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This book will take you, step by step, through learning C#, the computer industry's newest and most productive language. This complete guide covers topics from basic program construction to intermediate level application engineering. Following "21 days" formula, this book is a three week intensive course for the beginning programmer who wishes to get started with this exiting new coding standard. The comprehensive lesson plan will enable the reader to understand, design and build applications that are compatible with the new Microsoft .net framework.
Storing Information with Variables in C#
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Summary, Q&A, and Workshop.)
Day 1. Getting Started with C#.What Is C#? Why C#? C# Versus Other Programming Languages. Preparing to Program. The Program Development Cycle. Your First C# Program. Types of C# Programs.
Day 2. Understanding C# Programs.C# Applications. Basic Parts of a C# Application. Structure of a C# Application. Analysis of Listing 2.1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Displaying Basic Information.
Day 3. Storing Information with Variables.Variables. Using Variables. Understanding Your Computer's Memory. C# Data Types. Numeric Variable Types. Literals Versus Variables. Constants. Reference Types.
Day 4. Working with Operators.Types of Operators. Punctuators. The Basic Assignment Operator. Mathematical/Arithmetic Operators. Relational Operators. Logical Bitwise Operators. Type Operators. The sizeof Operator. The Conditional Operator. Understanding Operator Precedence. Converting Data Types. Understanding Operator Promotion. For Those Brave Enough.
Day 5. Control Statements.Controlling Program Flow. Using Selection Statements. Using Iteration Statements. Using goto. Nesting Flow.
Day 6. Classes.Object-Oriented Programming Revisited. Defining a Class. Class Declarations. Data Members, aka Fields. Static Variables. The Application Class. Properties. A First Look at Namespaces.
Day 7. Class Methods and Member Functions.Getting Started with Methods. Using Methods. Program Flow with Methods. Format of a Method. Passing Values to Methods. Types of Class methods.
Week 1. In Review.The WR01.cs Program
Day 8. Advanced Data Storage: Structures, Enumerators, and Arrays.Structures. Enumerators. Using Arrays to Store Data.
Day 9. Advanced Method Access.Overloading Methods. Using a Variable Number of Parameters. Scope. Classes with No Objects. Namespaces Revisited.
Day 10. Handling Exceptions.The Concept of Handling Problems. Exception Handling. Adding Finality with finally. Common Exceptions. Defining Your Own Exception Classes. Throwing Your Own Exceptions. checked Versus unchecked Statements.
Day 11. Inheritance.The Basics of Inheritance. Polymorphism and Inherited Classes. Virtual Methods. Working with Abstract Classes. Sealing Classes. The Ultimate Base Class: Object. Using the is and as Keywords with Classes—Class Conversions. Arrays of Different Object Types.
Day 12. Better Input and Output.Understanding Console Input and Output. Formatting Information. Working Closer with Strings. Getting