data Studio. Using DB2. Using Macromedia ColdFusion. Using Microsoft Access. Using Microsoft ASP. Using Microsoft ASP.NET. Using Microsoft Query. Using Microsoft SQL Server. Using MySQL. Using Oracle. Using PHP. Using PostgreSQL. Using Query Tool. Using Sybase. Configuring ODBC Data Sources.
String Datatypes. Numeric Datatypes. Date and Time Datatypes. Binary Datatypes.