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Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003 in 21 Days provides the grand tour of the software, making Visual Basic accessible and easy-to-use. Steve Holzner, the author, helps you master the topic by seeing Visual Basic in action from the basics to deploying finished Window and Web applications with a working example for every topic in the book. From cover to cover, this book is pure Visual Basic .NET¿everything you need to know about the Visual Basic language and visual tools.
Mastering the Visual Basic Language: Procedures, Error Handling, Classes, and Objects
Mastering the Visual Basic Language: Procedures, Error Handling, Classes, and Objects
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Summary, Q&A, and Workshop.)
Visual Basic .NET Essentials.
Day 1. Getting Started with Visual Basic .NET!The History of Visual Basic. Putting Visual Basic to Work. Visual Basic .NET from a Programmers Perspective. The Visual Basic .NET Integrated Development Environment. Online Resources.
Day 2. Mastering the Visual Basic Language: Data, Operators, Conditionals, and Loops.Visual Basic .NET Keywords. Visual Basic .NET Statements. Declaring Variables. What Data Types Are Supported? Working with Strings. Performing Data Conversions. Declaring Constants. Creating Enumerations. Declaring Arrays and Dynamic Arrays. Using Visual Basic Operators. Making Decisions with If Statements. Making Decisions with Select. Making Decisions with Switch and Choose. Using the For Loop. Using the For Each Loop. Using the While Loop. Using the Do Loop. Using the With Statement. Ending a Program in Code.
Day 3. Mastering the Visual Basic Language: Procedures, Error Handling, Classes, and Objects.Sub Procedures. Creating Functions. Using Optional Arguments. Passing a Variable Number of Arguments. Preserving Data Between Procedure Calls. Understanding Scope. Handling Runtime Errors. Unstructured Exception Handling. Structured Exception Handling. Introducing Classes and Objects.
Part I. In Review.Visual Basic .NET Essentials.
Creating Windows Applications in Visual Basic .NET.
Day 4. Creating Windows Forms.Windows Forms in Overview. Creating a Windows Application. Windows Forms in Code. Handling Windows Forms in Code. Using the Built-in Message and Input Dialogs. Creating Applications with Multiple Forms. Creating MDI Applications. Creating Dialogs. Creating Owned Forms. Using Nonrectangular Forms. Creating Smart Device Applications. Handling Mouse Events. Handling Keyboard Events.
Day 5. Windows Forms: Working with Text Boxes, Buttons, Labels, Check Boxes, and Radio Buttons.Overview of the Control Class. Using Text Boxes. Using Rich Text Boxes. Using Labels. Using Link Labels. Using Buttons. Using Check Boxes. Using Radio Buttons. Using Panels. Using Group Boxes.
Day 6. Windows Forms: Working with List Boxes, Combo Boxes, Picture Boxes, Scrollbars, Splitters, Tool Tips, and Timers.Using List Boxes. Using Checked List Boxes. Using Combo Boxes. Using Picture Boxes. Using Scrollbars. Using Track Bars. Using Splitters. Using Notify Icons. Using Tool Tips. Using Timers.
Day 7. Windows Forms: Working with Menus, Built-in Dialogs, and Printing.Using Menus. Using Context Menus. Using the Built-in Dialogs. Using Open File Dialogs. Using Save File Dialogs. Using Font Dialogs. Using Color Dialogs. Using Folder Browser Dialogs. Printing with the PrintDocument and PrintSettings Objects. Using Print Dialogs. Using Print Preview Dialogs. Using Page Setup Dialogs.
Day 8. Windows Forms: Working with Image Lists, Tree Views, List Views, Toolbars, Status Bars, and Progress Bars.Using Image Lists. Using Tree Views. Using List Views. Using Toolbars. Using Progress Bars. Using Status Bars. Using Tab Controls.
Part II. In Review.Creating Windows Applications in Visual Basic .NET.
In-Depth Programming with Visual Basic .NET.
Day 9. Object-Oriented Programming.Constructors and Destructors. Overloading Methods. Creating Class (Shared) Members. Supporting Events with Objects. Comparing Objects. OOP with Structures and Modules. Using Inheritance. Using Access Modifiers. Using Inheritance Modifiers. Overloading, Overriding, and Shadowing with Inheritance. Using MyBase and MyClass with Inheritance. Inheriting Constructors. Creating Interfaces. Working with Polymorphism. Understanding Early and Late Binding.
Day 10. Graphics and File Handling.Graphics Handling. Using the Graphics Class. Using the Pen Class. Drawing With Graphics Objects. Redrawing Windows on Demand. Setting Drawing Colors. Filling In Figures. Handling Images. Drawing Text. Handling Files. Using the FileStream Class. Writing Text with the StreamWriter Class. Reading Text with the StreamReader Class. Reading Binary Data with the BinaryReader Class. Writing Binary Data with the BinaryWriter Class. Using the File and Directory Classes.
Part III. In Review.In-Depth Programming with Visual Basic .NET.
Creating Web Applications in Visual Basic .NET.
Day 11. Creating Web Forms with ASP.NET.Creating Web Applications. Know Your HTML. Creating a Web Application. Working with Web Forms. Handling Events in Code. Running a Web Application. Customizing Web Page Appearance in HTML. Preserving a Web Applications Data Between Server Accesses. Creating a Multiform Web Application. Mobile Web Applications. Handling Browser Programming in JavaScript. Detecting Browser Capabilities. Embedding Visual Basic Code in Web Pages.
Day 12. Web Forms: Working with Buttons, Text Boxes, Labels, Literals, and Placeholders.Working with Web Server Controls. Using Buttons. Using Text Boxes. Using Labels. Using Literals. Using Placeholders. Using XML Controls.
Day 13. Web Forms: Working with Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Tables, and Panels.Using Check Boxes. Using Check Box Lists. Using Radio Buttons. Using Radio Button Lists. Using Tables. Using Panels.
Day 14. Web Forms: Working with Images, Image Buttons, List Boxes, Drop-Down Lists, Hyperlinks, and Link Buttons.Using Image Controls. Using Image Buttons. Using List Boxes. Using Drop-Down Lists. Using Hyperlinks. Using Link Buttons.
Day 15. Web Forms: Working with Validation Controls, Calendars, and Ad Rotators.Using Validation Controls. Using Required Field Validators. Using Comparison Validators. Using Range Validators. Using Regular Expression Validators. Using Custom Validators. Using Validation Summaries. Using Calendars. Using Ad Rotators.
Part IV. In Review.Creating Web Applications in Visual Basic .NET.
Working with Databases in Visual Basic .NET.
Day 16. Handling Databases with ADO.NET.Whats a Database? Connections, Data Adapters, and Datasets. Connecting to Databases with the Server Explorer. Working with Data Adapters. Understanding ADO.NET. An SQL Primer. Handling Relational Databases. Using Multiple Tables in One Dataset. Working with Data Views. Working with MS Jet Databases.
Day 17. Binding Visual Basic Controls to Databases.Using Data Binding. Creating Simple Data Binding. Creating Complex Binding. Navigating in Data Sources. Creating Data Forms with the Data Form Wizard. Data Validation in Data-Entry Forms. Working with SQL Parameters. Using Data Relation Objects.
Day 18. Handling Databases in Code.Using Connection Objects. Using Command Objects. Using Data Adapters. Using the DataSet Class. Creating Datasets in Code. Filling a DataSet with Your Own Data (No Data Source Needed). Creating a Data Relation in Code. Reading the Data in a Tables Cells in Code. Using Data Readers.
Day 19. Using Databases in Web Applications.Using Simple Data Binding. Navigating Through Your Data. Using Complex Data Binding. Creating Master-Detail Data Forms. Using Datasets Locally with Internet Explorer.
Part V. In Review.Working with Databases in Visual Basic .NET.
Advanced Topics.
Day 20. Creating User Controls, Web User Controls, and Multithreading.Creating User Controls. Creating Web User Controls. Supporting Multithreading. Synchronizing Threads.
Day 21. Creating Windows Services, Web Services, and Deploying Applications.Creating Windows Services. Creating Web Services. Deploying Your Applications.
Part VI. In Review.Advanced Topics.